Track real-time stats of YouTubeâ„Ē videos/channels like no of likes, dislikes, views, comments, subscribers. Pull all public video metrics of any channel. Setup scheduled update.
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āļ āļēāļžāļĢāļ§āļĄ
With YT Tracker, you can export public real-time YouTubeâ„Ē video/channel analytics to Google sheetâ„Ē. All you have to do is pasting the video/channel ID to the first column of the sheet, YT Tracker will do the rest.

YT Tracker is fast 🚀 as it uses YouTubeâ„Ē Data APIs to pull data. A test run proved it exports 1000 video details in approximately 57 seconds. You can paste video/channel IDs in bulk to the sheet to pull the data.

You can also export stats of all the videos from a channel to a sheet in descending order of upload time.

With the help of a config, you can update the metrics on a set schedule automatically in the background. YT Tracker supports auto-update every 1/2/5/10/24 hours. You can get the updated numbers using Google Sheetsâ„Ē API. 

With an option to disable, you can auto-refresh the metrics whenever you open the sheet. You can pick the list of parameters you want to export to the sheet. You can choose to abbreviate the counts.

🏆 Some use cases:
If your work involves YouTubeâ„Ē video/channel analytics, you will be much productive with YT Tracker.
- Your own or competitor's channel analytics.
- View all thumbnails of the tracked videos in one place.
- Subscriber counter using scheduled update configuration.

📃 List of fields YT Tracker can export:
Following video stats,
Title, Description, Channel Name, Channel ID, Published on, Thumbnail, (Standard, Max Res, Medium, Default, High quality) thumbnail URL, Duration, Is Licensed, Is Live now, Live Viewers, Live Start Time, Live End Time, Live Scheduled Start Time, Live Scheduled End Time, Caption Available, Tags, number of views, likes, dislikes, comments.

Following channel metrics,
Title, Description, Published on, Thumbnail, (Medium, Default, High quality) thumbnail URL, number of videos, views, subscribers.

🎁 Features:
âžĪ Export stats of any public YouTubeâ„Ē video/channel.
âžĪ All exported data is in real-time.
âžĪ Refresh numbers periodically automatically in the background.
âžĪ Export all videos uploaded by any particular channel to a sheet.
âžĪ Refresh data on demand.
âžĪ Abbreviate counts with a config.
âžĪ Pick and export the data fields you are interested in.
âžĪ Auto-refresh the sheet data on open, with an option to disable via config.

🔐 Needed permissions explained:
âžĪ View your YouTubeâ„Ē account
This is the least sensitive permission the add-on must have to fetch any public YouTubeâ„Ē data. YT Tracker doesn’t fetch any personal YouTubeâ„Ē data.

âžĪ See, edit, create and delete your spreadsheets in Google Driveâ„Ē
As the metrics are exported to a spreadsheet, this permission is needed. YT Tracker doesn’t delete or create any spreadsheet.

âžĪ Connect to an external service
YT Tracker makes requests to the developer’s backend to check if you are a premium user.

âžĪ Allow this application to run when you are not present
Auto-refresh on open feature needs this permission to work. YT Tracker won’t ever run on its own in the background when the sheet is closed.

âžĪ Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Googleâ„Ē applications
If you want premium features, payment can be made within the sheet. To run PayPal in the sidebar,  this permission is required. 

ðŸĪ” How to use:
1. After installing, select Extensions → YT Tracker → Track YouTubeâ„Ē Videos/Channels.
2. Wait for a few seconds. A sheet will be generated with a template.
3. Add video IDs/channel IDs to the first column of the sheet to start tracking.

ðŸ’Ŧ Premium:
YT Tracker is free to use with some limitations in its functionality. However, you can upgrade to premium to use it without any limitations. 

For example, you can only add 25 videos for statistics in the videos sheet and 10 channels in the channels sheet in the free version.

Select Extensions → YT Tracker → Buy Premium to unlock premium features.

â„đïļ Resources
YouTubeâ„Ē video -
Documentation for the product -

🙋 Feature Requests
I constantly work to improve the add-on. If you want any new features, feel free to drop a mail at
YT Tracker: YouTubeâ„Ē Stats & Analytics āļˆāļ°āļ‚āļ­āļŠāļīāļ—āļ˜āļīāđŒāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļŠāļ”āļ‡āļ”āđ‰āļēāļ™āļĨāđˆāļēāļ‡ āļ”āļđāļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļĄāļđāļĨāđ€āļžāļīāđˆāļĄāđ€āļ•āļīāļĄ
YT Tracker: YouTubeâ„Ē Stats & Analytics āļ•āđ‰āļ­āļ‡āļĄāļĩāļŠāļīāļ—āļ˜āļīāđŒāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ–āļķāļ‡āļšāļąāļāļŠāļĩ Google
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Chauchat Sanitthai
12 āļ˜āļąāļ™āļ§āļēāļ„āļĄ 2563
āļœāļĄāļ‚āļ­āđ‚āļ—āļĐāļœāļĄāļ­āļēāļˆāđ„āļĄāđˆāđƒāļŠāđˆāļĄāļ·āļ­āļ­āļēāļŠāļĩāļžāđāļ„āđˆāļ™āļąāļāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļ—āļģāđƒāļŦāđ‰āļžāļ§āļāļ„āļļāļ“āļ›āļ§āļ”āļŦāļąāļ§ āđāļ•āđˆāļœāļĄāļāđ‡āļģāļ”āđ‰āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļļāđ‰āđ€āļĒāļ­āļ°āļĄāļēāļāļ›āļĢāļ°āļŠāļšāļāļēāļĢāļ”āļĩāđ†āđ€āļĒāļ­āļ°āļˆāļēāļāļžāļ§āļāļ„āļļāļ“ āļ‚āļ­āļšāļ„āļļāļ“āļĄāļēāļāļ„āļĢāļąāļš
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pizz studio Berlin 1987
6 āļĄāļāļĢāļēāļ„āļĄ 2564
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