Generate a customizable word cloud that you can download. Quickly find the theme of a document from viewing the most commonly-used words in a Doc.
Дата оновлення:20 листопада 2023 р.
1 млн+
Word Cloud For Google Docs™ is a word cloud generator that lets you effortlessly create beautiful word clouds from your Google Doc™. In the language of visual design, a tag cloud (or word cloud) is a one kind of "weighted list". Our word cloud generator enables you to quickly find the theme of a document by generating a word cloud. A word cloud also lets you find terms that are overused in your document - leading to more readable documents. 

Premium members have full control over the colors, angles, number of words and the words to ignore. Premium users can also download large, high resolution images in JPG, PNG, SVG, PDF and CSV formats. 
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