Highlight words or phrases in a Document using a list from a Spreadsheet!
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143 tys.+
For writers, you can highlight character names, place names, cliched phrases, overused words, filler words, sense-filtering words, swear words, etc.

* Basic mode for highlighting something quick and easy.

* Advanced mode for detailed configuration of your highlighting and search parameters. Highlight from a word list, highlight selections, highlight continuously as you type, highlight sentences by length! Clear highlights from doc or selection!

* Robust stats viewer for word count, word frequency, list of all sentences, and readability statistics.

* 100% free, no in-app purchases, no ads, no analytics tracking.  Created for writers, by a writer.

Quick Start Guide

1 -- Create a Spreadsheet with a word list in a column.

2 -- Create a Document with text to highlight.

3 -- Open this Add-on in the Document by going to the "Add-ons" menu and selecting "Writer's Highlighter" then "Start".

4 -- Copy your spreadsheet's link (address/URL) and paste it into the first box.

5 -- Select the sheet and column where your word list is located.

6 -- Configure the highlight settings as you wish.  The preview at the bottom shows how it will look.

7 -- Hover over the [?]'s for help.

8 -- Run the highlighter with the 'Highlight!' button.  

Alternatively, click the 'Highlight selection' button to manually highlight the text you select with your mouse, or use the 'Highlight sentences' button to highlight your sentences based on their length.
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