Quickly understand which Workspace edition is the best replacement option based on your current G Suite plan and features your business needs. The tool will also check any discounts available!
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 31일
How to install the Workspace Recommendation Tool:
● Only users with super admin access can install this app, either domain wide or individually
● Alternatively, the tool can be run by a super admin directly from the website

How to run the Workspace Recommendation Tool: 
● Access the app via the link shown when the tool is installed
● The app can also be accessed from the Google apps launcher

How the Workspace Recommendation Tool works: 
● The recommendation tool will analyze your current G Suite plan to find the best options
● Choose additional features your business requires (such as Vault) by clicking on the checkboxes for each additional service
● You will be presented with two recommendations: Option 1) this is the minimum upgrade for you based on your current setup and the features you require. Option 2) is the enhanced upgrade based on your needs
● You will be shown a discount range (up to x% off)
● Click on “Choose Offer” and you will be contacted by a member of our team with a custom tailored proposal for you

Please note:
► The Recommendation Tool is unable to provide the actual cost for your subscription since the price depends on many factors (including your country, number of licenses, etc.).
► Some discounts require you to have at least 10 licenses.

This free tool is brought to you from Cloudasta by ShuttleCloud, a certified Google Cloud Partner. We are Gmail and Workspace experts that have migrated millions of users and petabytes of data into Google. Our mission is to help companies get set up with and thrive with Workspace and we’re here to help you every step along your Workspace adoption journey!
Some of our current or past clients include: 
● 850+ small-medium business Workspace customers 
● Creative Agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi
● Top universities like Harvard, Georgetown, and Stanford

● FREE Self-service email migration application, see Marketplace listing here: https://gsuite.google.com/marketplace/app/email_migration/28670739313 
● We offer a turnkey Managed Migration service for advanced migration projects or when you need to migrate email, calendars, files, groups, etc. Learn more here: https://cloudasta.com/

ShuttleCloud Corp. received a Security Hall of Fame award from Google in 2012 (https://www.google.com/about/appsecurity/hall-of-fame/archive/) and has a record of providing excellent service and experience related to the Google ecosystem.
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