一位客戶與您聯絡,並提出一個多層面的複雜問題。您需要尋找並利用分佈於多份文件的資料,以準確回答問題。於是,您在「雲端硬碟」的側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:
Summarize information about [product name] including the product’s specific [return policy], [ingredients], and [certifications].
Summarize information about [product name] including the product’s specific [return policy], [ingredients], and [certifications].
Gemini 輸出了一份摘要,總結相關檔案並提供檔案連結,讓您可以直接從側面板點撃進入。您查閱該份資料,然後回到電郵生成給客戶的回覆。您開啟訊息,在 Gmail 側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:
Generate a response to the customer question about our [return policy] and [product certifications] based on @[Customer FAQ Document]. Use a helpful and professional tone.
Generate a response to the customer question about our [return policy] and [product certifications] based on @[Customer FAQ Document]. Use a helpful and professional tone.
您是一名客戶服務團隊經理。您需要建立可擴充的資源,以統一團隊的標準溝通流程。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件進行集思廣益。您在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:
Draft templates for three different types of customer communication. Create templates for apology emails, order confirmation messages, and thank you notes for loyal customers. Keep each template to one paragraph and use a friendly tone.
Draft templates for three different types of customer communication. Create templates for apology emails, order confirmation messages, and thank you notes for loyal customers. Keep each template to one paragraph and use a friendly tone.
建議範本為您提供了很好的起點,讓您可開始編輯及加入與您公司品牌形象和政策一致的個人化元素。現在,您希望為入職培訓提供團隊溝通最佳做法的大綱。於是,您開啟新的文件,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:
Craft a list of customer communication best practices that can be used to train new team members. Outline three sections, including how to handle happy customer inquiries, neutral customer inquiries, and dissatisfied customer inquiries.
Craft a list of customer communication best practices that can be used to train new team members. Outline three sections, including how to handle happy customer inquiries, neutral customer inquiries, and dissatisfied customer inquiries.
您亦希望建立標準講稿,讓團隊在與客戶通話時可以使用,以支援他們的日常工作。於是,您在 Gemini 應用程式輸入提示:
I am a [customer service manager]. I am trying to create standardized language that the team can use when interacting with customers on phone calls. Generate templates for common call openings, greetings, and closures for a customer service representative at a retail store. These templates should allow for personalization with customer details. The goal is to ensure consistency and professionalism while allowing for differentiation with specific customer information.
I am a [customer service manager]. I am trying to create standardized language that the team can use when interacting with customers on phone calls. Generate templates for common call openings, greetings, and closures for a customer service representative at a retail store. These templates should allow for personalization with customer details. The goal is to ensure consistency and professionalism while allowing for differentiation with specific customer information.
您留意到客戶投訴增多,您需要與各部門協作,以解決重複發生的問題。您向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:
Draft an email to my colleagues proposing a meeting to discuss customer experience improvement initiatives. Request that marketing, sales, and product stakeholders meet in the next week to get a clear sense of roles and responsibilities.
Draft an email to my colleagues proposing a meeting to discuss customer experience improvement initiatives. Request that marketing, sales, and product stakeholders meet in the next week to get a clear sense of roles and responsibilities.
您編輯了電郵內容,然後傳送給同事。現在,您希望建立試算表,以追蹤此次跨部門工作的進度。於是,您開啟一份 Google 試算表,並在「試算表」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:
Create a table to track the progress and impact of different customer experience improvement tactics using relevant metrics, including support ticket volume and priority level (high, medium, low).
Create a table to track the progress and impact of different customer experience improvement tactics using relevant metrics, including support ticket volume and priority level (high, medium, low).