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Produktikon for Google Gemini-appen

Guide til prompter

En hurtig guide til at skrive effektive prompter


Som marketingmedarbejder er du den kreative styrke bag fængende kampagner, brandoplevelser, generering af kundeemner og meget andet. Du forstår styrken ved datadrevet indsigt, fængende budskaber og at skabe en dybere forbindelse til din målgruppe.

Dette afsnit viser, hvordan du nemt kan integrere prompter i dine daglige opgaver. Du kan se eksempler på brug for marketingchefer ved at gå til afsnittet Ledere i guiden.

Kom godt i gang

Start med at gennemgå de grundlæggende tips til at skrive prompter i afsnittet "Sådan skriver du effektive prompter".

Hver prompt nedenfor præsenteres med et ledsagende scenarie, som har til formål at inspirere dig til, hvordan du kan samarbejde med Gemini for Google Workspace. Eksemplet på promptiteration viser, hvordan du kan skrive opfølgende prompter for at bygge oven på det oprindeligt genererede svar.

Eksempel på promptiteration
Eksempel på brug:

Du er indehaver af en konsulentvirksomhed og bliver ofte hyret til at fungere som brandmanager for dine kunder. Du hjælper virksomheder i en række forskellige brancher. Din er ved at gøre sig klar til lanceringen af en kaffebar og netcafé, og du skal kickstarte den kreative proces ved at udvikle en visuel identitet. Du vil idégenerere og få dine tanker tidligt ud til resten af teamet. Du beslutter dig for at chatte med Gemini-appen. Du skriver:

  • Legend
  • Opgave
  • Kontekst
  • Format
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
Generate ideas for a creative and eye-catching logo
for my new business, a coffee shop combined with a video game cafe. Generate a logo considering the following:
Dual Concept: The logo needs to clearly signal both the coffee and gaming aspects of the business without being too cluttered.
Target Audience: Appeal to a wide range of gamers (casual and enthusiast), as well as coffee lovers seeking a unique hangout spot.
Style Options: I’m open to these approaches — let’s get a few examples in each of these three styles to compare: Modern and Playful: Bold colors, fun graphics, maybe a pixel art aesthetic. Retro-Cool: Think classic arcade style — chunky lettering, neon color inspiration. Sleek and Minimalist: Clean lines, geometric shapes, a more subtle nod to both themes.
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Marketingkonsulenten bruger Gemini for at generere muligheder for et iøjnefaldende logo. Gemini returnerer tre logomuligheder.

Du kan godt lide mulighederne i retrostil. Du fortsætter din samtale og skriver:

  • Legend
  • Opgave
  • Kontekst
  • Format
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
I like the retro-cool options.
Can you provide three more
in that same style?
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Marketingkonsulenten bruger Gemini for at få tre yderligere logomuligheder i retrostil. Gemini returnerer tre valgmuligheder.

Nu har du en fornemmelse af, hvordan logoet kan se ud, så du vil brainstorme navne. Du skriver:

  • Legend
  • Opgave
  • Kontekst
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
Write a tagline and 10 potential names
for the business to go with these logos.
Kopieret til udklipsholder
Marketingkonsulenten bruger Gemini for at få et slogan og navneforslag til virksomheden. Gemini laver et udkast til et slogan og navneforslag til virksomheden.
Eksempler på brug

Brand Manager
Eksempel på brug:

Du arbejder på at opdatere din virksomheds brandarkitektur og rammedokument for reklamebudskab. Kom godt i gang ved at gå til Gemini-appen og skrive:

I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
I am a brand manager at [company]. Help me define a clear and effective brand architecture for [company], considering its diverse products and service portfolio. For additional context, here is our current brand portfolio: [List all existing brands, products, and services]. Here is our company mission and vision: [Provide a brief overview of the company's mission and vision]. And these are our target audience(s): [describe target audience(s)]. Our desired brand positioning is [explain how the company wants to be perceived in the market].
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Eksempel på brug:

Du arbejder på en ny brandkampagne. Du vil identificere influencere eller komplementære brands, som du kan danne partnerskab med som et led i den sociale forstærkningsplan. Du går til Gemini-appen og skriver:

I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
I am a [brand manager] at [company] working to launch a new campaign focused on [topic]. Identify potential types of influencers and complementary brands that [company] could partner with to amplify the [campaign] on social media channels. The goal is to reach a wide audience of [audiences], while building credibility and driving engagement.
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Eksempel på brug:

Landskabet i din branche er i hastig forandring, og du skal lave en markedsundersøgelse, så du bedre kan identificere og forstå nye tendenser. Du går til Gemini-appen og skriver:

I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
I need to do market research on [industry] industry to identify new trends. Use [URLs] to uncover emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences.
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Når du har lavet din undersøgelse, har du og teamet et nyt budskab, som I vil A/B-teste. Du vil generere flere varianter af annoncetekst ved hjælp af Gemini-appen. Du skriver:

I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
I need to A/B test new messaging. Here is our messaging: [messaging]. Generate three different variations of ad copy.
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Eksempel på brug:

Der er spændende organisatoriske ændringer på vej for en kunde. Du skal lave indhold, som former virksomhedens brandnarrativ på vej ind i denne nye æra. Du åbner et Google-dokument for at komme godt i gang med et blogudkast. Du bruger Gemini i Docs ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
Create a blog draft announcing that [name] is joining [company] as [position]. [Share two or three details from their bio, such as their previous position and company, their involvement in professional organizations, etc.].
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Gemini i Docs

Du vil også have en løsning til effektiv sporing af, hvordan og hvor dette indhold forstærkes, så du åbner et Google-regneark. Du bruger Gemini i Sheets-sidepanelet. Du skriver:

Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
Create a project tracker for content amplification and include columns for channel, owner, URL, and priority level (low, medium, high).
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Gemini i Sheets
Eksempel på brug:

Du hoster et møde, hvor I skal diskutere et kommende projekt med flere teams og et agentur, som skal udføre projektets designarbejde. Du bruger Gemini i Google Meet og vælger Tag noter med Gemini, så alle deltagere kan give samtalen deres udelt opmærksomhed. Efter møder laver Gemini en opsummering af diskussionen og oplister handlingspunkter for at holde teamet på sporet. (Gemini i Meet)

Fra det genererede dokument med opkaldsnoter vil du oprette et regneark, som kan hjælpe med at holde teamet på sporet. Du åbner et nyt Google-regneark, bruger Gemini i Sheets-sidepanelet og tagger de relevante filer ved at skrive @filnavn. Du skriver:

Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
Generate a project tracker using the action items from @[Meeting Notes from Gemini].
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Gemini i Sheets
Eksempel på brug:

Du vil analysere forskellige datakilder og sammenholde resultater for at reducere time-to-market for dit produkt. Du åbner Gemini Advanced og skriver:

I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
I am a [marketing specialist] at [company]. We are working on our [go to market] plans for [type of product]. Help me research social media trends around [topics]. Be specific about trending keywords, top influencer voices, and common themes in popular content.
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Du verificerer Geminis svar ved at vælge svarmuligheden Dobbelttjek under Geminis svar.

Nu vil du gennemgå en rapport, du har fået udfærdiget, som har undersøgt kunder fra forskellige brancher. Du fortsætter samtalen med Gemini. Du uploader den relevante fil og type:

Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
Analyze the findings in this [report]. I am especially interested in any common themes about [topic] that stand out to you that will help me better position [marketing materials] for [product] for [target audience].
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Eksempel på brug:

Du skal opdatere din målgruppeundersøgelse og udvikling af personaer i takt med at teamet opdaterer tekst på websider, præsentationer af salgsoplæg og andre marketingaktiver. Du brainstormer og undersøger ved hjælp af Gemini Advanced. Du skriver:

I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
I am a marketing specialist focused on [area] at [company]. I need to conduct in-depth audience research so that I can develop convincing marketing artifacts for [personas]. To start, help me generate a comprehensive profile of [target audience]. Include core demographics and psychographics, online platforms they frequent, key pain points [product] could solve, and language and messaging that resonates with them.
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Leder af digital marketing
Eksempel på brug:

Du vil oprette en robust liste over søgeord og longtail-søgeord samt sætninger for at afdække nye muligheder for SEM-målretning. Du går til Gemini-appen og skriver:

I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
I am a digital marketing manager at [company]. I am working on SEM ads for [product]. Here are my seed keywords: [list keywords]. Help me generate a list of additional keywords and long-tail keywords and phrases that can help me maximize ad performance.
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Når du er færdig med at brainstorme din liste med søgeord, vil du generere nogle forskellige udgaver af annoncetekst. Du skriver:

For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
For my SEM campaign, use these keywords as inspiration to generate multiple ad copy variations with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action for [product]. Use a [tone] tone in the copy.
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Du skal finpudse teksten yderligere i forhold til forskellige målgrupper, så du skriver:

Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
Do the same thing, except write new options for [audience], adjust the tone to be [tone] and focus the copy on highlighting [feature] of [product].
Kopieret til udklipsholder
Eksempel på brug:

Mail er en af din virksomheds vigtigste kanaler til direkte kommunikation med kundeemner og kunder. Du skal bruge hjælp til at komme i gang med tekst til en ny mailkampagne. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument og bruger Gemini i Docs ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
Write three different email subject lines that reference [audience segments] and our [product]. Make them catchy but professional.
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Gemini i Docs

Nu vil du dele de foreslåede mailemnelinjer med tekstforfatningsteamet. Du åbner Gmail og vælger Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
Write an email proposing [suggested email subject lines] to the copywriting team. Keep the email short and simple and request feedback by the end of week. Thank them for their help.
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Gemini i Gmail
Eksempel på brug:

Teamet har oprettet en ny e-bog med den bedste praksis for ledere ved hjælp af vores nye løsning. Du opretter en landingsside til det låste aktiv, og du har brug for engagerende tekst. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument og vælger Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
Create compelling copy for a landing page promoting a new [ebook/webinar/free trial and details] designed for an executive target audience. Highlight key benefits and encourage conversions with persuasive calls to action.
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Gemini i Docs

Websiden åbner, og du kører nu en indgående marketingkampagne. Du skal pleje de kundeemner, der har downloadet din nyeste e-bog. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument og bruger Gemini i Docs ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
Generate copy for a sequence of five automated emails to nurture leads after they download the ebook on [topic]. Personalize emails and encourage further engagement [with other valuable resources or offers].
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Gemini i Docs
Leder af content marketing
Eksempel på brug:

Du vil oprette tekst til en mail med plejevejledning i fem trin for dit nye produkt. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument i Docs, bruger Gemini i Docs-sidepanelet og tagger relevante filer ved at skrive @filnavn. Du skriver:

Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
Create a 5-step nurture email cadence to [prospective customers] who have signed up for [our newsletter], with the goal of getting them to [purchase] [product] using @[Product Specific Notes] and @[Product FAQ].
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Gemini i Docs
Eksempel på brug:

Du vil oprette visualiseringer, så dit reklamebureau bedre kan forstå teamets retning i en kommende kampagne. Du åbner en ny Google Slides-præsentation og bruger Gemini i Slides. Du skriver:

Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
Help me create inspirational images for a marketing campaign for [type of product]. Images should use [colors] and [natural elements, such as clouds]. Use a [photorealistic] style.
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Gemini i Slides
Eksempel på brug:

Du arbejder for et rejsebureau som chef for content marketing på virksomhedens blogkanal. Du skal kickstarte brainstormingen til et nyt blogopslag. Du beslutter dig for at samle idéer ved at samarbejde med Gemini-appen. Du skriver:

Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
Suggest blog post topics that would be interesting for people passionate about travel and the tourism industry. Here’s what I want you to focus on: Make the topics unique. There are lots of tourism blogs out there — let’s come up with fresh angles that would stand out. Keep the topics relevant. Tap into current trends or recent challenges/innovations within the tourism industry when brainstorming. I’d like each topic to include:
Target audience: Who would this topic specifically appeal to?
Content outline: A few bullet points with the main ideas the blog post would discuss.
Call to action: Suggest one way to engage the reader at the end of the post.
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Du elsker de oprindelige idéer, du fik. Du er også nødt til at fokusere på at generere kreative billeder, som skal stå sammen med teksten på bloggen. Du skriver:

Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
Create an image of a plane flying above the clouds over mountains and rivers during sunrise that I can use in the marketing campaign to promote my travel company.
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Eksempel på brug:

Du er fokuseret på at lave indhold, som er optimeret til kanaler på sociale medier. Du skal samle idéer til indhold, der er målrettet mod bestemte målgrupper. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument og bruger Gemini i Docs ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
Write three engaging social media posts about [product/service/topic] that would appeal to [target audience]. Keep each social media post to two sentences and include a call to action to visit [our website].
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Gemini i Docs

Du skal også lave et udkast til opslag på sociale medier, som skal bruges til at få nyuddannede til at tilmelde sig en kommende begivenhed. Du åbner et nyt Google-dokument og bruger Gemini i Docs ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
Create a social media post promoting our upcoming [event name]. Include attention-grabbing language and relevant hashtags for [audience].
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Gemini i Docs
Eksempel på brug:

Din virksomhed lancerer en ny app. Du skal bruge en robust marketingplan, men har brug for idéer til at komme i gang. Du chatter med Gemini-appen. Du skriver:

I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
I’m developing a marketing plan for a new app that provides [functionality]. My target audience is [audience]. Help me create a plan with a focus on [marketing channels]. Here’s what I’d like you to cover: competitor analysis, ideal marketing channel mix with rationale, budget recommendations, key messaging ideas, and proposed campaign timeline with KPIs.
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Svarene fra din chat er nyttige til udformningen af din marketingplan. Du skal informere din marketingchef om de mange detaljer. Du åbner Gmail og bruger Gemini i Gmail ved at vælge Hjælp mig med at skrive. Du skriver:

Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
Draft an email to the CMO telling them that I will provide a one-pager with a strategic marketing plan for the new app launch project by [date] and it will include an executive summary, overview of the competitive landscape, top marketing channels, and the target demographic for all South American markets.
Kopieret til udklipsholder
Gemini i Gmail


Gemini at Work

Find et organiseret udvalg af ressourcer — gode råd til prompter, kundehistorier og meget mere — for at blive klogere på, hvordan du kan få mest muligt ud af Gemini for Google Workspace.

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