您刚刚与项目的所有利益相关方进行了长时间通话,现在您想对讨论内容进行总结,并跟进分配的待办事项。在包含会议转写内容的 Google 文档中,您向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Summarize this call transcript in a short paragraph. In bullet points, highlight the action items, decisions made, and owners for each item based off of [call transcript].
Summarize this call transcript in a short paragraph. In bullet points, highlight the action items, decisions made, and owners for each item based off of [call transcript].
您需要根据上次通话中谈到的活动,向经理报告最新情况。您希望将报告项目状态更新的方式模板化。您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并选择帮我写,向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Draft a project status update email template to send to my manager. Include sections for a summary of key accomplishments this week, any challenges faced, and the top three priorities for next week.
Draft a project status update email template to send to my manager. Include sections for a summary of key accomplishments this week, any challenges faced, and the top three priorities for next week.
团队提前整整一周达到其关键里程碑。这是一个具有挑战性的项目,因此您想召集大家一起庆祝。您打开 Gmail,并选择帮我写,向 Gmail 中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Write an invitation for a team lunch to celebrate the progress made on a project and include [date, time, and location]. Thank them for all of their hard work and acknowledge that this has been a challenging project.
Write an invitation for a team lunch to celebrate the progress made on a project and include [date, time, and location]. Thank them for all of their hard work and acknowledge that this has been a challenging project.
项目刚刚结束,高管团队需要一份项目回顾报告。为了收集反馈,您打开了一个 Google 文档,并选择帮我写来向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
I need to write a report detailing the successes, failures, and lessons learned from [project]. Draft a list of 20 questions to guide a cross-team process investigation. Include questions to uncover what worked, what didn’t, specific process breakdowns, technical issues, communication gaps, or any other potential contributing factors to the problem or success of the project.
I need to write a report detailing the successes, failures, and lessons learned from [project]. Draft a list of 20 questions to guide a cross-team process investigation. Include questions to uncover what worked, what didn’t, specific process breakdowns, technical issues, communication gaps, or any other potential contributing factors to the problem or success of the project.
这些问题是很好的切入点。您对问题进行修改,然后与团队共享以征求他们的意见。收集大家的反馈后,您希望借助 Gemini 构建报告。您选择帮我写来向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Summarize this document in two paragraphs. Include high-level information about the project’s goals, the main contributors, the outcomes of the project, and any key successes or failures.
Summarize this document in two paragraphs. Include high-level information about the project’s goals, the main contributors, the outcomes of the project, and any key successes or failures.
您需要创建一个项目问题跟踪表,以跟踪风险并及时解决。您想快速创建模板,因此打开了一个新的 Google 表格,并向 Google 表格侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Create a spreadsheet to track project issues, including descriptions, status, assigned owner, and action items for resolution.
Create a spreadsheet to track project issues, including descriptions, status, assigned owner, and action items for resolution.
在项目全面启动之前,您希望有标准化的沟通模板可供使用。例如,您希望拥有可以在出现问题时使用的电子邮件。您打开一个新的 Google 文档,并选择帮我写,向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Draft an email template to announce when an issue arises and include causes, solutions, and timelines to resolve it.
Draft an email template to announce when an issue arises and include causes, solutions, and timelines to resolve it.
您觉得 Google 文档中的 Gemini 创建的模板还不错,但又想另外创建一个略有不同的电子邮件模板。在同一 Google 文档中,您选择帮我写,向 Google 文档中的 Gemini 发出提示。您输入:
Draft an email template to a stakeholder to escalate a critical project issue, outlining the impact and proposed solution.
Draft an email template to a stakeholder to escalate a critical project issue, outlining the impact and proposed solution.