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Google Gemini 應用程式產品圖示

提示指南 101




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以下每個提示都附有相關情境,讓您瞭解如何與 Gemini for Google Workspace 協作。反覆調整提示範例示範您可如何從最初生成的回覆中撰寫跟進提示。


您擁有自己的顧問公司,經常受聘為客戶的品牌經理,並幫助很多來自不同行業的公司。您的客戶正在準備推出一間電玩遊戲咖啡店,您的創作需要從建立視覺形象開始。您希望先進行構思,再向團隊其他成員提供初步想法。於是,您決定與 Gemini Advanced 即時通訊。您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
Gemini 應用程式
市場推廣顧問向 Gemini 輸入提示,請其生成引人注目的標誌選項。Gemini 按照提示輸出了三個標誌選項。


  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
Gemini 應用程式
市場推廣顧問向 Gemini 輸入提示,請其提供多三個懷舊標誌的選項。Gemini 按照提示輸出了三個選項。


  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
Gemini 應用程式
市場推廣顧問向 Gemini 輸入提示,請其提供標語和公司名稱。Gemini 按照提示草擬了標語和一些建議的公司名稱。


您正在重新整理您公司的品牌架構和訊息框架。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
Gemini 應用程式

您正在規劃一個新的品牌廣告活動。作為擴大社交媒體計劃的一部分,您希望找到可以合作的意見領袖或其他品牌。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
Gemini 應用程式

您的行業環境瞬息萬變,因此您需要進行市場研究,以更有效地找出和瞭解不斷演變的趨勢。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
Gemini 應用程式

完成研究後,您和您的團隊需要為新訊息進行 A/B 測試。您希望利用 Gemini 應用程式生成多個廣告文案變化版本。於是,您輸入:

I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
Gemini 應用程式

一位客戶即將有令人期待的機構變更。在公司改朝換代的同時,您需要建立內容來塑造其品牌形象。於是,您開啟一份 Google 文件,開始撰寫網誌草稿。然後,您選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
文件版 Gemini

您亦想有效率地追蹤內容擴大的方式和渠道,因此您開啟一份 Google 試算表,於是,您在「試算表」的側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
試算表版 Gemini

您即將主持一個會議,與多個團隊和一間負責設計工作的廣告公司討論即將進行的項目。於是,您使用「Google Meet 版 Gemini」並選取「使用 Gemini 寫筆記」,讓所有參與者掌握對話。會議後,Gemini 提供了討論內容的摘要,並輸出了後續操作項目,讓團隊緊貼進度。(「Meet 版 Gemini」)

從「通話筆記」生成的文件中,您希望建立一份試算表,幫助團隊緊貼進度。於是,您開啟新的 Google 試算表,在「試算表」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:

Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
試算表版 Gemini

您希望分析不同的資料來源並整合結果,以加快上市時間。於是,您開啟 Gemini Advanced 並輸入:

I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
Gemini 應用程式

您在 Gemini 答覆下方選取複查回覆選項,以驗證 Gemini 的答覆。

現在,您想查閱一份委託第三方對不同行業客戶進行問卷調查所得的報告。於是,您繼續與 Gemini 對話,然後上載相關檔案,並輸入:

Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
Gemini 應用程式

隨著團隊更新網頁文案、推銷簡報和其他市場推廣資產,您需要重新整理目標對象資料搜集和人物建立。於是,您使用 Gemini Advanced 進行集思廣益和資料搜集。您輸入:

I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
Gemini 應用程式

您希望建立一個強大的關鍵字、長尾關鍵字和詞句清單,以利用搜尋引擎推廣作為廣告定位來發掘新商機。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
Gemini 應用程式


For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
Gemini 應用程式


Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
Gemini 應用程式

電郵是您公司的其中一個主要溝通渠道,讓您可與潛在客戶和客戶直接互動。您希望獲得為新電郵推廣活動開始撰寫文案的協助。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
文件版 Gemini

現在,您希望與編輯團隊分享電郵主旨建議。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,然後輸入:

Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
Gmail 版 Gemini

團隊製作了一本全新的電子書,記載行政主管使用新解決方案的最佳策略。您正在製作一個到達網頁來放置此收費的資產,因此您需要一個引人入勝的文案。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,然後輸入:

Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
文件版 Gemini

網頁已經發佈,而您現在正執行一個集客式市場推廣活動,需要發掘下載最新電子書的潛在客戶。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
文件版 Gemini

您希望為新產品製作一個五步驟的電郵推廣時間規劃。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:

Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
文件版 Gemini

您希望製作影像內容,幫助您的創意廣告公司更深入瞭解即將展開廣告活動的團隊方向。您開啟新的 Google 簡報,並向「簡報版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
簡報版 Gemini

您是一名旅遊公司的內容營銷經理,負責公司的網誌頻道。您需要為新的網誌文章集思廣益,因此您決定與 Gemini 應用程式協作,以收集更多創作意念。您輸入:

Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
Gemini 應用程式


Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
Gemini 應用程式

您正集中建立針對社交媒體渠道的優化內容,並需要收集針對不同目標對象的各種內容構思。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
文件版 Gemini

接著,您亦需要草擬社交媒體貼文,吸引應屆畢業生登記參與即將舉行的活動。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
文件版 Gemini

您的公司即將發佈新應用程式,您想先進行初步構思,以開始擬定強大的市場推廣計劃。於是,您與 Gemini 應用程式即時通訊。您輸入:

I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
Gemini 應用程式

即時通訊回覆對您擬定市場推廣計劃非常有幫助。您需要將大致詳情告訴市場推廣總監 (CMO)。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
Gmail 版 Gemini

Gemini 火花

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