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Ikon produk aplikasi Google Gemini

Panduan dasar menulis perintah

Panduan cepat menulis perintah yang efektif


Memahami pelanggan Anda sepenuhnya adalah tiket Anda untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Anda bertanggung jawab menjaga relasi penting, memahami sinyal pembelian, membuat solusi khusus, meningkatkan pendapatan bisnis, dan banyak lagi.

Bagian ini menunjukkan cara praktis untuk mengintegrasikan perintah ke dalam tugas harian Anda.


Pertama-tama, pelajari tips umum dalam menulis perintah di bagian “Cara menulis perintah yang efektif”.

Setiap perintah di bawah disertai dengan skenario yang menunjukkan cara berkolaborasi dengan Gemini untuk Google Workspace. Contoh iterasi perintah menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat menulis perintah lanjutan untuk mengembangkan respons awal yang dihasilkan.

Contoh iterasi perintah
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda adalah account executive, dan Anda baru saja ditugaskan untuk menangani satu pelanggan baru. Anda membutuhkan asisten riset. Anda perlu mengenal kontak penting di akun Anda untuk mulai membangun kepercayaan antartim, tetapi Anda ingin mengirim email perkenalan terlebih dahulu. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
Write an email to [name], the new [title] at [company].
Congratulate them on their new role. Introduce me as their contact point at [company name]. Invite them to lunch next week and check if they prefer Monday or Tuesday.
Write an email to [name], the new [title] at [company].
Congratulate them on their new role. Introduce me as their contact point at [company name]. Invite them to lunch next week and check if they prefer Monday or Tuesday.
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Gemini di Gmail
Gemini di Gmail membuat draf email untuk memperkenalkan account executive kepada pelanggan baru.

Draf ini bisa menjadi titik awal yang bagus, tetapi Anda ingin mencoba mendapatkan respons yang lebih baik lagi. Anda mengklik Sempurnakan dan Buat lebih formal.

Account executive memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail untuk menyempurnakan dan membuat gaya bahasa email lebih formal.
Gemini di Gmail menyempurnakan dan membuat gaya bahasa draf awal lebih formal.

Anda puas dengan email yang dihasilkan, jadi Anda mengklik Sisipkan. Anda membaca pesan itu sekali lagi, melakukan sedikit pengeditan akhir, kemudian mengirimkannya. Sekarang, Anda ingin mengenal pelanggan tersebut dan strategi pemasarannya lebih jauh. Untuk melakukan riset, Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Persona
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
I am an account executive in charge of a new account, [customer name].
I need to do initial research.
What is the market strategy of [customer]?
I am an account executive in charge of a new account, [customer name].
I need to do initial research.
What is the market strategy of [customer]?
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Aplikasi Gemini
Account executive memasukkan perintah ke Gemini untuk memberikan informasi tentang strategi pelanggan. Gemini menampilkan framework untuk melakukan riset pelanggan.

Gemini memberi Anda informasi yang berguna untuk memulai riset. Anda melanjutkan riset dengan berfokus pada pengumuman berita terlebih dahulu. Anda mengumpulkan daftar URL, lalu memasukkannya ke percakapan Anda dengan aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
  • Format
Summarize these articles.
Provide key insights and contextualize why these announcements are important.
Summarize these articles.
Provide key insights and contextualize why these announcements are important.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Sekarang Anda memiliki ringkasan yang jelas tentang isi pengumuman, mengapa berita itu penting, dan insight tambahan. Selanjutnya, Anda ingin mengenal lebih jauh eksekutif yang akan menjadi kontak (POC) utama Anda. Anda menemukan rekaman wawancara eksekutif tersebut. Anda menempelkan URL YouTube-nya ke percakapan Anda dengan aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
  • Format
[YouTube URL]
Summarize this interview and tell me more about [executive name].
What does [executive] care about?
[YouTube URL]
Summarize this interview and tell me more about [executive name].
What does [executive] care about?
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Aplikasi Gemini

Anda melanjutkan percakapan dengan menuliskan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tambahan untuk lebih mengenal kontak utama Anda dan akun tersebut. Anda memasukkan perintah:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
Tell me how [company] can help [customer company] with achieving their goals.
Tell me how [company] can help [customer company] with achieving their goals.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah mengakhiri percakapan, Anda mengekspor hasilnya ke Dokumen Google. Anda membuka Dokumen Google dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
Create an email draft
for [customer] explaining why [your company] is the perfect partner for them to achieve their market goals.
Create an email draft
for [customer] explaining why [your company] is the perfect partner for them to achieve their market goals.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Contoh kasus penggunaan

Customer Success Manager
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda baru pertama kali mengorientasi pelanggan baru dan menyadari Anda sebaiknya membuat aset yang disesuaikan khusus untuk pelanggan itu. Anda membuka Dokumen baru lalu memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen dan menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

  • Keterangan
  • Tugas
  • Konteks
Create personalized onboarding materials for [customer].
Use @[Standard Onboarding Documents] and @[New Customer Migration Notes] to personalize the assets.
Create personalized onboarding materials for [customer].
Use @[Standard Onboarding Documents] and @[New Customer Migration Notes] to personalize the assets.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Manajer Penjualan
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda baru saja menerima RFP dan ingin segera mengolahnya sebagai bagian dari proses pengumpulan informasi Anda. Pertama, Anda ingin melakukan riset mendasar tentang perusahaan yang mengirimkan permintaan tersebut. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini dan mengetikkan:

I just received an RFP from [company]. Before I dive into the RFP, I want your help in conducting research. Give me a business profile of the company including all of the basics (where they are located, what they provide for customers, who their target audience is, any recent news from the company). Be as detailed as possible as I want to see a full view of [the company].
I just received an RFP from [company]. Before I dive into the RFP, I want your help in conducting research. Give me a business profile of the company including all of the basics (where they are located, what they provide for customers, who their target audience is, any recent news from the company). Be as detailed as possible as I want to see a full view of [the company].
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah menyelesaikan riset tentang perusahaan tersebut, Anda ingin meringkas RFP. Anda melanjutkan percakapan dengan Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

[URL or uploaded file] I am a sales manager at [company], and this is the RFP we’ve received from [company]. Summarize this content in a few paragraphs. What is the customer seeking, what is the budget, and when is a response due by?
[URL or uploaded file] I am a sales manager at [company], and this is the RFP we’ve received from [company]. Summarize this content in a few paragraphs. What is the customer seeking, what is the budget, and when is a response due by?
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Aplikasi Gemini
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda bekerja dari jarak jauh menggunakan ponsel. Dari aplikasi seluler, Anda membuka rangkaian pesan di Gmail dan memilih chip Gemini untuk Merangkum email ini. Gemini segera memberi Anda ringkasan pesan masuk dan balasannya sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada poin yang paling penting. (Gemini di Gmail)

Sekarang, Anda ingin membuat respons untuk mengonfirmasi perkembangan terbaru. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail. Anda mengetikkan:

Write a response to this email letting [them] know that I’ve received the message and will take [action] by [Friday].
Write a response to this email letting [them] know that I’ve received the message and will take [action] by [Friday].
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Gemini di Gmail
Kasus penggunaan:

Dalam waktu dekat, Anda akan menggelar konferensi tahunan yang dihadiri calon pelanggan penting. Anda ingin mengundang mereka secara pribadi ke acara happy hour. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Write an email inviting people interested in [focus area] to our happy hour taking place on [date, time] at [trade show event]. Include that we specialize in [focus area].
Write an email inviting people interested in [focus area] to our happy hour taking place on [date, time] at [trade show event]. Include that we specialize in [focus area].
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Gemini di Gmail

Setelah acara selesai, Anda ingin menindaklanjuti komunikasi dengan pelanggan yang menghadiri happy hour. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft an email thanking customers for their time at the happy hour on [date, time, location]. End with an invitation to continue the conversations in the next few weeks. Use a friendly tone.
Draft an email thanking customers for their time at the happy hour on [date, time, location]. End with an invitation to continue the conversations in the next few weeks. Use a friendly tone.
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Gemini di Gmail

Anda juga ingin meminta pendapat pelanggan yang menghadiri workshop di konferensi itu karena masukan awal dari mereka akan sangat bermanfaat. Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft 10 questions that I can use to survey customers about their recent experience with our [product/service]. Include questions to gauge how useful [the product] is, what they liked, and what they thought could use improvement.
Draft 10 questions that I can use to survey customers about their recent experience with our [product/service]. Include questions to gauge how useful [the product] is, what they liked, and what they thought could use improvement.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda perlu menghubungi semua pemimpin tim di wilayah Southeast untuk segera memberikan panduan tentang cara menghubungi pelanggan secara proaktif terkait masalah yang sedang terjadi. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft an email to all Southeast region sales leads. Inform them of [issues]. Advise them to communicate with their teams to contact their customers and offer a 20% discount on a future order as an apology.
Draft an email to all Southeast region sales leads. Inform them of [issues]. Advise them to communicate with their teams to contact their customers and offer a 20% discount on a future order as an apology.
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Gemini di Gmail

Sekarang, Anda perlu mengirimkan email kepada semua anggota tim regional. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft an email to the regional sales representatives about an urgent meeting that needs to take place next week about the [issues]. Ask them to provide availability on Monday or Tuesday.
Draft an email to the regional sales representatives about an urgent meeting that needs to take place next week about the [issues]. Ask them to provide availability on Monday or Tuesday.
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Gemini di Gmail
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda menerima masukan dari banyak anggota tim bahwa mereka menginginkan lebih banyak kesempatan belajar. Anda akan mengadakan program pembelajaran setengah hari sebagai respons atas permintaan tersebut. Anda perlu membuat jadwal. Untuk itu, Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a half-day agenda for an educational session on our latest technology [products] for sales teams. Include time for the product development team to present and include time for lunch.
Create a half-day agenda for an educational session on our latest technology [products] for sales teams. Include time for the product development team to present and include time for lunch.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Sebagai tindak lanjut dari pertemuan tim itu, Anda ingin menyoroti berbagai kesempatan belajar yang tersedia. Anda membuka Google Spreadsheet dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Spreadsheet. Anda mengetikkan:

Create a spreadsheet that tracks online courses for sellers. Include columns for the course’s main topic, price, duration, and priority level.
Create a spreadsheet that tracks online courses for sellers. Include columns for the course’s main topic, price, duration, and priority level.
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Gemini di Spreadsheet
Account Manager dan Account Executive
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda sedang melakukan pertemuan penting dengan pelanggan. Dari Google Meet, Anda mengaktifkan Transkripsi dan mengaktifkan Gemini di Meet dengan memilih Buat catatan dengan Gemini. Hasil transkripnya berupa Dokumen mentah yang berisi percakapan dari pertemuan itu. File Buat catatan dengan Gemini akan menghasilkan catatan yang merangkum pertemuan, topik penting yang dibahas, dan item tindakan. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat sepenuhnya fokus pada percakapan dengan pelanggan. (Gemini di Meet)

Setelah panggilan tersebut, Anda ingin mengirimkan pesan rangkuman kepada pelanggan. Anda membuka pesan baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Gmail dan menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

Write a message to [customer] thanking them for their time at our last [meeting]. Provide a quick summary of the meeting and acknowledge any pain points discussed. Ask for additional time to discuss our [solution] using @[Customer Meeting Gemini Notes].
Write a message to [customer] thanking them for their time at our last [meeting]. Provide a quick summary of the meeting and acknowledge any pain points discussed. Ask for additional time to discuss our [solution] using @[Customer Meeting Gemini Notes].
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Gemini di Gmail

Saat menyiapkan pertemuan berikutnya, Anda ingin menggunakan transkrip ini dan materi penjualan yang sudah Anda miliki untuk membuat aset khusus dan menunjukkan bagaimana produk perusahaan Anda dapat menyelesaikan masalah pelanggan yang disebutkan selama panggilan. Untuk tujuan ini, Anda membuka Dokumen baru lalu memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen dan menyebutkan file terkait dengan mengetikkan @nama file. Anda mengetikkan:

I am an [account manager] and I just finished a call with [customer]. I want to summarize the [pain points] mentioned by [customer] during our last meeting. Provide a list of direct quotes from @[Customer Call Transcript] where [customer] discusses what they are trying to solve.
I am an [account manager] and I just finished a call with [customer]. I want to summarize the [pain points] mentioned by [customer] during our last meeting. Provide a list of direct quotes from @[Customer Call Transcript] where [customer] discusses what they are trying to solve.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Anda membaca ringkasan masalah dan melihat bahwa isinya sesuai dengan diskusi Anda. Anda mengklik Sisipkan dari panel samping. Kemudian, Anda ingin menggunakan file yang sudah Anda miliki guna menghasilkan respons khusus untuk setiap masalah. Anda kembali memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Dokumen dan menyebutkan file terkait. Anda mengetikkan:

I need to create convincing reasons why [customer] should adopt [product] to solve for [their pain points]. Write specific reasons why [product] from [company] could help them achieve their [business goals] using @[Product Sales Kit Full Assets].
I need to create convincing reasons why [customer] should adopt [product] to solve for [their pain points]. Write specific reasons why [product] from [company] could help them achieve their [business goals] using @[Product Sales Kit Full Assets].
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda baru saja menelepon pelanggan dengan hasil yang positif. Sekarang, Anda ingin menggunakan catatan dari panggilan itu di Google Dokumen untuk membuat draf email yang akan dikirimkan kepada pelanggan tersebut. Di Dokumen Google yang berisi catatan, Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Compose a personalized follow-up email to [client] following an initial conversation. Summarize the key points we discussed and address any outstanding questions.
Compose a personalized follow-up email to [client] following an initial conversation. Summarize the key points we discussed and address any outstanding questions.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Pelanggan tersebut baru saja menggunakan salah satu layanan yang ditawarkan perusahaan dan Anda ingin memastikan mereka merasa didukung selama proses orientasi. Anda berencana untuk menanyakan progresnya melalui email seminggu sekali, tetapi Anda ingin mempelajari redaksi emailnya terlebih dahulu. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft four email templates to check in on my customer weekly now that they have purchased our new [service]. Use one value proposition (cost, ease of use, security, availability, and customization) as the main topic for each email, and include [call to action] in each message.
Draft four email templates to check in on my customer weekly now that they have purchased our new [service]. Use one value proposition (cost, ease of use, security, availability, and customization) as the main topic for each email, and include [call to action] in each message.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda memiliki jadwal panggilan dengan calon pelanggan. Anda belum familier dengan aktivitas ini dan perlu bantuan untuk mempersiapkan diri. Anda membuka aplikasi Gemini, lalu mengetikkan:

Draft a customized script for me to follow during my sales call with a prospect. The call will happen over a video call and is set to last 30 minutes. Make sure to add the following in the script: how [company products/solutions] can help address potential customer’s pain points, how [company]’s delivery system guarantees seamless and timely delivery, competitive pricing and volume-discount table, and space for a customer reference in the [customer’s industry] industry.
Draft a customized script for me to follow during my sales call with a prospect. The call will happen over a video call and is set to last 30 minutes. Make sure to add the following in the script: how [company products/solutions] can help address potential customer’s pain points, how [company]’s delivery system guarantees seamless and timely delivery, competitive pricing and volume-discount table, and space for a customer reference in the [customer’s industry] industry.
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Aplikasi Gemini

Setelah menyelesaikan riset awal, Anda mengekspor temuan Anda ke Dokumen Google baru. Anda membuka Dokumen Google tersebut untuk mengerjakan proses selanjutnya. Sekarang, Anda ingin membuat presentasi yang disesuaikan. Menggunakan Dokumen Google yang berisi semua catatan riset, Anda memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate an elevator pitch for [product name] and include key benefits, competitive points of differentiation, and the pain points that [product name] solves for.
Generate an elevator pitch for [product name] and include key benefits, competitive points of differentiation, and the pain points that [product name] solves for.
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Gemini di Dokumen

Gemini menghasilkan titik awal yang bagus untuk presentasi singkat dan pokok-pokok bahasan yang ringkas. Anda ingin menggunakannya untuk mengantisipasi lebih lanjut jalannya percakapan dengan pelanggan. Anda melanjutkan persiapan pertemuan dengan kembali ke aplikasi Gemini. Anda mengetikkan:

I have an upcoming call with a prospect. [Use case] is a new use case for me, and I need help preparing for the call. List the most likely objections [customer] might have for me during a sales call, with suggestions on how to respond to them. I work in [insert industry], and I am trying to sell [product]. Also provide ideas on how to handle objections and suggest ways to respond.
I have an upcoming call with a prospect. [Use case] is a new use case for me, and I need help preparing for the call. List the most likely objections [customer] might have for me during a sales call, with suggestions on how to respond to them. I work in [insert industry], and I am trying to sell [product]. Also provide ideas on how to handle objections and suggest ways to respond.
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Aplikasi Gemini
Manajer Business Development
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda ingin membangun relasi yang lebih dalam dengan calon pelanggan yang baru saja Anda temui. Anda ingin membuat draf template yang dapat disesuaikan untuk banyak kontak. Anda membuka Dokumen Google baru dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen. Anda mengetikkan:

Draft an outreach email template to industry influencers. Express gratitude that we connected at [event], and propose collaboration opportunities such as [opportunities].
Draft an outreach email template to industry influencers. Express gratitude that we connected at [event], and propose collaboration opportunities such as [opportunities].
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Gemini di Dokumen

Panggilan telepon Anda dengan calon pelanggan berakhir positif. Anda ingin menindaklanjutinya dengan mengirimkan konten pandangan ahli dari pendiri perusahaan Anda yang mungkin mereka minati. Anda membuka Dokumen Google yang berisi postingan blog di atas, dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Dokumen dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Summarize this blog content in bullet points and generate three ideas for follow-up questions I can ask my customers about their thoughts.
Summarize this blog content in bullet points and generate three ideas for follow-up questions I can ask my customers about their thoughts.
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Gemini di Dokumen
Kasus penggunaan:

Anda ingin menyampaikan terima kasih secara pribadi kepada pelanggan dan menanyakan kabar. Anda membuka Gmail dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di Gmail dengan memilih Bantu tulis. Anda mengetikkan:

Generate a personalized email for [customer] on their one-month anniversary working with [company]. Thank them for being a customer. Ask them if they have any questions. Include information about [other product].
Generate a personalized email for [customer] on their one-month anniversary working with [company]. Thank them for being a customer. Ask them if they have any questions. Include information about [other product].
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Gemini di Gmail

Anda juga ingin mengirimkan hadiah kepada pelanggan tersebut sebagai ucapan terima kasih. Anda membuka Spreadsheet Google dan memasukkan perintah ke Gemini di panel samping Spreadsheet. Anda mengetikkan:

Give me a list of gifts to send new clients that are under $200 and can be shipped to offices.
Give me a list of gifts to send new clients that are under $200 and can be shipped to offices.
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Gemini di Spreadsheet

Manajemen projectBisnis kecil
Kilauan Gemini

Gemini at Work

Jelajahi referensi pilihan — mulai dari panduan perintah hingga kisah pelanggan dan lain-lain — untuk mempelajari cara mengoptimalkan Gemini untuk Google Workspace.

Pelajari lebih lanjut