Statistical analysis in Google Sheets, with functions matching the Analysis ToolPak in desktop Excel.
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 21일
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With the XLMiner Analysis ToolPak Add-on, you can easily perform statistical analyses of the same types available in the Analysis ToolPak add-in that has been part of Microsoft Excel for over 20 years, and has been featured in large numbers of textbooks, videos, statistics courses and the like.

The add-on provides all 19 interactive functions included in the Excel Analysis ToolPak, plus a 20th function often requested by users, logistic regression.  Sidebar input fields and output on the spreadsheet will be very familiar to Excel Analysis ToolPak users.

The 20 functions are:
ANOVA: Single Factor
ANOVA: Two-Factor with Replication
ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication
Descriptive Statistics
Exponential Smoothing
F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
Fourier Analysis
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Moving Average
Random Number Generation
Rank and Percentile
t-Test: Paired Two-Sample for Means
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
z-Test: Paired Two-Sample for Means

Results will generally match the Excel Analysis ToolPak, as seen in many textbooks, screen images and videos.  The add-on's Random Number Generation function uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
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