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Gemini 閃亮圖示








以下各提示和相關使用情境,將帶您瞭解如何透過 Gemini for Google Workspace 有效協作。「反覆修正提示範例」則說明透過持續撰寫和調整提示,您可以擴充最初生成的回覆,或是完成常見工作、使生成內容更加完善。


您是高階主管,即將搭乘長途航班,但剛收到下一次董事會會議的邀請和議程。您有一些意見,想提議在議程中加入其他主題,於是開啟 Gmail,對 Gemini 版 Gmail 下達提示。輸入內容如下:

  • 圖例
  • 工作
  • 背景資訊
Draft an email
confirming that I will be at the board meeting.
Ask if we can adjust the agenda to give 15 minutes to [urgent topics].
Draft an email
confirming that I will be at the board meeting.
Ask if we can adjust the agenda to give 15 minutes to [urgent topics].
Gemini 版 Gmail
Gemini 版 Gmail 為高階主管草擬電子郵件。


高階主管提示 Gemini 版 Gmail 潤飾電子郵件,使用正式語氣。
Gemini 版 Gmail 潤飾電子郵件,使用正式語氣。




重要的電子郵件討論串中有多則回覆,您需要快速掌握重點,於是開啟該 Gmail 郵件,瀏覽從 Gemini 版 Gmail 側邊面板自動生成的摘要。為了撰寫回覆,您利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Gmail 下達提示,並輸入「@檔案名稱」標記相關檔案。輸入內容如下:

Generate a response to [person] about [topic]. Include details on [deliverable] and [timeline] using @[Project A Status Report].
Generate a response to [person] about [topic]. Include details on [deliverable] and [timeline] using @[Project A Status Report].
Gemini 版 Gmail

團隊將合力為您製作簡報,因此您想先訂定大綱,方便團隊開始工作。您想使用 Gemini 應用程式生成大綱,於是選取麥克風圖示,以語音下達提示,說出以下內容:

I’m the CEO giving a presentation to [audience] at [event], and I want to create a detailed outline for my team to get started. I want to include a few important topics, including [areas of focus] and how our company is innovating with [company initiatives]. I’m envisioning time for a customer Q&A to end the presentation. Include suggested questions we could ask of a customer from the [industry] industry about how they are using our [product] to achieve [business outcome].
I’m the CEO giving a presentation to [audience] at [event], and I want to create a detailed outline for my team to get started. I want to include a few important topics, including [areas of focus] and how our company is innovating with [company initiatives]. I’m envisioning time for a customer Q&A to end the presentation. Include suggested questions we could ask of a customer from the [industry] industry about how they are using our [product] to achieve [business outcome].
Gemini 應用程式

您即將與全公司召開季度員工大會,想撰寫鼓舞士氣的開場白,於是開啟新的文件,從側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Write two uplifting paragraphs for employees who have just finished a challenging quarter. Acknowledge [difficulties] and emphasize [positives] for the upcoming quarter. Use a tone that is motivating, optimistic, and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.
Write two uplifting paragraphs for employees who have just finished a challenging quarter. Acknowledge [difficulties] and emphasize [positives] for the upcoming quarter. Use a tone that is motivating, optimistic, and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您打算發想員工可能提出的棘手問題,並練習給予溫暖體貼的回答。您前往 Gemini 應用程式,輸入以下內容:

I’m the COO of a mid-sized company. I am hosting a quarterly town hall meeting with the entire company. I want to brainstorm and practice how I will respond to potentially tough questions. Help me write challenging questions that employees may ask at the upcoming town hall about [URL of company announcement]. Generate potential answers for each question that use a confident but firm tone. The responses should acknowledge the concern and let the employees know that we are striving to do our best for the entire company.
I’m the COO of a mid-sized company. I am hosting a quarterly town hall meeting with the entire company. I want to brainstorm and practice how I will respond to potentially tough questions. Help me write challenging questions that employees may ask at the upcoming town hall about [URL of company announcement]. Generate potential answers for each question that use a confident but firm tone. The responses should acknowledge the concern and let the employees know that we are striving to do our best for the entire company.
Gemini 應用程式

計畫有變,您無法親自參加會議,因此需要為團隊提供一些回答重點。您開啟 Gmail,以語音指令啟動 Gemini 版 Gmail 的提示功能,說出以下內容:

Draft an email to [project lead] letting them know I will not be in the meeting due to an urgent matter. Ask them to take detailed notes and to ensure the team arrives at a decision on [key topic] in addition to assigning ownership of the postmortem report to [colleague].
Draft an email to [project lead] letting them know I will not be in the meeting due to an urgent matter. Ask them to take detailed notes and to ensure the team arrives at a decision on [key topic] in addition to assigning ownership of the postmortem report to [colleague].
Gemini 版 Gmail

您即將開始制定年度計畫,想要先研究目標對象,於是與 Gemini 應用程式對話,輸入以下內容:

I’m a marketing leader conducting analysis in preparation for next year’s [launch]. Define my target audiences [audiences], for my new line of [product]. Include interests, relevant marketing channels, and top trends that drive their consideration and purchase behavior.
I’m a marketing leader conducting analysis in preparation for next year’s [launch]. Define my target audiences [audiences], for my new line of [product]. Include interests, relevant marketing channels, and top trends that drive their consideration and purchase behavior.
Gemini 應用程式

接著,您依序選取「共用與匯出」和「匯出到文件」,將研究結果匯出到 Google 文件。現在您想從自己的檔案擷取相關資料,便輸入「@檔案名稱」,並利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Brainstorm value props for my [target audiences] based on features from @[Product Requirements Document]. Include a section on campaign learnings from @[Campaign Performance].
Brainstorm value props for my [target audiences] based on features from @[Product Requirements Document]. Include a section on campaign learnings from @[Campaign Performance].
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您剛與社群媒體主管開完會,在文件中寫下筆記,例如目標對象有共鳴的內容、熱門主題、目標對象資料,以及能有效提高品牌吸引力的關鍵字。您打算運用這些洞察資訊,或許能構思出思維領導力文章,於是利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Generate a list of four relevant and engaging thought leadership blog post ideas for [company] based on trending topics, target audience analysis, and brand keywords.
Generate a list of four relevant and engaging thought leadership blog post ideas for [company] based on trending topics, target audience analysis, and brand keywords.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

在同一場會議中,團隊也討論到要推出新的品牌廣告活動。您知道客戶重視您可靠又獨特的服務,貴公司長久以來也為客戶締造佳績。開始構思新的廣告活動標語時,您想收集靈感,於是開啟新的 Google 文件,並選取「幫我寫」,輸入以下內容:

Generate three options for a new slogan emphasizing reliability, innovation, and a long history of popularity for [company].
Generate three options for a new slogan emphasizing reliability, innovation, and a long history of popularity for [company].
Gemini 版 Google 文件

有了這些標語,您順利開始發想廣告素材,而且最近有活動,很適合測試新的廣告活動內容。您打算模擬展場的視覺設計概念,供活動團隊參考,於是在 Google 簡報中開啟新的簡報,選取「使用 Gemini 製作圖片」。輸入內容如下:

Create an image of a trade show booth using orange and blue colors. The booth should be modern and showcase interactive computer stations.
Create an image of a trade show booth using orange and blue colors. The booth should be modern and showcase interactive computer stations.
Gemini 版 Google 簡報

您的團隊正在考慮擴展至新的業務範圍。為了執行研究,您使用 Gemini 應用程式,輸入以下內容:

I am a CMO conducting a competitive analysis. My company is considering expanding into [a new line of business]. Generate a list of the top five competitors in the [industry] industry and include their pricing, strengths, weaknesses, and target audience.
I am a CMO conducting a competitive analysis. My company is considering expanding into [a new line of business]. Generate a list of the top five competitors in the [industry] industry and include their pricing, strengths, weaknesses, and target audience.
Gemini 應用程式


Okay, I am going to try to convince my CEO that we should expand into [line of business]. Draft a concise, competitive strategy outline for the next five years for the [industry] industry across North America markets with potential goals, strategies, and tactics.
Okay, I am going to try to convince my CEO that we should expand into [line of business]. Draft a concise, competitive strategy outline for the next five years for the [industry] industry across North America markets with potential goals, strategies, and tactics.
Gemini 應用程式



市場瞬息萬變,您必須跟上新興科技趨勢,於是開啟 Gemini 應用程式,輸入以下內容:

I am the CTO of [company] in [industry]. I want to understand emerging technology trends. Summarize the top five emerging technologies with the most significant potential impact on [industry]. For each technology, list its potential benefits and challenges, and suggest how it could impact [company] in the next two to three years.
I am the CTO of [company] in [industry]. I want to understand emerging technology trends. Summarize the top five emerging technologies with the most significant potential impact on [industry]. For each technology, list its potential benefits and challenges, and suggest how it could impact [company] in the next two to three years.
Gemini 應用程式


Recommend three areas where [my company] can take proactive steps to stay ahead of the curve on [specific areas].
Recommend three areas where [my company] can take proactive steps to stay ahead of the curve on [specific areas].
Gemini 應用程式

您即將採用生成式 AI 解決方案,在貴公司推動數位轉型,因此需要向執行長和其他主管發表簡報。為了向這群非技術背景的聽眾說明技術主題,您想取得協助,於是與 Gemini 應用程式對話,輸入以下內容:

I am the CIO at [company], and I am trying to build the case to [adopt generative AI solutions]. I need to explain the technical concept of generative AI to a non-technical audience (the CEO and board). Help me write talking points that will help me convey what generative AI is, ways it could help us digitally transform, and why it’s important to our growth as a company. Include details about how it could potentially re-focus our technical talent on more strategic work, help enhance our workforce’s productivity, and help us better serve our global workforce and customers.
I am the CIO at [company], and I am trying to build the case to [adopt generative AI solutions]. I need to explain the technical concept of generative AI to a non-technical audience (the CEO and board). Help me write talking points that will help me convey what generative AI is, ways it could help us digitally transform, and why it’s important to our growth as a company. Include details about how it could potentially re-focus our technical talent on more strategic work, help enhance our workforce’s productivity, and help us better serve our global workforce and customers.
Gemini 應用程式

Gemini 建議了幾種討論主題的方式。您繼續腦力激盪,並依序選取「共用與匯出」和「匯出到文件」,匯出對話內容。您接下來要製作簡報,於是開啟新的 Google 簡報檔案,利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 簡報下達提示,並輸入「@檔案名稱」標記相關檔案。輸入內容如下:

I need to build a presentation to explain a technical topic to a non-technical audience. Generate an [introduction slide] that [describes what generative AI is] using @[Gen AI Explanation Notes].
I need to build a presentation to explain a technical topic to a non-technical audience. Generate an [introduction slide] that [describes what generative AI is] using @[Gen AI Explanation Notes].
Gemini 版 Google 簡報



為了找出合作廠商,您正在製作建議報告。您前往 Gemini 應用程式,輸入以下內容:

I am the CIO at [company]. We are currently evaluating vendor options to [replatform our intranet]. Right now, we use [vendor], but we are looking to switch because [we are unhappy with limited functionality and account support]. Suggest additional vendor options to consider and include descriptions of their product and services and key features.
I am the CIO at [company]. We are currently evaluating vendor options to [replatform our intranet]. Right now, we use [vendor], but we are looking to switch because [we are unhappy with limited functionality and account support]. Suggest additional vendor options to consider and include descriptions of their product and services and key features.
Gemini 應用程式

團隊剛提供冗長的技術報告,您需要為執行長整理摘要,於是以 Google 文件開啟完整報告,從側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Summarize the key findings and implications of this report for [audience]. Focus on the main [vulnerabilities] identified and the recommended actions to address them. Use a formal tone.
Summarize the key findings and implications of this report for [audience]. Focus on the main [vulnerabilities] identified and the recommended actions to address them. Use a formal tone.
Gemini 版 Google 文件


追蹤 IT 資產

貴公司需要能快速追蹤新進員工的軟體存取情形,於是您開啟新的 Google 試算表,使用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 試算表下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Create a tracker of software licenses for employees and include columns for license types, usage rights, and renewal dates.
Create a tracker of software licenses for employees and include columns for license types, usage rights, and renewal dates.
Gemini 版 Google 試算表

您想擬定新的計畫,讓機構全體職員都感覺受到接納、讚賞和認可。為了展開腦力激盪,您開啟新的 Google 文件,從側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Brainstorm 10 employee appreciation ideas based on diverse employee interests such as cooking, gardening, sports, reading, and traveling.
Brainstorm 10 employee appreciation ideas based on diverse employee interests such as cooking, gardening, sports, reading, and traveling.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

Gemini 版 Google 文件激發出您的創意,現在您對員工社團和活動更有想法。此外,您也想確保主管階層會定期鼓勵經理表揚團隊成員的表現,因此建立電子郵件範本做為參考。您選取「幫我寫」啟動 Gemini 版 Google 文件的提示功能,輸入以下內容:

Draft an email template that thanks [employee] for their hard work and [recent accomplishments]. Offer them an extra perk for their dedication, such as [a coffee gift card]. Use an upbeat and professional tone.
Draft an email template that thanks [employee] for their hard work and [recent accomplishments]. Offer them an extra perk for their dedication, such as [a coffee gift card]. Use an upbeat and professional tone.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您想草擬匿名問卷調查,讓大家開誠布公地評估自身感受。為了草擬問題,您開啟新的 Google 文件,利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Draft an anonymous employee satisfaction survey with questions and answer options that touch upon key areas like workload, work-life balance, compensation, and career growth opportunities. Ensure the questions are clear, concise, and avoid leading answers.
Draft an anonymous employee satisfaction survey with questions and answer options that touch upon key areas like workload, work-life balance, compensation, and career growth opportunities. Ensure the questions are clear, concise, and avoid leading answers.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

您收到 15 位資深主管的意見回饋,並將所有匿名結果統整到文件中。您想製作摘要,供下次開會時使用,於是利用側邊面板對 Gemini 版 Google 文件下達提示。輸入內容如下:

Summarize the results of the employee feedback to identify key themes.
Summarize the results of the employee feedback to identify key themes.
Gemini 版 Google 文件

Gemini 閃亮圖示

Gemini at Work

參閱提示指南和客戶經驗談等精選資源,瞭解如何有效應用 Gemini for Google Workspace。
