Easily create free calendar templates in Google Spreadsheets™
Oppføring oppdatert:21. oktober 2024
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➤ ➤ ➤ FEATURES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Programmatically import calendar templates into your Google Spreadsheet™.

The following templates are available:
-) For the previous year
-) For the current year
-) For the next year

Each template displays:
-) Month
-) The weekday names
-) The calendar week
-) Day of the month

In addition you can choose your country and get the local holidays highlighted.

➤ ➤ ➤ ISSUES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Only the "Help" menu item does show up
Just reload the page or wait a couple of seconds more, then all menu items will show up.

2) The error message "drive.google.com refuses to connect" shows up within the sidebar
The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

3) The sidebar is completely blank
The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

➤ ➤ ➤ SUPPORT ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Our website offers a FAQ section, with answered questions from other users. In addition you will find a contact form, to get in touch with us.

We are grateful for any feedback and feature requests :)
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YAA: Calendar Templates kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
YAA: Calendar Templates kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
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se og administrere regneark denne appen er installert i
Vis og kjør nettinnhold fra tredjeparter i meldinger og sidefelt inne i Google-apper
koble til en ekstern tjeneste
tillate denne appen å kjøre når du ikke er tilstede
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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