Wordflow is a social and customizable AI writing assistant tool!
Pozycja zaktualizowana:20 marca 2024
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Wordflow is a social and customizable AI writing assistant! With Wordflow, you can easily write and run AI prompts with different large language models, including GPT 3.5/4 and Gemini Pro. You can also discover and share your favorite prompts with the larger community!

Within Wordflow, you can run prompts for free using the GPT 3.5 (free) option. However, if you would like to use your own OpenAI/Gemini Pro keys, you can save them within the Prompt Manager. By inputting your own API keys, you will have access to a larger range of LLM models: including gpt-3.5-turbo/gpt-3.5-turbo-1106, gpt-4, and Gemini Pro.

Within Wordflow's sidebar, you can save three of your favorite prompts to run within the "Prompting Toolbar". Additionally, you can run or save a new prompt by filling in the required sections in the "New Private Prompt" section of the sidebar.

By clicking on the "Prompt Manager" icon within the Prompting Toolbar, you can access all of your private prompts, shared community prompts, as well as Wordflow's settings. Within the Prompt Manager, you can edit any of your personal prompts, share them with the community, and add community prompts to your own collection. By clicking on the heart button on one of your prompts, this prompt will be added to your prompting toolbar!

Wordflow is completely free to use! The only costs associated with the add-on are if you would like to utilize your own OpenAI or Gemini Pro API keys.

A demo of Wordflow can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-X__z4wOP4.

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