Zaver simplifies influencer marketing from discovery, analysis & outreach. With AI insights and built-in email templates, it integrates seamlessly into your workflow, saving time, money, and effort.
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Zaver is a cutting-edge influencer marketing platform designed to streamline and optimize the entire process of influencer discovery, profile analysis, and outreach. It addresses common challenges faced by marketers, brands, and agencies by providing a streamlined workflow integrated directly into Google Sheetsโ„ข. With Zaver, you can easily find the right influencers, analyze their profiles using AI-driven insights, and manage outreach with built-in email templates. This all-in-one tool helps save time, reduce costs, and maximize your campaign ROI.

Here's How to Get Started:
Sign Up:
โžค Begin by signing up on the Zaver dashboard at
โžค Choose the plan that best fits your needs, whether it's the starter plan for small campaigns or the advanced plan for comprehensive features.
โžค Zaver also offers a free trial, allowing you to explore its tools and features without commitment.

Generate Your API Key:
โžค Once signed up, generate your unique API key from the dashboard.
โžค This key is crucial as it provides access to all the features offered by Zaver.

Install the Zaver Addon:
โžค Head over to the Google Workspaceโ„ข Marketplace, search for "Zaver," and install the addon.
โžค This simple installation process integrates Zaver's powerful tools directly into your Google Sheetsโ„ข.

Activate Your API Key:
โžค In Google Sheetsโ„ข, navigate to Extensions -> Zaver -> Activation Settings.
โžค Enter your API key and click 'Activate.'
โžค This step unlocks all functionalities, allowing you to leverage Zaver's features like influencer discovery, profile analysis, and email outreach directly within Google Sheetsโ„ข.

Why Zaver?
Zaver stands out in the crowded influencer marketing space due to its user-friendly interface and powerful features. It offers an end-to-end solution that not only simplifies influencer marketing but also makes it more effective. Hereโ€™s why Zaver is the best choice:

โžค Comprehensive Features: From discovery to outreach, Zaver covers every aspect of influencer marketing. Its AI-driven insights and key performance metrics allow you to make data-informed decisions.
โžค Cost-Effective: Zaver offers competitive pricing plans, including a free trial, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
โžค Seamless Integration: Zaver integrates seamlessly with Google Sheetsโ„ข, allowing you to work within a familiar environment. This integration ensures that all your data and workflows are in one place, reducing the need for multiple tools.
โžค Time-Saving: By automating processes like influencer discovery and outreach, Zaver saves valuable time, allowing you to focus on strategy and creativity.
โžค User-Friendly: The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those new to influencer marketing.

Pricing and Free Trial
Zaver offers flexible pricing plans tailored to different business needs. Whether you're a startup, a growing brand, or an established agency, there's a plan that fits your requirements. Additionally, Zaver provides a free trial so you can explore all its features and see how it fits into your workflow before committing.

Zaver Benefits
Zaver offers numerous benefits, making it a must-have tool for influencer marketers:

โžค Efficient Influencer Discovery: Use advanced search filters to find influencers that align perfectly with your brand's goals and values.
โžค AI-Driven Insights: Analyze influencer profiles to understand their engagement rates, audience demographics, and more.
โžค Built-In Outreach Tools: Send personalized emails using built-in templates directly from Google Sheetsโ„ข, streamlining your communication process.
โžค Custom Formulas and Data Integration: Integrate data seamlessly into your existing workflow, making it easy to pull insights and metrics wherever needed.
โžค Performance Tracking: Monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns, helping you optimize for better results.

Zaver is packed with features that cater to every aspect of influencer marketing:

โžค Magic Search: Discover influencers effortlessly with advanced search capabilities.
โžค AI Insights: Gain in-depth insights into influencer metrics, including engagement rates, follower counts, and audience demographics.
โžค Email Outreach: Use pre-made templates or create your own to send bulk emails to selected influencers.
โžค Custom Formulas: Utilize custom formulas to integrate data into your existing workflow. Use them by typing =IG_ in cell to see a list of available formulaes and its usage. 
โžค Dashboard Analytics: Track and analyze the performance of your influencer campaigns in real-time.

Tutorial on How to Use Zaver
To help you get the most out of Zaver, we offer detailed tutorials and guides. These resources cover everything from setting up your account to advanced features like using AI-driven insights and email outreach. Whether you're new to influencer marketing or an experienced professional, our tutorials will help you leverage Zaver's full potential.

To assist you further, we've compiled a comprehensive FAQ section. Here, you'll find answers to common questions about using Zaver, troubleshooting tips, and best practices for maximizing your influencer marketing efforts.

What Makes Zaver the Best Influencer Marketing Platform for Influencer Marketers?
โžค Zaver simplifies the influencer marketing process, providing a comprehensive set of tools for discovering, analyzing, and managing influencers.
โžค By integrating these features into Google Sheetsโ„ข, Zaver ensures that influencer marketers can work within a familiar environment, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
โžค With AI-driven insights and customizable outreach options, Zaver empowers influencer marketers to make data-informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and achieve better results.

What Makes Zaver the Best Influencer Marketing Platform for Brands?
โžค For brands, Zaver offers a powerful solution to streamline their influencer marketing efforts.
โžค The platform's advanced discovery tools help brands identify the right influencers that align with their values and goals.
โžค With AI-powered profile analysis, brands can gain a deeper understanding of an influencer's audience and engagement metrics.
โžค The built-in email outreach functionality allows brands to connect with influencers directly from Google Sheetsโ„ข, simplifying the communication process and ensuring a cohesive workflow.

What Makes Zaver the Best Influencer Marketing Platform for Influencer Agencies?
โžค Influencer agencies can benefit greatly from Zaverโ„ข's all-in-one solution.
โžค The platform provides tools to manage multiple influencer campaigns efficiently, from discovery to outreach.
โžค Zaver's AI-driven insights enable agencies to provide their clients with detailed analysis and reports on influencer performance.
โžค The seamless integration with Google Sheetsโ„ข ensures that agencies can incorporate Zaverโ„ข into their existing workflows without disruption.
โžค With customizable email templates and bulk outreach capabilities, Zaver helps agencies save time and deliver exceptional results for their clients.


6/Aug/2024: Usability & bug fixes.
8/Aug/2024: Bug fixes & UI improvisations
16/Aug/2024: Usability improvisation and post tracking feature
17/Sep/2024: Mail merge personalization
27/Sep/2024: Bug fixes
11/Dec/2024: New multiplatform feature
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