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Google Gemini 应用产品图标

AI 提示基础指南







下面的每条提示都附有一个场景,能够激发您的灵感,帮助您更好地利用 Gemini for Google Workspace。提示迭代示例说明了如何在初步生成的回答的基础上不断撰写后续提示。


您在一家个人护理产品公司担任公关事务负责人。您所在的公司刚刚收购了一个较小的品牌,您需要撰写一份新闻稿。您已经采访了公司的首席执行官、首席财务官,以及被收购公司的首席执行官。您已将所有重要引述记在了一个 Google 文档中,同时在另一个 Google 文档中记录了被收购品牌的所有信息,包括其愿景、创业历程和统计数据。您打开了一个新的 Google 文档,向文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来引用相关文件。您输入:

  • 图例
  • 角色
  • 任务
  • 上下文
  • 格式
I’m a PR manager.
I need to create a press release with a catchy title.
Include quotes from
@[VIP Quotes Acquisition].
I’m a PR manager.
I need to create a press release with a catchy title.
Include quotes from
@[VIP Quotes Acquisition].
Google 文档中的 Gemini
Gemini 草拟一份新闻稿。

现在,您有了一份新闻稿草稿,但还想添加有关被收购品牌及其创始人的更多详细信息。这些信息存储在云端硬盘的另一个文件中。于是,在新闻稿文档中,您向侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Use @[Biography and Mission Statement] to add more information about the company that is being acquired, its mission, and how it got started.
Use @[Biography and Mission Statement] to add more information about the company that is being acquired, its mission, and how it got started.
Google 文档中的 Gemini
Gemini 为该新闻稿补充更多内容。

Gemini 生成的段落提供了一个不错的基础,于是您点击插入将它们添加到您的草稿中,然后开始着手修改新闻稿。



您的公司最近将召开新产品发布会,很多分析师和媒体都会出席,您需要为发言人准备一份简报。您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并向 Google 文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Generate a brief template to prepare [spokesperson] for an upcoming media and analyst briefing for @[Product Launch]. Include space for a synopsis, key messages, and supporting data.
Generate a brief template to prepare [spokesperson] for an upcoming media and analyst briefing for @[Product Launch]. Include space for a synopsis, key messages, and supporting data.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

然后就能在此基础上,加入提取自相关文件的其他信息。您向 Google 文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来链接相关文件。您输入:

Craft a synopsis of the product launch in three main points using @[Product Launch - Notes].
Craft a synopsis of the product launch in three main points using @[Product Launch - Notes].
Google 文档中的 Gemini

您点击插入,然后重复此过程填写发布会文档的其余部分。接下来,您需要创建一个电子表格,记录媒体和分析师的联系方式。您打开一个新的 Google 表格,并向 Google 表格侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Organize my media and analyst contacts from @[Analyst and Journalist Contact Notes] for a new product briefing. I need to keep track of their names, type of contact (analyst or journalist), focus area, the name of the outlet, agency or firm that they work for, and a place where I can indicate the priority level of their attendance at this briefing (low, medium, high).
Organize my media and analyst contacts from @[Analyst and Journalist Contact Notes] for a new product briefing. I need to keep track of their names, type of contact (analyst or journalist), focus area, the name of the outlet, agency or firm that they work for, and a place where I can indicate the priority level of their attendance at this briefing (low, medium, high).
Google 表格中的 Gemini

Google 表格中的 Gemini 返回一个电子表格,您可以逐一标注每个联系人的优先级别。接下来,您想创建在发布会中使用的幻灯片。您打开一个新的 Google 幻灯片,向幻灯片侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来链接相关文件。您输入:

Create a slide describing what [product] is from @[Product Launch - Notes]. Make sure it is short and easily understood by a broad audience.
Create a slide describing what [product] is from @[Product Launch - Notes]. Make sure it is short and easily understood by a broad audience.
Google 幻灯片中的 Gemini

Gemini 返回一张幻灯片。您继续用此方法生成更多幻灯片,以便制作演示文稿。


现在,您需要为公司发言人准备发布会后的采访问题。您需要生成一份模拟采访问题清单。于是,您决定与 Gemini 应用对话。您输入:

I am a [PR/AR] manager at [company name]. We just launched [product] and had a briefing where we discussed [key messages]. I am preparing [spokesperson and role/title] for interviews. Generate a list of mock interview questions to help [spokesperson] prepare. Include a mixture of easy and hard questions, with some asking about the basics of [product] and some asking about the long-term vision of [product].
I am a [PR/AR] manager at [company name]. We just launched [product] and had a briefing where we discussed [key messages]. I am preparing [spokesperson and role/title] for interviews. Generate a list of mock interview questions to help [spokesperson] prepare. Include a mixture of easy and hard questions, with some asking about the basics of [product] and some asking about the long-term vision of [product].
Gemini 应用

Gemini 返回一份问题清单,这有助于公司发言人为采访环节做好准备。您继续与 Gemini 对话,以便优化这些问题。然后您依次点击分享和导出以及导出到 Google 文档。您打开一份新创建的 Google 文档,向文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来链接相关文件。您输入:

Use @[Product Launch Notes] to write suggested answers for these questions. Write the talking points as if you are [title of spokesperson] at [company].
Use @[Product Launch Notes] to write suggested answers for these questions. Write the talking points as if you are [title of spokesperson] at [company].
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Google 文档中的 Gemini 返回一些建议的谈话要点,然后您点击插入将它们添加到您的草稿中。现在您可以进一步为发言人调整采访准备材料。


您的公司重新设计了内网,以提供更加人性化的使用体验。您负责向公司内部员工宣布新版内网已经发布。您需要一些帮助来起草相关备忘录。于是,您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并向 Google 文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

I need to draft a company-wide memo unveiling our relaunched intranet. The [new page] addresses [common feedback we heard from employees] and aims to create a more user friendly experience. Draft an upbeat memo announcing [the new site] using @[Intranet Launch Plan Notes].
I need to draft a company-wide memo unveiling our relaunched intranet. The [new page] addresses [common feedback we heard from employees] and aims to create a more user friendly experience. Draft an upbeat memo announcing [the new site] using @[Intranet Launch Plan Notes].
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Google 文档中的 Gemini 返回一份备忘录草稿。然后您对其中的文本进行修改和优化,使其完全符合您的需求。

Gemini 星光图标

Gemini at Work

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