Allows users to create a Word Search game within Google Slides™
Дата оновлення:17 лютого 2025 р.
72 тис.+
The Word Search game addon for Google Slides™ is an excellent tool to help kids sharpen their cognitive and linguistic skills while having fun. With the ability to set various grid sizes ranging from 10×10 to 20×20, this addon caters to children of different ages and skill levels.

One of the significant benefits of playing word search puzzles is that they can improve vocabulary retention. Kids can learn new words and their spellings as they search for them on the grid. Additionally, word searches can help improve reading and comprehension skills as children recognize and identify words more quickly.

The Word Search game addon for Google Slides™ allows you to define the difficulty level of the puzzle in terms of the direction of the words on the grid. Kids can choose to have words arranged horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or even backwards, making each puzzle unique and challenging.

Another great feature of the Word Search game addon is the ability to define words in a comma-delimited list. This feature makes it possible for teachers or parents to create custom puzzles with words specific to a particular lesson or topic, making it a great learning tool.

The addon also provides the option to choose whether the word search is in all uppercase or all lowercase, giving kids the flexibility to search for words in a format that is most comfortable for them. And, for added convenience, answers to the puzzle are always provided.

Overall, the Word Search game addon for Google Slides™ is an excellent tool for children to improve their vocabulary, spelling, and cognitive skills. It is an engaging and interactive way to learn and have fun at the same time.

Alternative to wordwall to generate word search puzzles if you don't have a google classroom license.

Wordsearch answers are generated automatically towards the end.
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