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Zoho Expense is an expense reporting software that automates recording of expenses from receipts and credit cards.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:10 Eylül 2024
Bağımsız güvenlik doğrulaması
96 B+
Genel Bakış
Zoho Expense is an online expense reporting software. It automates recording of expenses from receipts to avoid manual data entry. You can also connect your credit cards to import credit card statements to click and convert statements. You can group together a bunch of expenses and create an expense report. With instant notifications and reminders, approvals will be much faster. Zoho Expense is integrated with Zoho Books, an online accounting software. Once an expense report is aproved in Zoho Expense, they are automatically imported into Zoho Books. Zoho Expense is also available on all 3 major mobile platforms - iOS, Android and Windows.

Here are the main features of the app:

Automated Expense Recording
Upload a receipt and a corresponding expense is automatically created. This way, you can completely avoid manual data entry of expenses.
Import Card transactions
Connect your credit cards in Zoho Expense and import all your transactions. By importing credit card transactions, you can instantly convert them into expenses and avoid double entry.
Faster Approvals. Faster Reimbursement
Once an expense report is submitted, managers are automatically notified. You can define expense policies like travel spend limit, thus making it easier to identify reports which have violated policies.
Pre integrated with Zoho CRM 
Zoho Expense comes integrated with Zoho CRM. With this integration, you can import users from CRM to Expense. Very soon, you will be able to directly record and report expenses from within CRM.
Expense Management on-the-Go!
Zoho Expense is available on all major mobile platforms like iOS, android and Windows. With built in GPS, users can track mileage when on the move. You can also submit expense report to managers while working remotely.
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Zoho Expense uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, Zoho Expense uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Tüm Google Drive dosyalarınızı görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
Alanınızdaki kullanıcılarla ilgili bilgileri görün
Birincil Google Hesabı e-posta adresinizi görme
Herkese açık olarak sunduklarınız da dahil olmak üzere kişisel bilgilerinizi görme
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