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Google Gemini 应用产品图标

AI 提示基础指南




Gemini for Google Workspace 可以助您一臂之力,帮您全面提升工作效率,与投资者、客户以及同事建立更有意义的联系。本部分提供了专为您和您的团队设计的实用提示和实际应用场景。学会使用 Gemini for Workspace 撰写有效提示,不但会帮助您提高工作效率,还能精简您的日常任务,让您可以腾出更多时间来专注处理战略性工作。



下面的每条提示都搭配了适用场景,能够激发您的灵感,帮助您更好地利用 Gemini for Google Workspace。提示迭代示例说明了如何在初步生成的回答的基础上不断撰写提示,以及如何调整各个提示来完成常见任务并优化生成的输出结果。


您刚刚与同事召开了一次富有成效的规划和策略头脑风暴会议,您在白板上做了很多笔记。您用手机快速拍了一张照片,并直接上传到 Gemini Advanced。您输入:

  • 图例
  • 角色
  • 任务
  • 上下文
I am [a founder] at a startup
focused on [industry]. I was brainstorming about [topic] with colleagues, and we took notes on this whiteboard.
Turn these notes into text.
I am [a founder] at a startup
focused on [industry]. I was brainstorming about [topic] with colleagues, and we took notes on this whiteboard.
Turn these notes into text.
Gemini 应用

现在,您想乘势而上,继续进行头脑风暴,然后在跟进电子邮件中对小组成员的所有想法和笔记进行总结回顾。您继续与 Gemini 对话,并输入了:

Suggest follow-up items we could discuss for our [topic of brainstorm session]. What was not covered that could have been, and what are we potentially missing?
Suggest follow-up items we could discuss for our [topic of brainstorm session]. What was not covered that could have been, and what are we potentially missing?
Gemini 应用
Gemini 基于集思广益的结果返回后续事项建议。

您要保存所有笔记,所以依次点击分享和导出以及导出到 Google 文档。您准备将总结邮件发送给团队成员,因此打开了电子邮件,在 Gmail 的侧边栏中为 Gemini 输入了提示,并在提示中 @ 文件名以链接相关文件。您输入:

Use @[Brainstorm Notes and Ideas 9/1/24] to write a meeting recap to [the team] using an upbeat and friendly tone. Share some of the ideas I have for our next meeting to discuss [topic].
Use @[Brainstorm Notes and Ideas 9/1/24] to write a meeting recap to [the team] using an upbeat and friendly tone. Share some of the ideas I have for our next meeting to discuss [topic].
Gmail 中的 Gemini
初创公司的创始人向 Gemini 发出提示,要求草拟回顾邮件。Gemini 草拟一封电子邮件。


您计划向一群潜在投资者进行推介。这是您第一次与此类受众群体探讨公司业务。您需要好好准备自己的电梯间推销,所以您决定使用语音转提示功能与 Gemini 应用进行对话。您点击了麦克风图标并说:

I’m the founder of [startup] in [industry], and I need help creating a short elevator pitch for [company and product description]. I need to make the pitch relevant to [audience] and I want to especially highlight [key features of product] because I want them to [take this action]. Include a compelling hook and anticipate questions an investor might have. Make the tone professional but relaxed and confident.
I’m the founder of [startup] in [industry], and I need help creating a short elevator pitch for [company and product description]. I need to make the pitch relevant to [audience] and I want to especially highlight [key features of product] because I want them to [take this action]. Include a compelling hook and anticipate questions an investor might have. Make the tone professional but relaxed and confident.
Gemini 应用

随着公司发展步入正轨,您希望提升自己在社交媒体上的知名度,所以您想建立自己的个人品牌并不断进行完善。于是,您想利用 Gemini 应用进行头脑风暴。您输入了以下内容:

Help me grow my personal brand. I am the founder of [a startup] in [industry]. I am passionate about [topics]. I want to inspire [audience] with business tips and lessons I've learned from starting my own company. My goals are to build a following so that I can [generate more media] for the business. What are some ideas you have for how to accomplish this?
Help me grow my personal brand. I am the founder of [a startup] in [industry]. I am passionate about [topics]. I want to inspire [audience] with business tips and lessons I've learned from starting my own company. My goals are to build a following so that I can [generate more media] for the business. What are some ideas you have for how to accomplish this?
Gemini 应用

Gemini 返回了一些建议,告诉您如何着手打造有用的信息和内容,使其既符合您的个人品牌风格,又能帮助您实现目标。


您收到了两家不同制造商的报价,他们都就贵公司的新产品包装提供了自己的价格。在与供应商协商前,您想先对比一下两家的报价。您打开了一个新的 Google 文档,向文档侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来引用相关文件。您输入了以下内容:

I need to make a vendor decision for packaging manufacturing. Create a table that compares the two proposals I've received @[Company A’s Proposal] and @[Company B’s Proposal].
I need to make a vendor decision for packaging manufacturing. Create a table that compares the two proposals I've received @[Company A’s Proposal] and @[Company B’s Proposal].
Google 文档中的 Gemini

Gemini 创建了一个表格并比较了这两份不同的提案。您做出了决定,但现在想看看能不能与首选的供应商进行协商。您打开收件箱,开始撰写新邮件的草稿。您向 Gmail 侧边栏中的 Gemini 发出提示,并输入“@[文件名]”来链接相关文件。您输入了以下内容:

Create an email draft to [selected vendor] telling them that I've decided to move forward with them as the [packaging] vendor, but I would like to negotiate [a bulk pricing discount]. Use a collaborative tone.
Create an email draft to [selected vendor] telling them that I've decided to move forward with them as the [packaging] vendor, but I would like to negotiate [a bulk pricing discount]. Use a collaborative tone.
Gmail 中的 Gemini

Gmail 中的 Gemini 返回了一份可供发送的电子邮件草稿。您选择插入并发送了该电子邮件。


您正处在规划阶段,想先了解一下前几年的预算支出情况。所有这些数据都汇总在一个工作表中。于是,您决定与 Gemini 应用聊天。您上传了该工作表并向 Gemini 发出以下提示:

Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our expenses by category over the last three years. Identify areas where costs have increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our expenses by category over the last three years. Identify areas where costs have increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
Gemini 应用

Gemini 返回了回答,您可据此制定明年的预算提案。


您的团队正在开发一款新产品,您希望与营销团队合作开展调研,以便收集信息来制定产品发布计划。您想让 Gemini 提供帮助,基于价格、营销策略和目标受众群体等各种因素模拟不同的发布场景。于是,您打开 Gemini 应用来开展调研,并输入以下内容:

I am head of product at [startup] in [industry] industry. We are building a product launch plan for [product]. I want to brainstorm a few different scenarios. We are considering offering the [product] at two different price points [A and B] and we are considering launching in [December or January]. Provide pros and cons of each scenario and suggest different ideas we may not have considered.
I am head of product at [startup] in [industry] industry. We are building a product launch plan for [product]. I want to brainstorm a few different scenarios. We are considering offering the [product] at two different price points [A and B] and we are considering launching in [December or January]. Provide pros and cons of each scenario and suggest different ideas we may not have considered.
Gemini 应用


How do these prices compare to [competitor products’] prices? Detail what pricing strategies [competitors] use for [products], and list any common tactics they use (such as free trials, discounts, etc.). Summarize how they position the product to [audience]. Cite your sources.
How do these prices compare to [competitor products’] prices? Detail what pricing strategies [competitors] use for [products], and list any common tactics they use (such as free trials, discounts, etc.). Summarize how they position the product to [audience]. Cite your sources.
Gemini 应用



您希望优化产品策略和路线图。您收集了用户反馈并汇总到电子表格中,希望对这些数据进行整理,以便开展更深入的分析。于是,您与 Gemini 应用聊天,并输入以下内容:

Help me clean my [user feedback] survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," then if the [recommend] column shows [Yes], replace that with [Y]. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Help me clean my [user feedback] survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," then if the [recommend] column shows [Yes], replace that with [Y]. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Gemini 应用

Gemini 为您返回了一个条理分明的文件,以便您在此基础上进行更深入的分析。通过这一文件,您发现了几个趋势。为解决用户经常反馈的一些问题,您与团队在产品功能方面达成一致,现在想要制定一个高级路线图,作为后续行动的起始点。您继续与 Gemini 应用对话,并输入以下内容:

I am head of product at [startup] in the [industry] industry. We are adding [features] to our [product] to address recurring user feedback, including [feedback trends]. Build a high-level roadmap that will keep us on track for a Q4 delivery. Put it in a table format.
I am head of product at [startup] in the [industry] industry. We are adding [features] to our [product] to address recurring user feedback, including [feedback trends]. Build a high-level roadmap that will keep us on track for a Q4 delivery. Put it in a table format.
Gemini 应用

Gemini 返回了一个很有帮助的建议。您想保存这些工作,所以点击导出到 Google 文档

Gemini 星光图标

Gemini at Work

探索从提示撰写指南到客户案例等精心整理的资源,从中了解如何充分利用 Gemini for Google Workspace。
