Google, समीक्षाओं या रेटिंग की पुष्टि नहीं करता. समीक्षाओं और नतीजों के बारे में ज़्यादा जानें
Form Ranger
New Visions Cloudlab
Form Ranger allows you to populate multiple choice, list, checkbox, and grid options from columns in any Google Sheet™ or Doctopus roster.
३.६5 क॰+
Doc Appender
New Visions Cloudlab
Appends Google Form question responses to the bottom of selected Google Docs™ .
३.९3 क॰+
Form Publisher
Generate templated documents with Google Forms™. Generate PDF, Google Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™, Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint customized documents. Get them approved and signed.
४.६2 क॰+
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खोज बंद करें
Google ऐप
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