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Organize project docs & links in one place and share doc templates with your teams.
Listing updated:July 6, 2023
Workona helps you get your work under control and finally feel organized. Workspaces keep important work for your project — cloud docs, links, notes & tasks — close at hand and easy to find. Join over 500,000 people using Workona to organize all of their work in one place.

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Workona has become one of my favorite tools. It's changed the way I work.
– Wade Foster, CEO of Zapier



Manage doc templates

➤ Streamline your team processes in Google Drive™ with doc templates (use your existing templates or create them from scratch).
➤ Ensure docs are always named correctly, organized in the folder they belong, and shared with whoever needs access.

Share doc templates with your team

➤ Team doc templates can be shared with just your team (not the whole domain), providing a framework to codify and iterate on your team processes in Google Drive™.

Role-based doc templates for easy employee onboarding

➤ If you’re onboarding new employees for Customer Success, Implementation, Sales, Marketing or another process-driven role, equip them with all the doc templates they need for their role on day one on the job.

Create & share docs faster

➤ Quickly create new docs from anywhere in your browser with the Workona browser extension.
➤ Easily create docs in the correct Google Drive™ folder — without having to navigate to the folder first!
➤ Tired of hearing “Can you share that doc with me?” Easily adjust doc access permissions right when you create the doc so you know everyone will have access.

Organize docs & links in one place

➤ Workspaces give you an easy way to organize the docs, spreadsheets, & presentations for a project right alongside the other cloud apps & links you need for the project.

Embed folders in workspaces

➤ Embed a Google Drive™ folder in a workspace for live-synced access to the docs and subfolders it contains. You can create docs (even from doc templates), right in the folder!

Search Google Drive™ from your browser

➤ Add the Workona browser extension to search Google Drive™ from any tab in your browser, or the new tab browser extension to access Google Drive™ search from your new tab page.
➤ Easily find your recently accessed docs at the top of the search results.
➤ Search for any doc, file, and folder across My Drive and all Shared Drives.


Google Drive™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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PricingFree of charge with paid features
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Workona: Templates for Docs, Sheets, & Slides will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Workona: Templates for Docs, Sheets, & Slides will need access to your Google account
This will allow Workona: Templates for Docs, Sheets, & Slides to :
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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