Access and manage Salesforce, Hubspot, and SugarCRM data in Google Spaces!
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:12 tháng 10, 2023
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Yoxel Signals allows you to drive deeper collaboration and better business outcomes by delivering the right customer data to the right people at the right time. Leverage the way people work and the tools you have already invested in!

Yoxel Signals connects your existing workflow automation tools (Salesforce Flow, Hubspot Workflow, SugarCRM WebLogic Hooks) with MS Teams giving your CRM admins control over the configuration of data signals.

- Get laser-focused on what is important and increase the engagement of your workforce.
- Save time & increase the value of the software you already have: CRM and its workflow builders.
- Improve the data quality in Salesforce by allowing your team to make timely updates without ever leaving Teams.

To enable the Salesforce Flow integration ask your Salesforce admin to install the Yoxel Workspace Sync package:
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