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Google Gemini 應用程式產品圖示








以下各提示和相關使用情境,將帶您瞭解如何透過 Gemini for Google Workspace 有效協作。「反覆修正提示範例」則說明如何持續撰寫提示,擴充最初生成的回覆內容。


您是客服代表,負責直接回覆客戶的問題和疑慮。客戶剛剛傳來電子郵件,表示收到損壞的商品,於是您開啟新的 Google 文件並點選「幫我寫」,對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

  • 圖例
  • 角色
  • 工作
  • 背景資訊
  • 格式
Help me craft an empathetic email response.
I am a customer service representative,
and I need to create a response to a customer complaint.
The customer ordered a pair of headphones that arrived damaged. They’ve already contacted us via email and provided pictures of the damage. I’ve offered a replacement, but they’re requesting an expedited shipping option that isn’t typically included with their order.
Include a paragraph that acknowledges their frustration and three bullet points with potential resolutions.
Help me craft an empathetic email response.
I am a customer service representative,
and I need to create a response to a customer complaint.
The customer ordered a pair of headphones that arrived damaged. They’ve already contacted us via email and provided pictures of the damage. I’ve offered a replacement, but they’re requesting an expedited shipping option that isn’t typically included with their order.
Include a paragraph that acknowledges their frustration and three bullet points with potential resolutions.
Gemini 版 Google 文件
Gemini 版 Google 文件為客服代表草擬電子郵件內文。

您很滿意 Gemini 版 Google 文件建立的電子郵件,因此選擇「插入」。不過,您也想構思各種解決問題的方法,而不必提供快速到貨服務,於是選取「幫我寫」啟動提示功能。輸入內容如下:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 背景資訊
Suggest 10 alternative options
in place of expedited shipping to resolve the customer’s frustration about receiving the damaged package.
Suggest 10 alternative options
in place of expedited shipping to resolve the customer’s frustration about receiving the damaged package.
Gemini 版 Google 文件
Gemini 版 Google 文件為客服代表草擬電子郵件內文。

這 10 個建議方法都很實用,於是您點選「插入」,將這些文字加至草稿。



客戶問了一個複雜的問題,牽涉許多層面。為了準確回覆,您需要搜尋及使用散布在多個文件中的資訊,於是利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版雲端硬碟下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Summarize information about [product name] including the product’s specific [return policy], [ingredients], and [certifications].
Summarize information about [product name] including the product’s specific [return policy], [ingredients], and [certifications].
Gemini 版雲端硬碟

Gemini 傳回一份摘要和多個相關檔案的連結,可直接從側邊面板點選開啟。閱讀資訊後,您回到電子郵件中生成給客戶的回覆。您開啟郵件,利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Gmail 下達提示,並輸入「@檔案名稱」標記相關檔案。輸入內容如下:

Generate a response to the customer question about our [return policy] and [product certifications] based on @[Customer FAQ Document]. Use a helpful and professional tone.
Generate a response to the customer question about our [return policy] and [product certifications] based on @[Customer FAQ Document]. Use a helpful and professional tone.
Gemini 版 Gmail

您是客戶服務團隊經理,需要建立可擴充的資源,制定團隊溝通標準。您開啟新的 Google 文件,利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示,展開腦力激盪。輸入內容如下:

Draft templates for three different types of customer communication. Create templates for apology emails, order confirmation messages, and thank you notes for loyal customers. Keep each template to one paragraph and use a friendly tone.
Draft templates for three different types of customer communication. Create templates for apology emails, order confirmation messages, and thank you notes for loyal customers. Keep each template to one paragraph and use a friendly tone.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您用建議的範本當做基礎,以自己的視角開始編輯,並加入符合公司品牌和政策的內容。現在您想概略說明團隊溝通的最佳做法,用於到職訓練,於是開啟新的文件,對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Craft a list of customer communication best practices that can be used to train new team members. Outline three sections, including how to handle happy customer inquiries, neutral customer inquiries, and dissatisfied customer inquiries.
Craft a list of customer communication best practices that can be used to train new team members. Outline three sections, including how to handle happy customer inquiries, neutral customer inquiries, and dissatisfied customer inquiries.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

另外,您也想製作標準化的溝通範本,方便團隊成員與客戶通話,於是對 Gemini 應用程式下達提示:

I am a [customer service manager]. I am trying to create standardized language that the team can use when interacting with customers on phone calls. Generate templates for common call openings, greetings, and closures for a customer service representative at a retail store. These templates should allow for personalization with customer details. The goal is to ensure consistency and professionalism while allowing for differentiation with specific customer information.
I am a [customer service manager]. I am trying to create standardized language that the team can use when interacting with customers on phone calls. Generate templates for common call openings, greetings, and closures for a customer service representative at a retail store. These templates should allow for personalization with customer details. The goal is to ensure consistency and professionalism while allowing for differentiation with specific customer information.
Gemini 應用程式

您發現客訴案件增加,必須展開跨部門協作,才能處理反覆發生的問題,於是對 Gemini 版 Gmail 下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Draft an email to my colleagues proposing a meeting to discuss customer experience improvement initiatives. Request that marketing, sales, and product stakeholders meet in the next week to get a clear sense of roles and responsibilities.
Draft an email to my colleagues proposing a meeting to discuss customer experience improvement initiatives. Request that marketing, sales, and product stakeholders meet in the next week to get a clear sense of roles and responsibilities.
Gemini 版 Gmail

您編輯電子郵件後,便寄給同事。現在您想建立試算表,用來追蹤這個跨部門計畫的進度,於是開啟 Google 試算表,使用側邊面板對 Gemini 版試算表下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Create a table to track the progress and impact of different customer experience improvement tactics using relevant metrics, including support ticket volume and priority level (high, medium, low).
Create a table to track the progress and impact of different customer experience improvement tactics using relevant metrics, including support ticket volume and priority level (high, medium, low).
Gemini 版 Google 試算表

您使用試算表追蹤客戶意見回饋,現在想分析該試算表,找出意見趨勢的可能原因。您與 Gemini 應用程式對話,上傳檔案並輸入以下內容:

I am a customer support specialist. Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our [customer feedback] by [category] over [time period]. Identify areas where [customer outreach] has increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
I am a customer support specialist. Using the attached spreadsheet, identify trends and patterns in our [customer feedback] by [category] over [time period]. Identify areas where [customer outreach] has increased significantly and investigate potential reasons.
Gemini 應用程式

客戶持續反映退貨政策的規範不明確,於是您開啟載明退貨、退款和商店消費金政策的文件,並選取「幫我寫」,對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Summarize this content to write a clear and concise product return policy and outline 5 steps for customers to take in sequential order.
Summarize this content to write a clear and concise product return policy and outline 5 steps for customers to take in sequential order.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

這些步驟相當簡單,您非常滿意,於是重複相同流程,簡化退款政策和商店消費金政策。現在您想用簡化的新版內容為客戶撰寫網誌文章,於是利用 Google 文件開啟新編寫的規範,並對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Take this content and turn it into a short blog with the title “Resolve Common Issues Without Agent Assistance.” Have separate sections for our return policy, our refund policy, and our store credit policy.
Take this content and turn it into a short blog with the title “Resolve Common Issues Without Agent Assistance.” Have separate sections for our return policy, our refund policy, and our store credit policy.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

現在您想建立電子郵件範本供團隊使用,方便處理這三方面的客戶問題。您開啟新的 Google 文件並選取「幫我寫」,對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Draft an email template to a customer that highlights self-service resources referencing [blog link] for [support issues]. Thank the customer for their business and assure them of our commitment to meeting their needs.
Draft an email template to a customer that highlights self-service resources referencing [blog link] for [support issues]. Thank the customer for their business and assure them of our commitment to meeting their needs.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您想寄信給某位不滿意的客戶,試圖解決問題。您開啟客訴電子郵件,並選取「幫我寫」,對 Gemini 版 Gmail 下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Request a follow-up conversation on [date] at [time] with this customer who provided negative feedback to understand their concern and offer resolutions. Include example solutions.
Request a follow-up conversation on [date] at [time] with this customer who provided negative feedback to understand their concern and offer resolutions. Include example solutions.
Gemini 版 Gmail

Gemini 草擬的回覆提供不錯的基礎,但您想潤飾用字遣詞,於是在 Gemini 版 Gmail 中依序選取「修飾郵件」和「詳盡版本」,反覆修正生成內容。接下來,您想建立簡短的問卷調查,方便在每次致電客戶瞭解狀況後發送。您開啟新的 Google 文件,對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Create five different questions to customers who have just spoken to an agent on the phone. Questions should gauge how effective the call was, if the customer’s concern was addressed, and if they would recommend our business to others.
Create five different questions to customers who have just spoken to an agent on the phone. Questions should gauge how effective the call was, if the customer’s concern was addressed, and if they would recommend our business to others.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

Gemini 閃亮圖示

Gemini at Work

參閱提示指南和客戶經驗談等精選資源,瞭解如何有效應用 Gemini for Google Workspace。
