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Google Gemini 應用程式產品圖示

提示指南 101







以下每個提示都附有相關情境,讓您瞭解如何與 Gemini for Google Workspace 協作。反覆調整提示提供了例子,示範了如何根據最初生成的回覆來撰寫跟進提示。


您是一名人力資源經理,正在準備一份簡報講稿。您有一份載有大量筆記、重點和主題的 Google 文件,而您希望在講稿中涵蓋全部資料。於是,您開啟該 Google 文件筆記,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示。

  • 圖例
  • 角色
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
I am an HR manager,
and I am developing a script for my presentation for new hires.
I need to create the script for an onboarding presentation about our company’s commitment to employee development and well-being.
Help me draft talking points that showcase why employee mentorship and development are core values for our company using @[Mission Statement and Core Values].
I am an HR manager,
and I am developing a script for my presentation for new hires.
I need to create the script for an onboarding presentation about our company’s commitment to employee development and well-being.
Help me draft talking points that showcase why employee mentorship and development are core values for our company using @[Mission Statement and Core Values].
文件版 Gemini
人力資源經理向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示,請其提供入職培訓簡報的討論要點。
人力資源經理向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示,請其提供入職培訓簡報的討論要點。「文件版 Gemini」按照提示草擬要點。

您選取 [插入]。現在,您希望加入更多特定的討論要點。於是,您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
Add four talking points
for a new section of the presentation script that explains how we support our employees’ development.
Mention our training and certification programs and mentorship opportunities using
@[Learning and Development Paths],
and write a strong closing statement
about our expectation that everyone contributes to a respectful and welcoming workplace.
Use a professional tone.
Add four talking points
for a new section of the presentation script that explains how we support our employees’ development.
Mention our training and certification programs and mentorship opportunities using
@[Learning and Development Paths],
and write a strong closing statement
about our expectation that everyone contributes to a respectful and welcoming workplace.
Use a professional tone.
文件版 Gemini

您加入了更多詳情,然後準備好草擬一份 Google 簡報來配合您的討論要點。



公司業務正在擴充,而您將需要聘請大量人手。您希望全面檢視招聘成效,因此您開啟 Google 試算表,並在「試算表」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Help me create a formula to calculate the total total number of [hires] by [department].
Help me create a formula to calculate the total total number of [hires] by [department].
試算表版 Gemini


In what month did we hire the most people?
In what month did we hire the most people?
試算表版 Gemini



您希望集思廣益,找出公司改善招聘過程的潛在方式。於是,您開啟了載有招聘策略的團隊 Google 文件,並在「文件」的側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Create a list of strategies our recruiters can use to improve our existing recruiting process and identify potential job candidates.
Create a list of strategies our recruiters can use to improve our existing recruiting process and identify potential job candidates.
文件版 Gemini

為主管建立改善現有招聘過程的簡短建議後,團隊收到了內容營銷經理職位空缺的指引。於是,您開啟新的文件,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

I am opening a new job position on the marketing team. Write a compelling role description for a content marketing manager. Highlight key responsibilities [insert] and requirements, including B2B and B2C content creation, a minimum of five years experience, and a portfolio of writing examples.
I am opening a new job position on the marketing team. Write a compelling role description for a content marketing manager. Highlight key responsibilities [insert] and requirements, including B2B and B2C content creation, a minimum of five years experience, and a portfolio of writing examples.
文件版 Gemini

您希望為電話篩選面試準備幾個問題。於是,您決定使用 Gemini 應用程式來準備。您上載相關檔案,然後輸入:

I am a recruiter, and I am preparing for candidate interviews. Using the job description in the file I’m uploading, write a list of 20 open-ended interview questions that I can use to screen candidates.
I am a recruiter, and I am preparing for candidate interviews. Using the job description in the file I’m uploading, write a list of 20 open-ended interview questions that I can use to screen candidates.
Gemini 應用程式

團隊已有招聘決定。於是,您開啟載有每位求職者筆記的 Google 文件。然後,您選取「幫我寫」並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

I am writing an email to a job candidate who just finished the interview process. Create a template for an offer letter for the [selected candidate] for the [position] with a request to schedule a call to discuss benefits, compensation, and start date.
I am writing an email to a job candidate who just finished the interview process. Create a template for an offer letter for the [selected candidate] for the [position] with a request to schedule a call to discuss benefits, compensation, and start date.
文件版 Gemini

現在,您想生成個人化、富同理心的電郵文案,以傳送給沒有獲聘的求職者。然後,您選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

I am writing an email to job candidates who finished the interview process, but who were not selected. Help me write a rejection letter for [candidate] for the [position]. Use an empathetic tone.
I am writing an email to job candidates who finished the interview process, but who were not selected. Help me write a rejection letter for [candidate] for the [position]. Use an empathetic tone.
文件版 Gemini

您負責建立一個傳送給所有員工的問卷調查,並希望為要詢問的問題集思廣益。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I am an HR manager in charge of running our enterprise-wide survey at [company] to gauge employee engagement and satisfaction. Generate a list of questions I can use to build the survey.
I am an HR manager in charge of running our enterprise-wide survey at [company] to gauge employee engagement and satisfaction. Generate a list of questions I can use to build the survey.
Gemini 應用程式

您的公司已完成其年度員工投入度與滿意度問卷調查。現在您希望在分析資料前先行整理。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式,上載相關檔案,然後輸入:

Help me clean my employee survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," and if the region column shows Headquarters, replace that with HQ. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Help me clean my employee survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," and if the region column shows Headquarters, replace that with HQ. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Gemini 應用程式

您的「Google 雲端硬碟」中擁有公司所有學習資源。現在,您希望為每位新聘僱員度身訂造一個學習與發展計劃。於是,您在「雲端硬碟」的側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Create a personalized learning and development plan for a new hire who needs to learn about [topic]. Organize it by day and suggest relevant files.
Create a personalized learning and development plan for a new hire who needs to learn about [topic]. Organize it by day and suggest relevant files.
雲端硬碟版 Gemini

招聘人員剛剛為公司成功招聘兩個空缺。現在,您需負責確保員工得到流暢的入職培訓體驗。您需要整理新聘僱員資料的協助,於是開啟 Google 試算表,並在「試算表」的側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Create a table that outlines a new employee’s first-week schedule, including key meetings, training sessions, and introductions. Provide a column for key contacts and priority level (low, medium, high) for each activity.
Create a table that outlines a new employee’s first-week schedule, including key meetings, training sessions, and introductions. Provide a column for key contacts and priority level (low, medium, high) for each activity.
試算表版 Gemini

「試算表版 Gemini」輸出了一份格式整齊的 Google 試算表,您現在可以填入主要聯絡人、會議和活動。條件格式讓您可透過顏色分類的視覺提示,輕鬆將工作以優先程度排序。接下來,您需要構思員工聯誼方式。於是,您開啟新 Google 文件,並在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Design a team-bonding activity, such as an office scavenger hunt, to have team members work together during their team meeting.
Design a team-bonding activity, such as an office scavenger hunt, to have team members work together during their team meeting.
文件版 Gemini

「文件版 Gemini」提供了實用的資料,助您為尋寶遊戲集思廣益。您修改了輸出內容,然後團隊主管核准了此提議。現在,您需要與新聘僱員溝通,告知他們有關與團隊會面的第一天。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email to the new employees on the [team] to meet the rest of their team and explain the team-building purposes of the meeting.
Draft an email to the new employees on the [team] to meet the rest of their team and explain the team-building purposes of the meeting.
Gmail 版 Gemini

現在您已完成新員工的入職培訓,您需要集中整理公司最新的研究資料,以便主管容易明白。您致力為員工建立一個友善的環境,讓他們盡展所長。於是,您開啟載有最終報告的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email to senior leadership that summarizes the key findings from our [report]. Include a short introductory paragraph with bullet points on the most important findings.
Draft an email to senior leadership that summarizes the key findings from our [report]. Include a short introductory paragraph with bullet points on the most important findings.
文件版 Gemini

「文件版 Gemini」輸出了列點摘要。您加以修改,並透過電郵傳送給主管團隊。然後,您希望作進一步跟進,瞭解公司政策改變對員工體驗的影響。於是,您開啟「文件版 Gemini」,並開始草擬問卷。您選取「幫我寫」,然後輸入:

Draft an anonymous employee survey with questions and answer options to monitor company progress on [topics].
Draft an anonymous employee survey with questions and answer options to monitor company progress on [topics].
文件版 Gemini

Gemini 火花

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