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Google Gemini 應用程式產品圖示

提示指南 101




Gemini for Google Workspace 助您大幅提升生產力,並與投資者、客戶和同事建立有意義的連繫。此部分提供專為您和團隊而設的實用提示和真實用例。學習使用 Gemini for Workspace 撰寫有效的提示,將有助提升生產力和簡化日常工作,讓您有更多時間專注於策略性工作。



以下每個提示都附有相關情境,為您提供如何與 Gemini for Workspace 協作的靈感。疊加提示範例展示您可如何從最初生成的回覆中繼續撰寫提示,以及如何調整每個提示,以完成日常工作並修正已生成的輸出內容。


您剛與同事一同為制定計劃和策略集思廣益,過程非常順利,並在白板上寫了許多筆記。您用手機快速拍照,並直接上載至 Gemini Advanced。然後,您輸入:

  • 圖例
  • 角色
  • 工作
  • 相關背景
I am [a founder] at a startup
focused on [industry]. I was brainstorming about [topic] with colleagues, and we took notes on this whiteboard.
Turn these notes into text.
I am [a founder] at a startup
focused on [industry]. I was brainstorming about [topic] with colleagues, and we took notes on this whiteboard.
Turn these notes into text.
Gemini 應用程式


Suggest follow-up items we could discuss for our [topic of brainstorm session]. What was not covered that could have been, and what are we potentially missing?
Suggest follow-up items we could discuss for our [topic of brainstorm session]. What was not covered that could have been, and what are we potentially missing?
Gemini 應用程式
Gemini 根據集思廣益階段的內容建議後續跟進項目。

您按一下 [分享並匯出] 和 [匯出至「文件」] 儲存所有筆記。您已準備好將回顧訊息傳送給團隊,於是您開啟電郵,在 Gmail 側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並在提示中輸入 @檔案名稱來標籤相關筆記檔案。您輸入:

Use @[Brainstorm Notes and Ideas 9/1/24] to write a meeting recap to [the team] using an upbeat and friendly tone. Share some of the ideas I have for our next meeting to discuss [topic].
Use @[Brainstorm Notes and Ideas 9/1/24] to write a meeting recap to [the team] using an upbeat and friendly tone. Share some of the ideas I have for our next meeting to discuss [topic].
Gmail 版 Gemini
初創企業創辦人向 Gemini 輸入提示,請其草疑一封回顧電郵。Gemini 按照提示完成電郵草稿。

建立電梯推銷文稿 (語音轉文字)

您已安排時間向一群潛在投資者講解業務。這是您第一次與這些目標對象討論您的業務。您需要準備電梯推銷文稿,因此您與 Gemini 應用程式即時通訊,並用語音輸入提示。您選取麥克風圖示,然後說:

I’m the founder of [startup] in [industry], and I need help creating a short elevator pitch for [company and product description]. I need to make the pitch relevant to [audience] and I want to especially highlight [key features of product] because I want them to [take this action]. Include a compelling hook and anticipate questions an investor might have. Make the tone professional but relaxed and confident.
I’m the founder of [startup] in [industry], and I need help creating a short elevator pitch for [company and product description]. I need to make the pitch relevant to [audience] and I want to especially highlight [key features of product] because I want them to [take this action]. Include a compelling hook and anticipate questions an investor might have. Make the tone professional but relaxed and confident.
Gemini 應用程式

隨著公司不斷發展,您正在著手提升社交媒體的曝光率,因此您希望定義並塑造個人品牌形象。您開啟 Gemini 應用程式以集思廣益。您輸入:

Help me grow my personal brand. I am the founder of [a startup] in [industry]. I am passionate about [topics]. I want to inspire [audience] with business tips and lessons I've learned from starting my own company. My goals are to build a following so that I can [generate more media] for the business. What are some ideas you have for how to accomplish this?
Help me grow my personal brand. I am the founder of [a startup] in [industry]. I am passionate about [topics]. I want to inspire [audience] with business tips and lessons I've learned from starting my own company. My goals are to build a following so that I can [generate more media] for the business. What are some ideas you have for how to accomplish this?
Gemini 應用程式

Gemini 輸出了一份分析資料,說明如何開始建立符合個人品牌形象的訊息和內容,助您實現目標。


您需要為公司的新產品製作包裝,並已收到兩間製造商的報價。您希望在協商之前比較這些報價。於是,您開啟新文件,在「文件」側面板中向 Gemini 輸入提示,並輸入 @檔案名稱以參考相關檔案。您輸入:

I need to make a vendor decision for packaging manufacturing. Create a table that compares the two proposals I've received @[Company A’s Proposal] and @[Company B’s Proposal].
I need to make a vendor decision for packaging manufacturing. Create a table that compares the two proposals I've received @[Company A’s Proposal] and @[Company B’s Proposal].
文件版 Gemini

Gemini 建立了一個比較兩個不同提案的表格。現在您已有決定,但您希望嘗試與首選供應商協商。於是,您前往收件箱並開始草擬新電郵。您在 Gmail 側面板向 Gemini 輸入提示,並輸入 @[檔案名稱] 來標籤相關檔案。您輸入:

Create an email draft to [selected vendor] telling them that I've decided to move forward with them as the [packaging] vendor, but I would like to negotiate [a bulk pricing discount]. Use a collaborative tone.
Create an email draft to [selected vendor] telling them that I've decided to move forward with them as the [packaging] vendor, but I would like to negotiate [a bulk pricing discount]. Use a collaborative tone.
Gmail 版 Gemini

「Gmail 版 Gemini」輸出了一則可以隨時傳送的訊息草稿。您選取 [插入],並傳送電郵。


您正在規劃預算,並希望先瞭解往年的預算花費了在哪些方面,而全部資料都在一份工作表中。於是,您決定與 Gemini 應用程式即時通訊。您上載工作表並向 Gemini 輸入提示:

Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our expenses by category over the last three years. Identify areas where costs have increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our expenses by category over the last three years. Identify areas where costs have increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
Gemini 應用程式

Gemini 輸出的答覆提供了實用的資訊,對您明年的預算提案很有幫助。


您的團隊正在創作新產品,您希望與市場推廣團隊協作並進行研究,為發佈計劃收集資料。您希望透過 Gemini 的協助,根據定價、市場推廣策略和目標對象等因素模擬不同的發佈方案。於是,您前往 Gemini 應用程式以開始研究,並輸入:

I am head of product at [startup] in [industry] industry. We are building a product launch plan for [product]. I want to brainstorm a few different scenarios. We are considering offering the [product] at two different price points [A and B] and we are considering launching in [December or January]. Provide pros and cons of each scenario and suggest different ideas we may not have considered.
I am head of product at [startup] in [industry] industry. We are building a product launch plan for [product]. I want to brainstorm a few different scenarios. We are considering offering the [product] at two different price points [A and B] and we are considering launching in [December or January]. Provide pros and cons of each scenario and suggest different ideas we may not have considered.
Gemini 應用程式


How do these prices compare to [competitor products’] prices? Detail what pricing strategies [competitors] use for [products], and list any common tactics they use (such as free trials, discounts, etc.). Summarize how they position the product to [audience]. Cite your sources.
How do these prices compare to [competitor products’] prices? Detail what pricing strategies [competitors] use for [products], and list any common tactics they use (such as free trials, discounts, etc.). Summarize how they position the product to [audience]. Cite your sources.
Gemini 應用程式



您希望調查產品策略及藍圖。您收集到的用戶意見已在試算表中,現在您希望加以整理,以便進行更深入的分析。於是,您與 Gemini 應用程式即時通訊,並輸入:

Help me clean my [user feedback] survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," then if the [recommend] column shows [Yes], replace that with [Y]. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Help me clean my [user feedback] survey spreadsheet. Specifically, fill any blank values in the name column with "Anonymous," then if the [recommend] column shows [Yes], replace that with [Y]. Finally, remove any rows where the satisfaction column is blank. Please generate a new file for me with my cleaned data.
Gemini 應用程式

Gemini 輸出了一份整潔的檔案,讓您可以進一步深入分析,而且從這個檔案中,您注意到一些趨勢。針對重複出現的用戶意見,您與團隊在改善產品功能方面達成共識。現在,您希望製作初步的進階藍圖。於是,您繼續與 Gemini 對話,並輸入:

I am head of product at [startup] in the [industry] industry. We are adding [features] to our [product] to address recurring user feedback, including [feedback trends]. Build a high-level roadmap that will keep us on track for a Q4 delivery. Put it in a table format.
I am head of product at [startup] in the [industry] industry. We are adding [features] to our [product] to address recurring user feedback, including [feedback trends]. Build a high-level roadmap that will keep us on track for a Q4 delivery. Put it in a table format.
Gemini 應用程式

Gemini 輸出了一份實用的初稿。您想儲存起來,所以您按一下 [匯出至「文件」]。

Gemini 火花

使用 Gemini 工作

探索提示指南及客戶故事等精選資源,助您充分發揮 Gemini for Google Workspace 的功能。
