ZIP Extractor® is a free app for creating and opening ZIP files on your computer and Google Drive™. Files in the RAR, 7z, and TAR format are also supported, including password-protected files.
Дата оновлення:1 серпня 2024 р.
66 млн+
ZIP Extractor® is a free app for creating and opening ZIP files on your computer and Google Drive™. 

* ZIP Extractor® supports opening password-protected files. 

* You can preview and download individual files inside the ZIP file without having to extract the whole ZIP.

* ZIP extractor® can open ZIP, RAR, TAR, 7z (7-Zip), GZIP (GZ), BZIP (BZ2), and TAR.GZ files

How to use ZIP Extractor®

1. To begin, select a ZIP file to open from Gmail™, Google Drive™, or your computer.

2. Once displayed, click on any individual file inside the ZIP to view or download it.

3. Press the "Extract" button to extract the selected files to Google Drive.

4. A new folder will be created in Google Drive™ for the unzipped files ending with "(Unzipped Files)".

5. After extraction, click "View Files" to go to the unzipped files in Google Drive™.

How ZIP Extractor® Works

* ZIP Extractor® is a pure JavaScript web app. All extraction and decompression is done on your computer, directly in your web browser, and not on any server.

* ZIP Extractor® can open password-protected ZIP files. The password is only used on your computer to open the ZIP file and is never sent over the network.

* ZIP Extractor® supports the RAR and 7-ZIP (7z) file formats, including password-protected RAR and *.7z files.

* ZIP Extractor® also supports TAR, GZIP, and BZIP files (*.tar, *.gz, and *.bz2 files).


Google Drive™ is a trademark of Google LLC

Gmail™ is a trademark of Google LLC

ZIP Extractor® is a registered trademark of Visware LLC
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ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
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Додаток ZIP Extractor запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку ZIP Extractor буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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