Get stats for your current active sheet and the entire workbook in one place.
61 тис.+
Workbook Statistics: Get stats for your current active sheet and the entire workbook in one place.

Post install tip:
- Refresh the sheet
- Navigate to the 'Add-ons > Workbook Statistics' menu
- Click on 'Get Stats' and wait until the add-on fetches the details
- Re-navigate to the 'Workbook Statistics' option and then hover over any of the 3 available options
- Hit 'Refresh All' to update stats

You can find stats for the following:

> Current Sheet:
	- Sheet Name
	- End of Sheet = Cell reference of where the sheet ends
	- Cells with Data
	- Named Ranges - similar to "Tables" in MS Excel
	- Pivot Tables
	- Cells with Formulas
	- Charts
> Entire Workbook:
	- Count of Sheets
	- Cells with Data
	- Named Ranges
	- Pivot Tables
	- Cells with Formulas
	- Charts

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Useful links:
- Application homepage:
- Privacy policy -
- Contact details -
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