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Deliver more happiness in every support ticket with Zoho Desk. Receive support tickets from email, phone, chat, social media. Respond to them from a single place.
Eintrag aktualisiert:27. Dezember 2022
>> Put customer service at the heart of your company.
Zoho Desk is the industry's first context-aware help desk software that helps businesses focus on the customer.

>> Close tickets. Open happiness.
Zoho Desk gives your team the best tools to help customers while automating frequent tasks that otherwise take up precious time.
>> Don't improvize. Improve.
With Zoho Desk, identify the right trends and patterns in your team's efforts, make improvements, and inspire better performance.
>> One company. One team.
Zoho Desk helps bring together employees from across departments, to give customers a truly unified customer service experience.
>> Convenience is key.
When your customers want to reach out, be available for them over a variety of channels—email, phone, live chat, social media and more.
>> Self-help is the best help.
Equip customers so they can find answers to questions on their own and help their peers in the true spirit of a community.
>> Your help desk, truly yours.
Zoho Desk understands the uniqueness of your business, and allows you to customize extensively and integrate it with other apps.
>> Sync contacts and users.
Add business contacts from Google Contacts to Zoho Desk. Stay connected to every contact by syncing them with Google.
>> Pricing:
Free for up to 10 users. Fully featured plans begin at $12/user/month.
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