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Kilauan Gemini

Panduan dasar menulis perintah

Panduan cepat menulis perintah yang efektif


Sebagai tenaga profesional pemasaran, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk membuat kampanye dan pengalaman brand yang menarik, perolehan prospek, serta aktivitas lainnya. Anda memahami pentingnya insight berbasis data, pesan yang memikat, dan hubungan yang lebih mendalam dengan audiens.

Bagian ini menunjukkan cara praktis untuk mengintegrasikan perintah dalam tugas Anda sehari-hari. Untuk kasus penggunaan chief marketing officer (CMO), buka bagian Eksekutif dalam panduan ini.


Pertama-tama, pelajari tips umum dalam menulis perintah di bagian “Cara menulis perintah yang efektif”.

Setiap perintah di bawah disertai dengan skenario yang menunjukkan cara berkolaborasi dengan Gemini untuk Google Workspace. Contoh iterasi perintah menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat menulis perintah lanjutan untuk mengembangkan respons awal yang dihasilkan.

Contoh iterasi perintah
Kasus penggunaan:
Mengembangkan identitas visual

Anda memiliki bisnis konsultasi dan sering disewa untuk menjadi manajer brand bagi klien Anda. Anda membantu sejumlah bisnis di berbagai industri. Salah satu pelanggan Anda bersiap meluncurkan kedai kopi dan kafe video game, dan Anda perlu memulai proses kreatifnya dengan mengembangkan identitas visual. Anda ingin memunculkan ide dan membagikan pemikiran awal kepada semua anggota tim. Anda memutuskan untuk memulai percakapan dengan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
  • Format
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Seorang konsultan pemasaran memasukkan perintah ke Gemini agar memberikan pilihan logo yang menarik perhatian. Gemini menampilkan tiga pilihan logo.

Anda menyukai pilihan gaya retro dan keren yang dihasilkan. Anda melanjutkan percakapan dengan mengetikkan: 

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
  • Format
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
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Aplikasi Gemini
Konsultan pemasaran memasukkan perintah ke Gemini agar memberikan tiga pilihan logo retro dan keren lain. Gemini menampilkan tiga pilihan.

Setelah memiliki bayangan seperti apa tampilan logonya, Anda ingin mencari ide untuk namanya. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Konsultan pemasaran memasukkan perintah ke Gemini agar memberikan tagline dan nama bisnis. Gemini membuat draf pilihan tagline dan nama bisnis.
Contoh kasus penggunaan

Manajer Brand
Kasus penggunaan:
Mengembangkan strategi merek

Anda sedang berusaha memperbarui arsitektur brand dan kerangka komunikasi perusahaan Anda. Untuk memulai, Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Mencari ide tentang kemitraan brand

Anda sedang mengerjakan kampanye brand baru. Anda ingin mengidentifikasi influencer atau brand tambahan yang dapat diajak berpartner sebagai bagian dari rencana penguatan media sosial. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Melakukan riset pasar dan mengidentifikasi tren

Lanskap industri Anda sangat dinamis. Anda perlu melakukan riset pasar untuk mengidentifikasi dan memahami tren baru dengan lebih baik. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah menyelesaikan riset, Anda ingin melakukan pengujian A/B untuk sebuah pesan baru. Anda ingin membuat beberapa variasi teks iklan menggunakan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat dan mengelola konten dan distribusi

Seorang pelanggan sedang melakukan perubahan organisasi yang menarik. Anda perlu membuat konten untuk membangun narasi brand perusahaan saat memasuki era baru. Anda membuka Dokumen Google untuk mulai membuat draf blog. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda juga menginginkan cara untuk melacak bagaimana dan di mana konten dapat diperkuat secara efisien. Untuk itu, Anda membuka Spreadsheet Google. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Spreadsheet. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
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Gemini di Spreadsheet
Spesialis Pemasaran
Kasus penggunaan:
Meningkatkan kolaborasi dengan pelanggan, agensi, dan tim

Anda mengadakan rapat yang mendiskusikan project mendatang dengan beberapa tim dan suatu agensi yang akan menyelesaikan karya desain project tersebut. Anda menggunakan Gemini di Google Meet dan memilih Buat catatan dengan Gemini agar semua peserta dapat memberikan perhatian penuh pada pembahasannya. Setelah rapat, Gemini memberikan ringkasan diskusi rapat tersebut dan membagikan item tindakan untuk membantu tim bekerja sesuai rencana. (Gemini di Meet)

Dengan Dokumen berisi catatan rapat yang dihasilkan, Anda ingin membuat spreadsheet untuk membantu tim bekerja sesuai rencana. Anda membuka Spreadsheet Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Spreadsheet dan memberi tag ke file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetik:

Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
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Gemini di Spreadsheet
Kasus penggunaan:
Menganalisis tren media sosial dan data lain untuk mengurangi waktu penyiapan produk

Anda ingin menganalisis berbagai sumber data dan menyusun temuan untuk membantu mengurangi waktu penyiapan produk Anda. Anda membuka Gemini Advanced dan mengetik:

I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Anda memverifikasi respons Gemini dengan memilih opsi Periksa kembali respons di bawah respons Gemini.

Sekarang, Anda ingin meninjau laporan yang telah Anda buat yang mensurvei pelanggan dari berbagai industri. Anda melanjutkan percakapan dengan Gemini. Anda mengupload file terkait dan mengetik:

Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Melakukan riset audiens dan mengembangkan persona

Anda harus memperbarui riset audiens dan pengembangan persona untuk mengikuti pembaruan teks iklan di halaman web, slide presentasi, dan aset pemasaran lain yang dilakukan oleh tim. Anda mencari ide dan melakukan riset menggunakan Gemini Advanced. Anda mengetik:

I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Manajer Digital Marketing
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat dan mengoptimalkan teks untuk search engine marketing (SEM)

Anda ingin membuat daftar lengkap kata kunci dan frasa serta kata kunci longtail untuk menemukan peluang baru dalam penargetan SEM. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah bertukar pikiran mengenai daftar kata kunci, Anda ingin membuat beberapa variasi teks iklan. Anda mengetikkan:

For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Anda ingin menyempurnakan teks lebih lanjut sesuai masing-masing audiens, jadi Anda mengetikkan:

Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat draf komunikasi akuisisi pelanggan

Email merupakan salah satu saluran utama komunikasi langsung perusahaan Anda dengan calon pelanggan dan pelanggan lama. Anda menginginkan bantuan untuk mulai menulis teks kampanye email baru. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Sekarang, Anda ingin membagikan baris subjek email usulan Gemini kepada tim copywriting. Anda membuka Gmail dan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
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Gemini di Gmail
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat kampanye pemasaran inbound

Tim Anda menyusun eBook baru mengenai praktik terbaik untuk eksekutif menggunakan solusi baru kami. Anda memerlukan tulisan yang menarik untuk halaman landing yang menghosting aset dengan akses terbatas. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Halaman web telah diluncurkan, dan kampanye pemasaran inbound Anda mulai berjalan. Anda perlu mempertahankan prospek yang telah mendownload eBook terbaru Anda. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
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Gemini di Dokumen
Manajer Pemasaran Konten
Kasus penggunaan:
Menayangkan konten yang dipersonalisasi kepada pelanggan dalam skala besar

Anda ingin membuat teks untuk rangkaian langkah penjualan lima tahap melalui email untuk produk baru Anda. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen serta menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat aset visual untuk kampanye iklan

Anda ingin membuat aset visual untuk membantu agensi kreatif Anda memahami petunjuk tim untuk kampanye mendatang dengan lebih baik. Anda membuka Slide Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Slide. Anda mengetikkan:

Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
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Gemini di Slide
Kasus penggunaan:
Mencari inspirasi untuk blog Anda

Anda bekerja di biro perjalanan sebagai manajer pemasaran konten untuk saluran blog perusahaan. Anda perlu mulai mencari ide untuk postingan blog baru. Anda memutuskan untuk mencari ide dengan berkolaborasi bersama aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Anda menyukai ide-ide awal yang dapat Anda ciptakan. Selanjutnya, Anda perlu berfokus membuat aset visual yang kreatif untuk menyertai teks di blog. Anda mengetikkan:

Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat postingan media sosial

Anda fokus membuat konten yang dioptimalkan untuk saluran media sosial. Anda perlu mengumpulkan ide untuk konten yang akan ditujukan kepada beragam audiens. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda juga perlu membuat postingan media sosial yang mendorong para lulusan baru untuk mendaftar ke acara mendatang. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:
Membuat rencana pemasaran strategis

Perusahaan Anda meluncurkan aplikasi baru. Anda perlu menyusun rencana pemasaran yang solid, tetapi Anda membutuhkan ide untuk memulai. Anda memulai percakapan dengan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Respons dari percakapan Anda dapat membantu menyusun rencana pemasaran. Anda perlu mengirimkan detail umumnya kepada chief marketing officer (CMO) Anda. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
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Gemini di Gmail

Sumber daya manusia (HR)Manajemen project
Kilauan Gemini

Gemini at Work

Jelajahi referensi pilihan — mulai dari panduan perintah hingga kisah pelanggan dan lain-lain — untuk mempelajari cara mengoptimalkan Gemini untuk Google Workspace.

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