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The Xodo Google Marketplace app boosts productivity for Google Drive™ users working with PDF documents.
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:14 tháng 11, 2024
Hoạt động với:
36 N+
Tổng quan
Free PDF tool to edit, convert, compress, merge, combine, crop, and redact PDF files by Xodo ! Enjoy the better PDF experience by downloading the Xodo Google Workspace App.  After installing the Xodo Google Workspace app, you can open PDF documents from Google Drive™ by clicking any PDF file and select “Open with” > “ Xodo. Access PDF converter, PDF combiner, PDF filler, PDF editor, PDF merger and more to supercharge your productivity online.

How to Use:
- Install Xodo Google Workspace App
- Simply open your stored PDF files through the app
- Use our online tools to edit, convert, compress, merge, combine, crop, and redact.
- Download your new file or save directly to your Google Drive™

Powerful PDF Converters and PDF tools to boost your productivity:

- Convert PDF to Word, PPT, Excel, PDF/A, HTML, JPG, JPEG and PNG
- Convert JPG, JPEG, PNG to PDF
- Convert Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF
- PDF Reader
- Edit PDF
- Merge PDF
- Compress PDF
- Crop and redact PDF
- Fill PDF
- Split PDF
- Rotate PDF pages
- Delete PDF pages
- Reduce PDF size
- Combine PDF files
- Sign a PDF

With Xodo you can process various file types:
- Office: Word, Excel, powerpoint (doc, docx,  xlsx, ppt)

To access the full list of document processing tools, visit https://xodo.com/

By installing the Google Workspace App, you agree to Xodo Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (https://xodo.com/legal)
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Chỉ xem, chỉnh sửa, tạo và xóa các tệp Google Drive bạn sử dụng với ứng dụng này
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Xem thông tin cá nhân của bạn, bao gồm mọi thông tin cá nhân mà bạn đã đăng công khai
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