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Google Gemini 應用程式產品圖示

提示指南 101







以下每個提示都附有相關情境,讓您瞭解如何與 Gemini for Google Workspace 協作。反覆調整提示提供了例子,示範了如何根據最初生成的回覆來撰寫跟進提示。


您是一名客戶行政人員,並剛剛獲指派一位新客戶。您需要一個協助資料搜集的助手。您需要熟悉該客戶的主要聯絡人,以開始建立客戶與團隊間的互信關係。但首先,您想傳送一封自我介紹電郵。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
Write an email to [name], the new [title] at [company].
Congratulate them on their new role. Introduce me as their contact point at [company name]. Invite them to lunch next week and check if they prefer Monday or Tuesday.
Write an email to [name], the new [title] at [company].
Congratulate them on their new role. Introduce me as their contact point at [company name]. Invite them to lunch next week and check if they prefer Monday or Tuesday.
Gmail 版 Gemini
「Gmail 版 Gemini」按照提示完成電郵草稿,向新客戶介紹客戶主任。

這提供了一個不錯的起點,但您希望得到一個更好的回應。所以,您按一下 [修正] 和 [使用正式語氣]。

客戶主任向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示,幫忙修飾電郵和使用正式語氣。
「Gmail 版 Gemini」按照提示修飾電郵初稿,並使用正式語氣。

您對這封電郵很滿意,所以按一下 [插入]。您再次細閱訊息,並直接在訊息中作最後的輕微修改,然後傳送出去。現在,您想深入瞭解客戶,瞭解他們如何宣傳自己。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式進行資料搜集。您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 角色
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
I am an account executive in charge of a new account, [customer name].
I need to do initial research.
What is the market strategy of [customer]?
I am an account executive in charge of a new account, [customer name].
I need to do initial research.
What is the market strategy of [customer]?
Gemini 應用程式
客戶主任向 Gemini 輸入提示,幫忙提供有關客戶策略的資料。Gemini 輸出了一份框架,助您對客戶進行資料搜集。

Gemini 提供了實用的資料,作為您資料搜集的起點。然後,您繼續進行資料搜集,並首先將重心放於最新公告上。您整理了一個網址清單,並將其貼到您與 Gemini 應用程式的對話中。您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
Summarize these articles.
Provide key insights and contextualize why these announcements are important.
Summarize these articles.
Provide key insights and contextualize why these announcements are important.
Gemini 應用程式

現在,您已有一份清晰的摘要,記錄公告內容、公告的重要性和額外的分析資料。之後,您想更深入瞭解作為主要聯絡人的行政人員。您找到有關該行政人員的錄製訪問內容。於是,您把 YouTube 網址貼到您與 Gemini 應用程式的對話中,然後輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
  • 格式
[YouTube URL]
Summarize this interview and tell me more about [executive name].
What does [executive] care about?
[YouTube URL]
Summarize this interview and tell me more about [executive name].
What does [executive] care about?
Gemini 應用程式


  • 圖例
  • 工作
Tell me how [company] can help [customer company] with achieving their goals.
Tell me how [company] can help [customer company] with achieving their goals.
Gemini 應用程式

結束您的對話後,您將輸出結果匯出成一份 Google 文件。您開啟該文件,然後向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
Create an email draft
for [customer] explaining why [your company] is the perfect partner for them to achieve their market goals.
Create an email draft
for [customer] explaining why [your company] is the perfect partner for them to achieve their market goals.
文件版 Gemini


這是您首次協助新客戶的入門過程。您認為建立為客戶度身訂造的廣告元素會有幫助。於是,您開啟新的文件,在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
Create personalized onboarding materials for [customer].
Use @[Standard Onboarding Documents] and @[New Customer Migration Notes] to personalize the assets.
Create personalized onboarding materials for [customer].
Use @[Standard Onboarding Documents] and @[New Customer Migration Notes] to personalize the assets.
文件版 Gemini

您剛收到一份徵求建議 (RFP)。在收集資料的過程中,您希望快速擷取建議中的資料。首先,您想向提出建議的公司進行基本的資料搜集。於是,您前住 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:

I just received an RFP from [company]. Before I dive into the RFP, I want your help in conducting research. Give me a business profile of the company including all of the basics (where they are located, what they provide for customers, who their target audience is, any recent news from the company). Be as detailed as possible as I want to see a full view of [the company].
I just received an RFP from [company]. Before I dive into the RFP, I want your help in conducting research. Give me a business profile of the company including all of the basics (where they are located, what they provide for customers, who their target audience is, any recent news from the company). Be as detailed as possible as I want to see a full view of [the company].
Gemini 應用程式

完成該公司的資料搜集後,您想為徵求建議 (RFP) 建立摘要。 於是,您繼續與 Gemini 對話,並輸入:

[URL or uploaded file] I am a sales manager at [company], and this is the RFP we’ve received from [company]. Summarize this content in a few paragraphs. What is the customer seeking, what is the budget, and when is a response due by?
[URL or uploaded file] I am a sales manager at [company], and this is the RFP we’ve received from [company]. Summarize this content in a few paragraphs. What is the customer seeking, what is the budget, and when is a response due by?
Gemini 應用程式

您正在用手機遙距工作。在流動應用程式中,您開啟 Gmail 內的一個電郵串,然後選取 Gemini 方塊中的「總結此電郵內容」。Gemini 迅速地提供了往來訊息的摘要,讓您專注於討論重點。(「Gmail 版 Gemini」)

現在,您希望生成確認最新進度的回覆。您向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Write a response to this email letting [them] know that I’ve received the message and will take [action] by [Friday].
Write a response to this email letting [them] know that I’ve received the message and will take [action] by [Friday].
Gmail 版 Gemini

您的年度會議即將舉行,而您最重要的潛在客戶將會出席。您希望親自邀請他們參與「歡樂時光」聚會。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Write an email inviting people interested in [focus area] to our happy hour taking place on [date, time] at [trade show event]. Include that we specialize in [focus area].
Write an email inviting people interested in [focus area] to our happy hour taking place on [date, time] at [trade show event]. Include that we specialize in [focus area].
Gmail 版 Gemini

現在活動已經結束,您希望向有份參與「歡樂時光」聚會的客戶作會後跟進。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email thanking customers for their time at the happy hour on [date, time, location]. End with an invitation to continue the conversations in the next few weeks. Use a friendly tone.
Draft an email thanking customers for their time at the happy hour on [date, time, location]. End with an invitation to continue the conversations in the next few weeks. Use a friendly tone.
Gmail 版 Gemini

您希望向參加會議工作坊的客戶作會後跟進,因為他們及早提供意見非常重要。您向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft 10 questions that I can use to survey customers about their recent experience with our [product/service]. Include questions to gauge how useful [the product] is, what they liked, and what they thought could use improvement.
Draft 10 questions that I can use to survey customers about their recent experience with our [product/service]. Include questions to gauge how useful [the product] is, what they liked, and what they thought could use improvement.
文件版 Gemini

您需要聯絡所有在東南部地區的團隊主管,向他們即時指導如何主動接觸客戶以解決持續的問題。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email to all Southeast region sales leads. Inform them of [issues]. Advise them to communicate with their teams to contact their customers and offer a 20% discount on a future order as an apology.
Draft an email to all Southeast region sales leads. Inform them of [issues]. Advise them to communicate with their teams to contact their customers and offer a 20% discount on a future order as an apology.
Gmail 版 Gemini

現在,您需要向所有地區團隊成員傳送電郵。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an email to the regional sales representatives about an urgent meeting that needs to take place next week about the [issues]. Ask them to provide availability on Monday or Tuesday.
Draft an email to the regional sales representatives about an urgent meeting that needs to take place next week about the [issues]. Ask them to provide availability on Monday or Tuesday.
Gmail 版 Gemini

很多團隊成員向您反映,他們希望有更多學習機會。因此,您正在籌備一個半天的學習課程。您需要建立一個時間表,於是,您開啟一個新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Create a half-day agenda for an educational session on our latest technology [products] for sales teams. Include time for the product development team to present and include time for lunch.
Create a half-day agenda for an educational session on our latest technology [products] for sales teams. Include time for the product development team to present and include time for lunch.
文件版 Gemini

為跟進團隊會議,您希望重點介紹不同的學習機會。於是,您開啟「Google 試算表」,在「試算表」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Create a spreadsheet that tracks online courses for sellers. Include columns for the course’s main topic, price, duration, and priority level.
Create a spreadsheet that tracks online courses for sellers. Include columns for the course’s main topic, price, duration, and priority level.
試算表版 Gemini

您將與客戶進行一個重要的會議。在 Google Meet,您選取「使用 Gemini 寫筆記」,以開啟轉錄功能和啟動「Meet 版 Gemini」。轉錄文字提供了從會議內容衍生、未經編輯的文件。「使用 Gemini 寫筆記」的檔案會生成會議回顧、重要討論項目及後續操作項目的筆記。現在,您可以全情投入與客戶對話。(「Meet 版 Gemini」)

通話後,您想傳送會議回顧訊息給客戶。於是,您開啟新訊息,在 Gmail 側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:

Write a message to [customer] thanking them for their time at our last [meeting]. Provide a quick summary of the meeting and acknowledge any pain points discussed. Ask for additional time to discuss our [solution] using @[Customer Meeting Gemini Notes].
Write a message to [customer] thanking them for their time at our last [meeting]. Provide a quick summary of the meeting and acknowledge any pain points discussed. Ask for additional time to discuss our [solution] using @[Customer Meeting Gemini Notes].
Gmail 版 Gemini

為準備下一個會議,您想使用轉錄文字和現有的銷售材料來生成自訂廣告元素,以展示您公司的產品如何解決客戶在通話中提到的難題。於是,您開啟新文件,在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標記相關檔案。您輸入:

I am an [account manager] and I just finished a call with [customer]. I want to summarize the [pain points] mentioned by [customer] during our last meeting. Provide a list of direct quotes from @[Customer Call Transcript] where [customer] discusses what they are trying to solve.
I am an [account manager] and I just finished a call with [customer]. I want to summarize the [pain points] mentioned by [customer] during our last meeting. Provide a list of direct quotes from @[Customer Call Transcript] where [customer] discusses what they are trying to solve.
文件版 Gemini

您查閱了客戶難題的摘要,發現討論內容重點都有記錄下來。於是,您按一下側面板中的 [插入]。然後,您想使用現有檔案來生成針對每個難題的自訂回覆。您在「文件」側面板再次向 Gemini 輸入提示,並標記相關檔案。您輸入:

I need to create convincing reasons why [customer] should adopt [product] to solve for [their pain points]. Write specific reasons why [product] from [company] could help them achieve their [business goals] using @[Product Sales Kit Full Assets].
I need to create convincing reasons why [customer] should adopt [product] to solve for [their pain points]. Write specific reasons why [product] from [company] could help them achieve their [business goals] using @[Product Sales Kit Full Assets].
文件版 Gemini

您剛剛與客戶進行了不錯的通話。現在您想使用會議時在「Google 文件」建立的筆記來草擬給客戶的電郵。在載有筆記的 Google 文件中,您選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Compose a personalized follow-up email to [client] following an initial conversation. Summarize the key points we discussed and address any outstanding questions.
Compose a personalized follow-up email to [client] following an initial conversation. Summarize the key points we discussed and address any outstanding questions.
文件版 Gemini

客戶剛採用公司的其中一項服務,您希望確保他們在入門期間得到支援。因此,您希望每週向他們關心進度,但您想先看看電郵的不同樣式。於是,您開啟新的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft four email templates to check in on my customer weekly now that they have purchased our new [service]. Use one value proposition (cost, ease of use, security, availability, and customization) as the main topic for each email, and include [call to action] in each message.
Draft four email templates to check in on my customer weekly now that they have purchased our new [service]. Use one value proposition (cost, ease of use, security, availability, and customization) as the main topic for each email, and include [call to action] in each message.
文件版 Gemini

您將與潛在客戶進行通話。這是一個全新的個案,所以您需要取得協助以準備此次通話。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式,然後輸入:

Draft a customized script for me to follow during my sales call with a prospect. The call will happen over a video call and is set to last 30 minutes. Make sure to add the following in the script: how [company products/solutions] can help address potential customer’s pain points, how [company]’s delivery system guarantees seamless and timely delivery, competitive pricing and volume-discount table, and space for a customer reference in the [customer’s industry] industry.
Draft a customized script for me to follow during my sales call with a prospect. The call will happen over a video call and is set to last 30 minutes. Make sure to add the following in the script: how [company products/solutions] can help address potential customer’s pain points, how [company]’s delivery system guarantees seamless and timely delivery, competitive pricing and volume-discount table, and space for a customer reference in the [customer’s industry] industry.
Gemini 應用程式

現在您已完成首階段資料搜集,並將搜集到的資料匯出成新的 Google 文件。您開啟該文件,並繼續工作。現在,您希望建立一個為客戶度身訂造的推銷簡報。利用該 Google 文件中的所有資料搜集筆記,您選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Generate an elevator pitch for [product name] and include key benefits, competitive points of differentiation, and the pain points that [product name] solves for.
Generate an elevator pitch for [product name] and include key benefits, competitive points of differentiation, and the pain points that [product name] solves for.
文件版 Gemini

您的電梯推銷文稿已有很好的開端及簡短要點。您希望利用此文稿來預計客戶通話的內容,以作進一步準備。於是,您回到 Gemini 應用程式,並繼續進行會議準備。您輸入:

I have an upcoming call with a prospect. [Use case] is a new use case for me, and I need help preparing for the call. List the most likely objections [customer] might have for me during a sales call, with suggestions on how to respond to them. I work in [insert industry], and I am trying to sell [product]. Also provide ideas on how to handle objections and suggest ways to respond.
I have an upcoming call with a prospect. [Use case] is a new use case for me, and I need help preparing for the call. List the most likely objections [customer] might have for me during a sales call, with suggestions on how to respond to them. I work in [insert industry], and I am trying to sell [product]. Also provide ideas on how to handle objections and suggest ways to respond.
Gemini 應用程式

您希望與最近接觸的潛在客戶建立更深厚的關係。所以,您想草擬一個可針對不同聯絡人進行自訂的範本。您開啟新的 Google 文件,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Draft an outreach email template to industry influencers. Express gratitude that we connected at [event], and propose collaboration opportunities such as [opportunities].
Draft an outreach email template to industry influencers. Express gratitude that we connected at [event], and propose collaboration opportunities such as [opportunities].
文件版 Gemini

與潛在客戶順利通話後,您想分享公司創辦人撰寫的思維領導內容,客戶可能會感興趣。於是,您開啟載有網誌文章的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Summarize this blog content in bullet points and generate three ideas for follow-up questions I can ask my customers about their thoughts.
Summarize this blog content in bullet points and generate three ideas for follow-up questions I can ask my customers about their thoughts.
文件版 Gemini

您希望親自答謝客戶並關心其近況。於是,您開啟 Gmail,選取「幫我寫」,並向「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸入提示:

Generate a personalized email for [customer] on their one-month anniversary working with [company]. Thank them for being a customer. Ask them if they have any questions. Include information about [other product].
Generate a personalized email for [customer] on their one-month anniversary working with [company]. Thank them for being a customer. Ask them if they have any questions. Include information about [other product].
Gmail 版 Gemini

您還希望為客戶送上禮物,以示感謝。您開啟「Google 試算表」,在「試算表」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Give me a list of gifts to send new clients that are under $200 and can be shipped to offices.
Give me a list of gifts to send new clients that are under $200 and can be shipped to offices.
試算表版 Gemini

Gemini 火花

使用 Gemini 工作

探索提示指南及客戶故事等精選資源,助您充分發揮 Gemini for Google Workspace 的功能。
