您需要跟上大量重要電郵訊息。於是,您開啟電郵並選取一個重要的電郵串。您在 Gmail 側面板開啟 Gemini,讓其自動總結內容。(「Gmail 版 Gemini」)
身為企業擁有者,您亦需負責透過社交媒體渠道、電郵式通訊和電郵市場推廣來宣傳您的服務。但是,您不肯定應從何開始,因此您與 Gemini 應用程式展開即時通訊。您輸入:
I own a [type of business] in [location]. I am working on marketing materials to advertise [event/sale] on [services]. I want to focus on using this sale to bring in repeat customers who haven’t purchased in a while and new customers alike. I want the social posts to feel [inspirational] and [fun]. Suggest some social copy I can use on [social platform] with relevant hashtags, suggested newsletter copy, and two email drafts (one for existing customers and one for new customers).
I own a [type of business] in [location]. I am working on marketing materials to advertise [event/sale] on [services]. I want to focus on using this sale to bring in repeat customers who haven’t purchased in a while and new customers alike. I want the social posts to feel [inspirational] and [fun]. Suggest some social copy I can use on [social platform] with relevant hashtags, suggested newsletter copy, and two email drafts (one for existing customers and one for new customers).
您喜歡 Gemini 提供的建議,因此您選取 [分享並匯出],然後 [匯出至「文件」]。您希望繼續集思廣益,於是您詢問 Gemini:
What are some other effective [event/sale] tactics I can use to bring in new customers? I don’t always want to offer discounts. Are there other incentives I am overlooking?
What are some other effective [event/sale] tactics I can use to bring in new customers? I don’t always want to offer discounts. Are there other incentives I am overlooking?
您繼續與 Gemini 對話,並成功建立可嘗試實行的具體市場推廣策略清單。
您成立了一間公司,而網上業務正受注目。一直以來,您都希望能開一間實體店舖,現在正是好時機。您希望有一個能幫助您思考的好幫手,助您深入瞭解目前的市場趨勢。於是,您開啟 Gemini 應用程式並輸入:
I am an online business owner. I am considering opening a brick-and-mortar store. Conduct an analysis into the competitive landscape focusing on [focus area]. Provide the strengths and weaknesses of [key competitors] in this area, including their specific strategies, tactics, and results. Identify actionable insights and recommendations for how [my company] can improve its approach and gain a competitive advantage.
I am an online business owner. I am considering opening a brick-and-mortar store. Conduct an analysis into the competitive landscape focusing on [focus area]. Provide the strengths and weaknesses of [key competitors] in this area, including their specific strategies, tactics, and results. Identify actionable insights and recommendations for how [my company] can improve its approach and gain a competitive advantage.
您與 Gemini 應用程式討論後收集到實用的資訊。接下來,您希望特別圍繞兩個競爭對手再作深入瞭解。您輸入:
Generate a competitive analysis of [company] versus [competitor] within the current market landscape.
Generate a competitive analysis of [company] versus [competitor] within the current market landscape.
於是,您選取 [分享並匯出],然後 [匯出至「文件」]。
現在,您已準備好接觸潛在投資者,讓您的實體店舖成真。您需要取得協助,以草擬傳送給投資者的電郵,因此在載有競爭力分析研究的同一份 Google 文件中,您向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:
Draft a personalized email template to potential investors, highlighting [company’s] unique value proposition and recent progress on [initiatives]. Request a time to meet to discuss opportunities to collaborate in the next month.
Draft a personalized email template to potential investors, highlighting [company’s] unique value proposition and recent progress on [initiatives]. Request a time to meet to discuss opportunities to collaborate in the next month.
該電郵範本可作為不錯的起點。您修飾草稿並接著添加了一些個人特色,然後正式將電郵傳送給潛在投資者。與他們成功會面的一個月後,您希望草擬一則感謝訊息。您開啟載有會議轉錄文字與筆記的 Google 文件。然後,您向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示,請其協助草擬電郵。您輸入:
Draft an email thanking a potential investor for the call and ask for time to schedule a follow-up meeting to address [questions and concerns].
Draft an email thanking a potential investor for the call and ask for time to schedule a follow-up meeting to address [questions and concerns].
您有一本詳述公司所有政策和程序的冗長手冊。您希望讓新聘僱員可簡單理解請假政策。於是,您開啟載有手冊的 Google 文件,選取「幫我寫」,並向「文件版 Gemini」輸入提示:
Generate a step-by-step checklist summarizing the company’s time-off request policy. Ensure it is written in plain language and easy for employees to understand.
Generate a step-by-step checklist summarizing the company’s time-off request policy. Ensure it is written in plain language and easy for employees to understand.
由於很多員工都是輪班工作制,您需要一個快速追蹤每週員工安排的方式。於是,您在「試算表」的側面板開啟 Gemini。您輸入:
Create a table that tracks weekly staffing. Create columns for date, name, shift (AM or PM), and notes.
Create a table that tracks weekly staffing. Create columns for date, name, shift (AM or PM), and notes.