Task or Issue? Add from Gmail! Manage Projects right within your inbox.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:26 pa藕dziernika 2023
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Switching between various applications to manage vital tasks can be time-consuming. Working with tasks and problems within Gmail with this add-on can save you time and help you work more efficiently.

What can you do?
* Add tasks and issues to a project. 
* View existing tasks and issues linked to individual email threads.
* Add descriptions, set due dates, assign owners, associate task lists and set priority for tasks; all from Gmail.
* Add description, set due dates and assign owners for issues; all within Gmail.
* Add mail attachments to a task or issue.
* Work across multiple projects and portals easily.

Why Zoho Projects?
* Zoho Projects makes your work truly rewarding with its extensive planning, tracking and collaboration capabilities. 
* It's a hassle-free tool with a straightforward, easy-to-use design and a mobile app that allows you to use it from anywhere, at anytime. 
* Features like an interactive feed and forums, comprehensive charts and reports, time tracking, issue tracking, task workflow automation and extensive integrations make this a go-to application for an all-round project management experience.
Dodatkowe informacje
Status przedsi臋biorcy nieokre艣lony
Polityka prywatno艣ci
Warunki korzystania z us艂ugi
Aplikacja Zoho Projects for Gmail poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poni偶ej. Wi臋cej informacji
Aplikacja Zoho Projects for Gmail b臋dzie potrzebowa艂a dost臋pu do Twojego konta Google
Pozwoli to aplikacji Zoho Projects for Gmail na:
Zarz膮dzanie wersjami roboczymi i wysy艂anie e-maili w trakcie korzystania z dodatku
Wy艣wietlanie e-maili, gdy dodatek jest uruchomiony
Uruchamianie jako dodatku w Gmailu
艁膮czenie z us艂ug膮 zewn臋trzn膮
Wy艣wietlanie danych zwi膮zanych z aplikacj膮 i zarz膮dzanie nimi
Wy艣wietlanie podstawowego adresu e-mail Twojego konta Google
Wy艣wietlanie prywatnych informacji o Tobie, w tym tych udost臋pnionych przez Ciebie publicznie
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