Easily analyze real estate properties for long & short term rentals, fix & flips for theoretical ROI, cash-on-cash return, cap rate, and more. An alternative to Bigger Pockets tools.
Ficha actualizada:19 de diciembre de 2024
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Información general
The Z Real Estate Calculator Google Sheets™ add-on is a FREE app that helps you estimate and analyze properties for long and short term rentals, and fix and flips. Calculate theoretical return on investment, cash-on-cash return, cap rate, net operating income, operating expenses, and more.

These calculators are a great and capable alternative to Bigger Pockets' tools.

🧪Core Features: 
    ✔️Analyze unlimited properties for:
        ✔️Long term rentals
        ✔️Short term rentals
        ✔️Fix and flips
    ✔️Detailed analysis based on:
        ✔️Purchase details (Down payment, closing costs)
        ✔️Loan details (interest rate, points, loan term)
        ✔️Rental income, vacancy/occupancy rates
        ✔️Expenses (taxes, insurance, CapEx, management fees, etc.)
        ✔️ARV, rehab costs, holding costs, etc.
    ✔️Comes with predefined formulas built into analyses
    ✔️Customizable and flexible analysis results sheet

Try out the FREE Chrome Extension to automatically extract Zillow properties data: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/z-real-estate-scraper/jdidjlghecfpaedabjinjfpdlcioeklo

100% FREE forever

Use of this calculator signifies your agreement to our Terms and Conditions. The calculators found in the Z Real Estate Calculator add-on are designed to be used for informational and educational purposes only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice. You should always seek professional advice before getting into any type of investing.


📘 Change log:
12/19/2024: Update pricing to be free.
8/14/2023: Initial publish
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