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Anarco Monarchista
28 febbraio 2021
Greetings Wolfram Research, This could have been the coolest thing to ever grace a spreadsheet program.This could have allowed me to make giant spreadsheets and have them go through the riemann zeta function and find a curve that fits the results and get its integral and revolutionize methemethics and be awesome. This could have been perfect. This could have just been a random sidebar with wolfram alpha and still have some use. I'd still hate the missed opportunitry but it'd still have some use and I'd get if the first option would require too much computational power. This could have been a calculator that can answer basic addition and subtractions. This could have been a piece of code that has the only purpose of decrypting the question of 1+1=x and looking cool. Instead, it can complete none of those tasks. It's literally a door stopper but not being physical it can't stop doors. I have rarely felt such ire and disappointment in my life. Sincerely, Anarcho-Monarchism Is Rad, At Gmail, Dot Com.
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