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Google Gemini 应用产品图标

AI 提示基础指南



作为一名 HR 专业人员,您是组织内的中坚力量,需要处理大量机密和敏感信息。您需要塑造公司文化、发现和培养人才,并确保员工获得积极的体验。这些都并非易事。




下面的每条提示都附有一个场景,能够激发您的灵感,帮助您更好地利用 Gemini for Google Workspace。提示迭代示例说明了如何在初步生成的回答的基础上不断撰写后续提示。


您是一名 HR 经理,正在准备演示文稿解说词。您有一个 Google 文档,里面记满了笔记、要点和您想谈论的主题。您首先打开包含笔记的 Google 文档,然后向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。

  • 图例
  • 角色
  • 任务
  • 上下文
  • 格式
I am an HR manager,
and I am developing a script for my presentation for new hires.
I need to create the script for an onboarding presentation about our company’s commitment to employee development and well-being.
Help me draft talking points that showcase why employee mentorship and development are core values for our company using @[Mission Statement and Core Values].
I am an HR manager,
and I am developing a script for my presentation for new hires.
I need to create the script for an onboarding presentation about our company’s commitment to employee development and well-being.
Help me draft talking points that showcase why employee mentorship and development are core values for our company using @[Mission Statement and Core Values].
Google 文档中的 Gemini
一位 HR 经理向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示,要求提供入职培训演讲的要点。
一位 HR 经理向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示,要求提供入职培训演讲的要点。Google 文档中的 Gemini 草拟演讲要点。


  • 图例
  • 任务
  • 上下文
  • 格式
Add four talking points
for a new section of the presentation script that explains how we support our employees’ development.
Mention our training and certification programs and mentorship opportunities using
@[Learning and Development Paths],
and write a strong closing statement
about our expectation that everyone contributes to a respectful and welcoming workplace.
Use a professional tone.
Add four talking points
for a new section of the presentation script that explains how we support our employees’ development.
Mention our training and certification programs and mentorship opportunities using
@[Learning and Development Paths],
and write a strong closing statement
about our expectation that everyone contributes to a respectful and welcoming workplace.
Use a professional tone.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

您补充更多细节,然后就可以开始创建与您的演讲要点相符合的 Google 幻灯片草稿了。



公司业务不断增长,您需要完成大量招聘工作。您想全面了解目前的招聘工作成效。您打开 Google 表格,并向 Google 表格侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Help me create a formula to calculate the total total number of [hires] by [department].
Help me create a formula to calculate the total total number of [hires] by [department].
Google 表格中的 Gemini

您继续对话,通过提出其他问题来提示 Gemini。您输入:

In what month did we hire the most people?
In what month did we hire the most people?
Google 表格中的 Gemini



您想集思广益,寻找更好地管理公司招聘流程的潜在方法。您打开团队的包含招聘策略的 Google 文档。您向 Google 文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Create a list of strategies our recruiters can use to improve our existing recruiting process and identify potential job candidates.
Create a list of strategies our recruiters can use to improve our existing recruiting process and identify potential job candidates.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

在就团队如何改进现有招聘流程为领导层提出简短建议后,团队收到了关于内容营销经理这一空缺职位的指导意见。您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

I am opening a new job position on the marketing team. Write a compelling role description for a content marketing manager. Highlight key responsibilities [insert] and requirements, including B2B and B2C content creation, a minimum of five years experience, and a portfolio of writing examples.
I am opening a new job position on the marketing team. Write a compelling role description for a content marketing manager. Highlight key responsibilities [insert] and requirements, including B2B and B2C content creation, a minimum of five years experience, and a portfolio of writing examples.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

您要准备电话筛选面试期间要问的问题,您想借助 Gemini 应用来完成这一工作。因此您上传相关文件,并输入以下内容:

I am a recruiter, and I am preparing for candidate interviews. Using the job description in the file I’m uploading, write a list of 20 open-ended interview questions that I can use to screen candidates.
I am a recruiter, and I am preparing for candidate interviews. Using the job description in the file I’m uploading, write a list of 20 open-ended interview questions that I can use to screen candidates.
Gemini 应用

团队已做出录用决定。您打开包含有关每位候选人的笔记的 Google 文档,然后选择帮我写,向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

I am writing an email to a job candidate who just finished the interview process. Create a template for an offer letter for the [selected candidate] for the [position] with a request to schedule a call to discuss benefits, compensation, and start date.
I am writing an email to a job candidate who just finished the interview process. Create a template for an offer letter for the [selected candidate] for the [position] with a request to schedule a call to discuss benefits, compensation, and start date.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

现在,您想生成个性化且富有同理心的电子邮件文案,发送给那些不会收到录用通知的求职者。您选择帮我写来向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

I am writing an email to job candidates who finished the interview process, but who were not selected. Help me write a rejection letter for [candidate] for the [position]. Use an empathetic tone.
I am writing an email to job candidates who finished the interview process, but who were not selected. Help me write a rejection letter for [candidate] for the [position]. Use an empathetic tone.
Google 文档中的 Gemini
HR 经理

您负责创建一份面向所有员工的调查问卷。您想集思广益,确定要问的问题。您打开 Gemini 应用并输入:

I am an HR manager in charge of running our enterprise-wide survey at [company] to gauge employee engagement and satisfaction. Generate a list of questions I can use to build the survey.
I am an HR manager in charge of running our enterprise-wide survey at [company] to gauge employee engagement and satisfaction. Generate a list of questions I can use to build the survey.
Gemini 应用

您的公司已完成年度员工敬业度和满意度问卷调查。现在,您想清理数据,然后进行分析。您打开 Gemini 应用,上传相关文件并输入:

Help me clean my employee survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," and if the region column shows Headquarters, replace that with HQ. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Help me clean my employee survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," and if the region column shows Headquarters, replace that with HQ. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Gemini 应用

您将公司的所有学习资源都存储在 Google 云端硬盘中。您想为每个新员工量身定制一份学习和发展计划。为此,您向 Google 云端硬盘侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Create a personalized learning and development plan for a new hire who needs to learn about [topic]. Organize it by day and suggest relevant files.
Create a personalized learning and development plan for a new hire who needs to learn about [topic]. Organize it by day and suggest relevant files.
云端硬盘中的 Gemini

招聘人员刚刚为公司的两个空缺职位招聘了员工。现在,您需要负责确保新员工顺利入职。您需要一些帮助来整理要为新员工提供的信息,因此您打开了 Google 表格,并向 Google 表格侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Create a table that outlines a new employee’s first-week schedule, including key meetings, training sessions, and introductions. Provide a column for key contacts and priority level (low, medium, high) for each activity.
Create a table that outlines a new employee’s first-week schedule, including key meetings, training sessions, and introductions. Provide a column for key contacts and priority level (low, medium, high) for each activity.
Google 表格中的 Gemini

Google 表格中的 Gemini 返回一个已设置格式的 Google 表格,您现在可以在其中填写关键联系人、会议和活动。利用条件格式,您可以通过以不同的颜色标示的可视化提示,轻松地按优先级对任务进行排序。接下来,您需要确定团建方式。于是,您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并向 Google 文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Design a team-bonding activity, such as an office scavenger hunt, to have team members work together during their team meeting.
Design a team-bonding activity, such as an office scavenger hunt, to have team members work together during their team meeting.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Google 文档中的 Gemini 提供了一些帮助您构思寻宝游戏的建议。您对输出结果进行调整,并且您的构想获得了团队负责人的批准。现在,您需要与新员工沟通,向他们介绍第一天入职时的安排。您打开 Gmail,并选择帮我写,向 Gmail 中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Draft an email to the new employees on the [team] to meet the rest of their team and explain the team-building purposes of the meeting.
Draft an email to the new employees on the [team] to meet the rest of their team and explain the team-building purposes of the meeting.
Gmail 中的 Gemini

现在,您已完成新员工的入职培训工作,需要集中精力确保领导层能够轻松理解公司的最新调研数据。您致力于为所有员工营造一个温馨的环境,让他们能够不断提升自己的技能。您打开包含最终报告的 Google 文档,然后选择帮我写,向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:

Draft an email to senior leadership that summarizes the key findings from our [report]. Include a short introductory paragraph with bullet points on the most important findings.
Draft an email to senior leadership that summarizes the key findings from our [report]. Include a short introductory paragraph with bullet points on the most important findings.
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Google 文档中的 Gemini 返回一个包含要点的摘要。您对摘要内容进行修改,然后通过电子邮件将其发送给领导团队。后续跟进时,您希望了解公司政策的变化如何影响员工体验。您打开 Google 文档中的 Gemini,开始起草调查问卷。您选择帮我写并输入:

Draft an anonymous employee survey with questions and answer options to monitor company progress on [topics].
Draft an anonymous employee survey with questions and answer options to monitor company progress on [topics].
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Gemini 星光图标

Gemini at Work

探索从提示撰写指南到客户案例等精心整理的资源,从中了解如何充分利用 Gemini for Google Workspace。
