Zen users can design spreadsheets as executable functions. Users can create spreadsheets that accept data in the form of input worksheets, execute logic in other worksheets, then produce a final set of output worksheets as the spreadsheet's results. Zen supports several computational directives. With Zen, Pebblers can perform joins, outer joins, cross joins, and cell drag downs with button clicks. Zen's user interface makes these complex data transformations accessible to expert and beginning spreadsheet users. Zen users, using the advanced computational directives provided by Zen, can join worksheets by join criteria, stack worksheets on top of each other, and generate new worksheets based on other worksheets. Zen enables the automation of data manipulation functions available as manual options in typical spreadsheet applications. Join our beta testing group and get support directly from our team - https://join.slack.com/t/zen-spreadsheet/shared_invite/zt-1akhtikxj-2pmRFbkIzFrN1B_5OFBm5Q