Read and view mind maps instantly in Gmail without further ado.
호환 기기:
Don't let the clumssy clicks lag you behind from reading mind maps in attachments from colleagues, friends or partners. 

XMind makes browse mind maps in attachment easier and faster. With a simple click, it turns the attached mind maps into an immersive browse space where you can view topics, generate ideas and stay focused as always.

With XMind you can:

Fast and Time-saving - click and open .xmind file directly in a new tab without extra steps.

Never Miss a Single Detail - zoom in for a crystal clear view for every character, and zoom out for a general idea.

Safe and Secure - mind maps can be viewed personally without worrying document leakage. 

All this happens with XMind, where you can focus on what matters most and capture inspiration at a blink of an eye.
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