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Manage tasks and issues within Gmail, with smart chip integration for seamless linking between Zoho Projects and Google Docs
Ändrades senast:25 februari 2025
Fungerar med:
63 tn+
Switching between various applications to manage vital tasks can be time-consuming. Working with tasks and issues within Gmail with this add-on can save you time and help you work more efficiently.  You can link tasks and bugs from Zoho Projects directly in Google Docs by creating smart chips for instant access to task details. Moreover, with the capability to create tasks and bugs from Google Docs to Zoho Projects, collaboration has never been smoother. Empower your team to navigate effortlessly between documents and project management, unlocking new levels of efficiency in your workflow.

What can you do?
* Add tasks and issues to a project.
* View existing tasks and issues linked to individual email threads.
* Add descriptions, set due dates, assign owners, associate task lists, and set priority for tasks all from Gmail.
* Add mail attachments to a task or bug.
* Work across multiple projects and portals easily.
* Seamlessly link tasks and bugs from Zoho Projects directly in Google Docs, creating smart chips for instant access to task and bug details.
* Create new tasks and bugs directly from Google Docs enabling you to manage tasks and bugs without switching between applications.

Why Zoho Projects?
* Zoho Projects makes your work truly rewarding with its extensive planning, tracking, collaboration and automation capabilities.
* It's a hassle-free tool with a straightforward, easy-to-use design and mobile applications, enabling you to access your projects on the go. 
* Features like an interactive feed and forums, comprehensive charts and reports, time tracking, issue tracking, task workflow automation, and extensive integrations make this a go-to application for an all-around project management experience.
* Integration with Google Docs through smart chips enhances collaboration, saves time and increases efficiency by linking tasks directly within documents.
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Zoho Projects for Google workspace behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Zoho Projects for Google workspace behörighet att:
Visa angivet innehåll (exempelvis i ett formulär som anges av detta tillägg) för att uppdatera eller infoga tilläggslänkar eller smarta brickor i Google Workspace-appar (till exempel Google Dokument, Kalkylark, Presentationer, Gmail eller Kalender)
Se webbadressen till länkar i Google Workspace-appar (bl.a. Google Dokument, Kalkylark, Presentationer, Gmail och Kalender)
Hantera utkast och skicka e-postmeddelanden när du använder tillägget
Visa e-postmeddelanden när tillägget körs
Kör som Gmail-tillägg
Ansluta till en extern tjänst
Visa och hantera apprelaterade data
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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