A dice roller and character keeper aid for tabletop role playing games
Fiche mise à jour le :22 décembre 2022
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Yonder Dice Roller for Sheets is a free add-on for Google Sheets™ to enhance your online tabletop role playing game experience.

Roll and share your results quickly without pausing your game.

Yonder works well with Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) style games that require rolling 2d6 + stat. You import your stats from your spreadsheets, use bonuses, and roll from within a sidebar all without leaving your character keeper.

Support for Forged in the Dark (FitD) is now available. Roll the amount d6's needed including devil's bargains. D20 System games that need a 1d20 + Stat rolls also work well with Yonder. Direct support for some 2d20 games is available together with some other small press TTRPG publications.

And if you are looking for more Google Sheets™ character keepers you can check the community at The Gauntlet, they host some great resources!

Find more information at https://anya.reyescon.de/yonder/
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Yonder Dice Roller for Sheets aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
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