The XBRL Filed Data Google Sheet add-on lets you build queries to the XBRL US Public Filings Database and return results to your spreadsheet. You can also check XBRL reports with automated checks.
Oppføring oppdatert:13. februar 2025
Fungerer med:
Use the "Query" tab to formulate searches of our database - which includes reports copied from the US Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission within minutes of filing - and learn how to create/modify API calls. Use the online documentation ( to enhance and target your searches with the full complement of available endpoints.

XBRL US Members and public company filers can use the "Validate" tab to scan for data quality issues in XBRL reports. Visit or to learn more about this critical step in the process of creating useful data.

Visit the XBRL Data Community to download free templates, connect with other users to get your questions about the XBRL API answered, and share tips (

XBRL US Membership ( improves data access:

- non-Member: 100 records per query, with an offset limit of 1,000 records.
- Basic Individual Member: 500 records per query, with an offset limit of 2,000 records.
- all other XBRL US Members: 2,000 records per query, with unlimited offsets (all available data).

Sole Practitioners and Organizational Members also enjoy publishing rights and commercial use of data returned from our Database of Public Filings. Learn more about XBRL US Membership at

Any and all use of this XBRL US API Authentication Add-on, as well as the use of data retrieved through the XBRL US API constitutes full consent and agreement with the Terms of Agreement listed at
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