Wizergos is a Project Governance and Meeting Management tool that lets you focus on the creative work while it takes care of data organizing and analysis.
Wizergos is a cloud based application that lets you focus on the cognitive work while it takes care of the mind-numbing information collection, organization, analysis, and reporting.

It can be used as a 'General Management and Operations' tool where you can create Meetings, assign and track Preparation, Agenda, Action Items. Record and share Decisions. Collaborate on Meeting Minutes, take down Notes. Communicate with attendees. Manage Parking Lot of Agenda Items. Create Follow-up Meetings. All information and knowledge generated in these meetings are intelligently organized and searchable.

The tool is extremely useful as a 'Project Governance' tool to Create customized Project Governance structure that best suits your organization. Additionally, optimized meeting screens for special project meetings like Project Planning, Sprint Planning, Stand-up, Sprint Retrospective, Project Retrospective helps make these meetings data driven and effective.
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