With XTM Connect for Google Sheets you can deploy a new, highly flexible & collaborative workflow where content creation and translation go hand in hand!
Дата оновлення:17 грудня 2021 р.
11 тис.+
Easily select content, send it to your XTM account for translation and receive the translated text back into the predefined location. 

You can select specific cells, columns or the entire sheet. When the work is finished, you will receive the translation inserted into the specified cells.

Synchronize XTM Connect with your XTM account to benefit from two powerful translation modes:

1) Columns – specify source and target text columns. Treat one column as the source for multiple target languages or collect source text from more columns. Translations will be returned to the same sheet, into the columns that you specify.

2) Sheet – choose a single sheet with the source text and set the target languages. Translations will be delivered to newly created sheets, one for each target language, identified by intuitive language codes.

Choose suitable project templates to streamline the translation workflow in XTM, save the most frequently used settings as defaults to automate repetitive work, and set deadlines where appropriate.

With XTM Connect for Google Sheets you can deploy a new, highly flexible & collaborative workflow where content creation and translation go hand in hand!
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