Transform and Grow your Business with WizyRoom chat based platform. WizyRoom helps you: - automate your business operations and support services, - extend your communication & collaboration ecosystem to partners & customers outside your GSuite environment, - connect all employees without an email address, - add Chat & Chatbots to your Android for work COSU (Corporate Owned - Single Use) devices. WizyRoom use cases: => Sales operations for a manufacturing company with complex sales => Last mile chat connection between Driver & Customers for a logistic company => ChatBot support automation for a B2B service company => Corporate & HR communication for blue collar workers without an email address WizyRoom in a nutshell: => Chat based Digital workspace built on Google Cloud Platform and natively integrated with Gsuite, => Leverages Google Artificial Intelligence services via ChatBots customized to your business needs, => No need to set up another login password. Your team is automatically authenticated in WizyRoom once they have logged in Gmail, => Open to the world outside Google: Partners, Customers, Employees without an email address can connect to WizyRoom using a login / password => Includes all basic functionalities for collaboration & operations: Chat, Notes, Tasks, Shared files, Clipped emails, Contacts, Events => Can be customized to your industry & business operations => Connects to your IT system via API’s Install now and enjoy a 15 day free trial. Contact for a free 2 hour business transformation call by one of our business consultants.