The power of Artificial Intelligence for SEO in your Google Sheets™.
Ändrades senast:7 september 2023
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The WordLift Add-On brings the power of WordLift's platform to Google Sheets™. The Add-On works with your WordLift key in order to leverage your own vocabulary as well as Linked Data such as DBpedia and Wikidata. The aim of the Add-On is to give you a clear guidance of the most relevant concepts and entities you may want to add to your own vocabulary and to associate to your web pages.

Just create a list of URLs and keywords that are relevant for your content and let the Add-On do the rest: select the list, then go in Opportunities and hit Send. The Add-On will call WordLift's APIs to start crunching data, a process that usually takes between 2 to 5 minutes.

Click Update to check whether the data is ready and then Display to show the data in a new sheet in your spreadsheet. The sheet will list the concepts WordLift recommends to add to the vocabulary and to connect to the provided URLs.

The repeat for other URLs and keywords.
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