Zoho Mail is a powerful email service built for business use with a sleek, fast, ad-free webmail interface packed with advanced features matching or superior to those found in desktop email clients.
Дата оновлення:4 січня 2024 р.
46 тис.+
>> Adding value, not ad value: Zoho Mail was built for today's modern workforce. It is easy on the eyes and doesn't show you ads. Which means it doesn't read your emails to show you ads, either. Instead, we've focused on crafting Zoho Mail to be the most efficient and secure, ad-free email possible.
>> More email in less time: Did you know? Features inspired by social media can reduce the time you spend in your inbox by 25%. That's why we created the all new Streams. Streams makes sharing an email as easy as tagging a friend in a comment! So now you have more time for stuff that matters.
>> Stay organized with Folders & Labels: Arrange messages into folders & sub-folders and also assign labels. Take control of your inbox using filters to automatically move and tag incoming messages.
>> Compliments come standard: Along with your email, your inbox comes with tools that compliment it, helping you get your work done faster. With Zoho Mail you can create a Task or Note from within an email message. Zoho Mail's integrated Calendar allows you to schedule a meeting or make lunch plans within your email.
>> Search and Find information faster: Looking for that elusive email from Bob that is buried deep within your inbox? Advanced search helps you find messages and related information fast, even if you only remember vague details of an email you are looking for.
>> Email on the go: Our iOS and Android apps are on par with our webmail, allowing you to stay on top of your emails from wherever you are.
+ Email data centers with state-of-the-art security, SLA of 99.9% up-time
+ Easy to use Control Panel with comprehensive options that does not require IT expertise to manage
+ Multi-level folders & labels to organize and tag messages with email filters
+ Sophisticated Calendar, Tasks & Notes apps, integrated within a single interface
+ Part of Zoho Suite of 30+ apps, including CRM, Project Management and more
+ Mobile apps for seamless access on the go
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Перегляд, змінення, створення й видалення всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд, змінення й безповоротне видалення всіх календарів, до яких ви маєте доступ у Google Календарі
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Перегляд груп у вашому домені
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