Build interactive diagrams with intuitive UI. You can export result to PNG, JPG or SVG.
호환 기기:
A wireframe model is a graphical model of how a website should look like before the coding process begins. Buttons, text and image placements are agreed upon before a single line of code is written. The wireframe also shows how the user will be able to navigate through the website as the links on the wireframe work. Wireframes can also be known as UX models/UX designs. The common factor is that the design of the website/software is agreed upon 100% before any code is written to prevent having to revise code/throw away code written due a change in specifications.

Main Benefits of Using Wireframes

- Clear alignment of goals between different stakeholders such as executives, engineers, designers, project managers
- Avoid having to delete code due to a change in business specifications
- Allows everyone to brainstorm for ideas and ensure all ideas are taken into account for the project
- Allows projects to be on schedule, as there are no unexpected changes
- Collaborate with other stakeholders when making a software UI

Core Features of our Free Wireframe Model Maker

- Create unlimited wireframes for your software/website designs
- wireframes can be saved into your Google Drive/Local Computer
- 5+ free wireframes templates which you can edit to create your own wireframes
- Share your Wire Frame with other team members/individuals by creating a shared folder inside Google Drive
- Step by step tutorial on how to create your own wire frame
- Collaborate with your classmates/colleagues and allow them to edit the wire frame as well
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