Woowa push notification for Google Forms™
Ändrades senast:22 september 2024
Fungerar med:
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Woowa seamlessly integrates with your Google Forms™, allowing you to send instant WhatsApp notifications to recipients as soon as they submit the form. Stay connected with your audience in real-time, keeping them informed and engaged throughout the process.


- Send WhatsApp messages
- Custom template message
- Spintext
- Shortcode
- Client & Admin notification
- Validate Country code

How Woowa Works:

- Select Type of product
- Input token to send messages
- Set country code default is 62 Indonesia
- Activate client & admin notification
- Select No Wa Input WhatsApp number
- Create Template
- Save settings
- Automatic Trigger will installed and run on form submit
- On trigger active send WhatsApp message to responder/client

Woowa Product Type:

- Woowa Multics
- Woowa Crm (Chrome Extension)
- Woowa Eco
- Woowandroid v1
- Woowandroid v2

➤ More details on https://woo-wa.com  
➤ This add-on is made by woo-wa.com  
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