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Automate HR Management For Your People-Powered Businesses using Zoho People which integrates with GWS environment.
बनाने वाली कंपनी:
लिस्टिंग को पिछली बार अपडेट किया गया:16 फ़रवरी 2024
2 लाख+
Zoho People is cloud-based HR software from Zoho Corporation. It provides comprehensive services such as onboarding, time and attendance, performance, a learning management system, cases, document management, employee engagement, and reports to help businesses efficiently manage their HR processes and deliver exceptional employee experiences. 

The Zoho People integration with Google Workspace enables a seamless flow of data across the two systems. 

Highlights of the integration
* Easy collaboration: Effortlessly sync Google Workspace users to your Zoho People account, and enable them to actively use all Zoho People operations.
* Sync leave calendar: Use a single calendar to easily manage leave and holiday data by pushing your organization's leave and holiday list to Google Calendar. This allows you to plan without switching between two accounts every time.
* Seamless file transfers: Access all your important files with ease using the Zoho People and Google Drive integration. From offer letter agreements to policy documents and contract letters, you can select the file you want from your drive and attach it to your Zoho People account for easy sharing.

Benefits of Zoho People
* Multiple layers of protection, including two-factor authentication, regular data backup, and encryption to safeguard your sensitive data. 
* Friendly AI assistant, Zia, to help you with your daily HR tasks and improve the overall employee experience.
* Easy integrations with various Zoho apps and third-party applications to streamline routine tasks and save time.
* Manage your HR tasks on the go with the Zoho People mobile app, available on Android and iOS.
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
कीमतबिना किसी शुल्क के
डेवलपर के व्यापारी होने या न होने की जानकारी नहीं है
सेवा की शर्तें
Zoho People नीचे दी गई अनुमतियों के ऐक्सेस का अनुरोध करेगा. ज़्यादा जानें
Zoho People को आपके Google खाते के ऐक्सेस की ज़रूरत होगी
इससे Zoho People के दायरे में ये अनुमतियां भी शामिल हो जाएंगी :
Google Disk पर मौजूद अपनी सभी फ़ाइलें देखें, उनमें बदलाव करें, बनाएं, और उन्हें मिटाएं
Google Calendar का इस्तेमाल करके ऐक्सेस किए जा सकने वाले सभी कैलेंडर देखें और उनमें बदलाव करें. साथ ही, उन्हें शेयर करें और उन्हें हमेशा के लिए मिटाएं
अपने डोमेन के उपयोगकर्ताओं के बारे में जानकारी देखना
आपके Google खाते का मुख्य ईमेल पता देखना
सोशल मीडिया पर दी गई किसी भी जानकारी के साथ, अपनी निजी जानकारी देखें
इस क्रम में लगाएं:
Google, समीक्षाओं या रेटिंग की पुष्टि नहीं करता. समीक्षाओं के बारे में ज़्यादा जानें
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