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Kilauan Gemini

Panduan dasar menulis perintah

Panduan cepat menulis perintah yang efektif


Sebagai seorang eksekutif, waktu Anda sangatlah terbatas. Setiap keputusan yang Anda buat dapat berdampak pada pertumbuhan, inovasi, dan perkembangan bisnis Anda. Anda dituntut untuk memahami pasar dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat dan strategis, serta menyelesaikan tugas-tugas mendesak kapan saja di mana saja.

Bagian ini menunjukkan cara praktis untuk mengintegrasikan perintah ke dalam tugas harian Anda.


Pertama-tama, pelajari tips umum dalam menulis perintah di bagian “Cara menulis perintah yang efektif”.

Setiap perintah di bawah disertai dengan skenario yang menunjukkan cara berkolaborasi dengan Gemini untuk Google Workspace. Contoh iterasi perintah menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat terus menulis perintah untuk mengembangkan respons awal yang dihasilkan, dan bagaimana Anda dapat mengubah perintah untuk menyelesaikan tugas umum dan menyesuaikan output yang dihasilkan.

Contoh iterasi perintah
Kasus penggunaan:
Berkomunikasi kapan saja di mana saja

Anda adalah seorang eksekutif. Beberapa saat sebelum menempuh penerbangan panjang, Anda menerima undangan untuk rapat dewan berikutnya beserta agendanya. Anda memiliki beberapa komentar dan ingin mengusulkan penambahan topik ke dalam agenda tersebut. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
Draft an email
confirming that I will be at the board meeting.
Ask if we can adjust the agenda to give 15 minutes to [urgent topics].
Draft an email
confirming that I will be at the board meeting.
Ask if we can adjust the agenda to give 15 minutes to [urgent topics].
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Gemini di Gmail
Gemini di Gmail membuat draf email untuk seorang eksekutif.

Email tersebut sudah bagus, tetapi Anda ingin menggunakan gaya bahasa seformal mungkin. Anda memilih Sempurnakan dan Buat lebih formal.

Eksekutif memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail untuk menyempurnakan dan menjadikan gaya bahasa email menjadi lebih formal.
Gemini di Gmail menyempurnakan dan menjadikan gaya bahasa email menjadi lebih formal.

Anda membaca email tersebut dan memilih Sisipkan. Sebelum mengirim, Anda mengeditnya sedikit untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada tim yang membuat Anda tetap bisa memantau perkembangan selagi bepergian.

Contoh kasus penggunaan

Chief Executive Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Meningkatkan produktivitas dan pengelolaan waktu personal

Anda memiliki rangkaian email penting dengan banyak tanggapan. Anda perlu segera mengejar ketertinggalan. Anda membuka pesan di Gmail dan membaca ringkasan yang dibuat Gemini secara otomatis di panel samping Gmail. Untuk merespons, Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Gmail dan menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate a response to [person] about [topic]. Include details on [deliverable] and [timeline] using @[Project A Status Report].
Generate a response to [person] about [topic]. Include details on [deliverable] and [timeline] using @[Project A Status Report].
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Gemini di Gmail
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat kerangka presentasi dalam hitungan detik

Tim Anda akan menyusun presentasi untuk Anda, dan Anda ingin memberi mereka kerangka untuk memulai prosesnya. Anda ingin membuat kerangka menggunakan aplikasi Gemini. Anda memilih ikon mikrofon dan menggunakan suara untuk memasukkan perintah. Anda mengatakan:

I’m the CEO giving a presentation to [audience] at [event], and I want to create a detailed outline for my team to get started. I want to include a few important topics, including [areas of focus] and how our company is innovating with [company initiatives]. I’m envisioning time for a customer Q&A to end the presentation. Include suggested questions we could ask of a customer from the [industry] industry about how they are using our [product] to achieve [business outcome].
I’m the CEO giving a presentation to [audience] at [event], and I want to create a detailed outline for my team to get started. I want to include a few important topics, including [areas of focus] and how our company is innovating with [company initiatives]. I’m envisioning time for a customer Q&A to end the presentation. Include suggested questions we could ask of a customer from the [industry] industry about how they are using our [product] to achieve [business outcome].
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Aplikasi Gemini
Chief Operating Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Menghadapi komunikasi yang sulit dengan karyawan

Anda akan mengadakan rapat umum kuartalan dengan semua karyawan perusahaan. Anda ingin menulis kata-kata pembangkit semangat sebagai pembukaan rapat tersebut. Anda membuka Dokumen baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Write two uplifting paragraphs for employees who have just finished a challenging quarter. Acknowledge [difficulties] and emphasize [positives] for the upcoming quarter. Use a tone that is motivating, optimistic, and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.
Write two uplifting paragraphs for employees who have just finished a challenging quarter. Acknowledge [difficulties] and emphasize [positives] for the upcoming quarter. Use a tone that is motivating, optimistic, and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda ingin mencari ide dan berlatih cara menjawab pertanyaan secara empatik untuk topik yang mungkin menyulitkan. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I’m the COO of a mid-sized company. I am hosting a quarterly town hall meeting with the entire company. I want to brainstorm and practice how I will respond to potentially tough questions. Help me write challenging questions that employees may ask at the upcoming town hall about [URL of company announcement]. Generate potential answers for each question that use a confident but firm tone. The responses should acknowledge the concern and let the employees know that we are striving to do our best for the entire company.
I’m the COO of a mid-sized company. I am hosting a quarterly town hall meeting with the entire company. I want to brainstorm and practice how I will respond to potentially tough questions. Help me write challenging questions that employees may ask at the upcoming town hall about [URL of company announcement]. Generate potential answers for each question that use a confident but firm tone. The responses should acknowledge the concern and let the employees know that we are striving to do our best for the entire company.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Menyederhanakan respons kapan saja di mana saja

Rencana Anda berubah, dan Anda tidak dapat menghadiri rapat. Anda harus memberikan jawaban kepada tim tentang beberapa item penting. Anda membuka Gmail dan menggunakan perintah suara untuk memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail. Anda mengatakan:

Draft an email to [project lead] letting them know I will not be in the meeting due to an urgent matter. Ask them to take detailed notes and to ensure the team arrives at a decision on [key topic] in addition to assigning ownership of the postmortem report to [colleague].
Draft an email to [project lead] letting them know I will not be in the meeting due to an urgent matter. Ask them to take detailed notes and to ensure the team arrives at a decision on [key topic] in addition to assigning ownership of the postmortem report to [colleague].
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Gemini di Gmail
Chief Marketing Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Melakukan riset pasar dan perencanaan kampanye

Anda sedang memulai perencanaan tahunan. Anda ingin melakukan riset tentang target audiens Anda. Anda memulai percakapan dengan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

I’m a marketing leader conducting analysis in preparation for next year’s [launch]. Define my target audiences [audiences], for my new line of [product]. Include interests, relevant marketing channels, and top trends that drive their consideration and purchase behavior.
I’m a marketing leader conducting analysis in preparation for next year’s [launch]. Define my target audiences [audiences], for my new line of [product]. Include interests, relevant marketing channels, and top trends that drive their consideration and purchase behavior.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Selanjutnya, Anda mengekspor temuan Anda ke Dokumen dengan memilih Bagikan & ekspor , lalu Ekspor ke Dokumen. Sekarang, Anda ingin mengambil data terkait dari file milik Anda sendiri dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Brainstorm value props for my [target audiences] based on features from @[Product Requirements Document]. Include a section on campaign learnings from @[Campaign Performance].
Brainstorm value props for my [target audiences] based on features from @[Product Requirements Document]. Include a section on campaign learnings from @[Campaign Performance].
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:
Mencari ide tentang konten dan pandangan para ahli

Anda telah selesai rapat dengan pemimpin tim media sosial Anda. Anda membuat catatan di Dokumen mengenai hal-hal yang relevan dengan audiens Anda, topik yang sedang trending, data target audiens, dan kata kunci yang efektif untuk mendorong interaksi dengan brand Anda. Anda ingin menggunakan insight ini untuk mencari ide tentang pandangan para ahli yang potensial. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate a list of four relevant and engaging thought leadership blog post ideas for [company] based on trending topics, target audience analysis, and brand keywords.
Generate a list of four relevant and engaging thought leadership blog post ideas for [company] based on trending topics, target audience analysis, and brand keywords.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Dalam percakapan yang sama, tim juga membahas cara meluncurkan kampanye brand yang baru. Anda tahu bahwa pelanggan menghargai layanan Anda yang andal dan unik, dan perusahaan Anda memiliki sejarah panjang dalam memberikan layanan pelanggan yang memuaskan. Anda perlu bantuan untuk mulai menerapkan ide tentang tagline kampanye baru. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate three options for a new slogan emphasizing reliability, innovation, and a long history of popularity for [company].
Generate three options for a new slogan emphasizing reliability, innovation, and a long history of popularity for [company].
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Gemini di Dokumen

Tagline tersebut membantu Anda memulai proses kreatif. Sebentar lagi akan ada acara yang dapat menjadi ajang ideal untuk menguji beberapa elemen kampanye baru. Anda ingin memvisualisasikan ide untuk gambar stan tim acara Anda. Anda membuka presentasi baru di Google Slide, lalu memilih Buat gambar dengan Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

Create an image of a trade show booth using orange and blue colors. The booth should be modern and showcase interactive computer stations.
Create an image of a trade show booth using orange and blue colors. The booth should be modern and showcase interactive computer stations.
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Gemini di Slide
Kasus penggunaan:
Melakukan analisis persaingan

Tim Anda mempertimbangkan untuk membuka lini bisnis baru. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini untuk melakukan riset dan mengetikkan:

I am a CMO conducting a competitive analysis. My company is considering expanding into [a new line of business]. Generate a list of the top five competitors in the [industry] industry and include their pricing, strengths, weaknesses, and target audience.
I am a CMO conducting a competitive analysis. My company is considering expanding into [a new line of business]. Generate a list of the top five competitors in the [industry] industry and include their pricing, strengths, weaknesses, and target audience.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah mendalami riset, Anda memutuskan untuk membuat strategi lima tahun untuk memahami peta persaingan yang kemungkinan akan dihadapi perusahaan Anda. Anda mengetikkan:

Okay, I am going to try to convince my CEO that we should expand into [line of business]. Draft a concise, competitive strategy outline for the next five years for the [industry] industry across North America markets with potential goals, strategies, and tactics.
Okay, I am going to try to convince my CEO that we should expand into [line of business]. Draft a concise, competitive strategy outline for the next five years for the [industry] industry across North America markets with potential goals, strategies, and tactics.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah membuat iterasi untuk menghasilkan kerangka yang sesuai, Anda menyertakan detail dan pertimbangan tambahan untuk membuat dokumen tersebut cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Chief Technology Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Meringkas tren teknologi terbaru

Anda perlu mengikuti tren teknologi baru karena lanskap bisnis berubah dengan cepat. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini, lalu mengetikkan:

I am the CTO of [company] in [industry]. I want to understand emerging technology trends. Summarize the top five emerging technologies with the most significant potential impact on [industry]. For each technology, list its potential benefits and challenges, and suggest how it could impact [company] in the next two to three years.
I am the CTO of [company] in [industry]. I want to understand emerging technology trends. Summarize the top five emerging technologies with the most significant potential impact on [industry]. For each technology, list its potential benefits and challenges, and suggest how it could impact [company] in the next two to three years.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Anda ingin mempelajari topik-topik tertentu lebih lanjut, untuk itu Anda melanjutkan percakapan dengan mengetikkan:

Recommend three areas where [my company] can take proactive steps to stay ahead of the curve on [specific areas].
Recommend three areas where [my company] can take proactive steps to stay ahead of the curve on [specific areas].
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Aplikasi Gemini
Chief Information Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Menyampaikan topik teknis kepada audiens non-teknis

Anda membuat proposal untuk mentransformasi perusahaan Anda secara digital dengan mengadopsi solusi AI generatif. Anda harus mempresentasikannya kepada CEO dan pemimpin lain. Anda menginginkan bantuan untuk menyampaikan topik teknis kepada audiens non-teknis. Anda memulai percakapan dengan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

I am the CIO at [company], and I am trying to build the case to [adopt generative AI solutions]. I need to explain the technical concept of generative AI to a non-technical audience (the CEO and board). Help me write talking points that will help me convey what generative AI is, ways it could help us digitally transform, and why it’s important to our growth as a company. Include details about how it could potentially re-focus our technical talent on more strategic work, help enhance our workforce’s productivity, and help us better serve our global workforce and customers.
I am the CIO at [company], and I am trying to build the case to [adopt generative AI solutions]. I need to explain the technical concept of generative AI to a non-technical audience (the CEO and board). Help me write talking points that will help me convey what generative AI is, ways it could help us digitally transform, and why it’s important to our growth as a company. Include details about how it could potentially re-focus our technical talent on more strategic work, help enhance our workforce’s productivity, and help us better serve our global workforce and customers.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Gemini memberikan saran mengenai cara untuk membahas topik tersebut. Anda melanjutkan pencarian ide, lalu mengekspor percakapan Anda dengan mengklik Bagikan & ekspor, lalu Ekspor ke Dokumen. Kemudian, untuk membuat presentasi, Anda membuka Slide Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Slide serta menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

I need to build a presentation to explain a technical topic to a non-technical audience. Generate an [introduction slide] that [describes what generative AI is] using @[Gen AI Explanation Notes].
I need to build a presentation to explain a technical topic to a non-technical audience. Generate an [introduction slide] that [describes what generative AI is] using @[Gen AI Explanation Notes].
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Gemini di Slide

Anda terus menggunakan perintah yang sama, menyesuaikan topik untuk menghasilkan slide lain dalam presentasi berdasarkan catatan Anda.

Kasus penggunaan:
Meriset produk, layanan, dan fitur vendor

Anda sedang mengerjakan laporan untuk membuat rekomendasi vendor. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I am the CIO at [company]. We are currently evaluating vendor options to [replatform our intranet]. Right now, we use [vendor], but we are looking to switch because [we are unhappy with limited functionality and account support]. Suggest additional vendor options to consider and include descriptions of their product and services and key features.
I am the CIO at [company]. We are currently evaluating vendor options to [replatform our intranet]. Right now, we use [vendor], but we are looking to switch because [we are unhappy with limited functionality and account support]. Suggest additional vendor options to consider and include descriptions of their product and services and key features.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat ringkasan teknis

Tim Anda baru saja memberikan laporan teknis yang panjang. Anda perlu meringkasnya untuk CEO Anda. Anda membuka Dokumen Google yang berisi laporan lengkap dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Summarize the key findings and implications of this report for [audience]. Focus on the main [vulnerabilities] identified and the recommended actions to address them. Use a formal tone.
Summarize the key findings and implications of this report for [audience]. Focus on the main [vulnerabilities] identified and the recommended actions to address them. Use a formal tone.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda mengedit ringkasan tersebut sedikit dan menyertakannya sebagai ringkasan eksekutif.

Kasus penggunaan:
Melacak aset IT

Perusahaan Anda memerlukan cara cepat untuk melacak akses software karyawan baru. Anda membuka Spreadsheet Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Spreadsheet. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a tracker of software licenses for employees and include columns for license types, usage rights, and renewal dates.
Create a tracker of software licenses for employees and include columns for license types, usage rights, and renewal dates.
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Gemini di Spreadsheet
Chief Human Resources Officer
Kasus penggunaan:
Menunjukkan apresiasi kepada karyawan

Anda ingin membuat program baru yang akan membuat semua orang di seluruh organisasi merasa dilibatkan, diapresiasi, dan diakui. Untuk mencari ide, Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Brainstorm 10 employee appreciation ideas based on diverse employee interests such as cooking, gardening, sports, reading, and traveling.
Brainstorm 10 employee appreciation ideas based on diverse employee interests such as cooking, gardening, sports, reading, and traveling.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Gemini di Dokumen memantik kreativitas Anda, dan kini Anda memiliki ide untuk acara dan klub hobi karyawan. Anda juga ingin memastikan tim pimpinan secara rutin mendorong manajer agar mengapresiasi karyawan di tim mereka. Untuk itu, Anda membuat template email yang dapat mereka gunakan sebagai inspirasi. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis, lalu mengetikkan:

Draft an email template that thanks [employee] for their hard work and [recent accomplishments]. Offer them an extra perk for their dedication, such as [a coffee gift card]. Use an upbeat and professional tone.
Draft an email template that thanks [employee] for their hard work and [recent accomplishments]. Offer them an extra perk for their dedication, such as [a coffee gift card]. Use an upbeat and professional tone.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:
Menilai kepuasan karyawan

Anda ingin membuat draf survei anonim yang memungkinkan karyawan untuk menyatakan tingkat kepuasan mereka secara terbuka dan jujur. Untuk membuat draf pertanyaan, Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan: 

Draft an anonymous employee satisfaction survey with questions and answer options that touch upon key areas like workload, work-life balance, compensation, and career growth opportunities. Ensure the questions are clear, concise, and avoid leading answers.
Draft an anonymous employee satisfaction survey with questions and answer options that touch upon key areas like workload, work-life balance, compensation, and career growth opportunities. Ensure the questions are clear, concise, and avoid leading answers.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda menerima masukan dari 15 pemimpin senior, dan Anda mengumpulkan semua hasil anonim di Dokumen. Anda ingin membuat ringkasan yang dapat digunakan dalam panggilan konferensi berikutnya. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Summarize the results of the employee feedback to identify key themes.
Summarize the results of the employee feedback to identify key themes.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Layanan pelangganManajemen garis depan
Kilauan Gemini

Gemini at Work

Jelajahi referensi pilihan — mulai dari panduan perintah hingga kisah pelanggan dan lain-lain — untuk mempelajari cara mengoptimalkan Gemini untuk Google Workspace.

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