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A row of icons displaying Google Workspace products.

Set up Google Workspace

Here's how to get professional email, online storage, collaborative documents and video meetings for your team or business.

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Graphic illustration of Gmail, Google Meet and Chat apps in one screen.
Step 1

Start your free trial

Sign up in less than three minutes – there's no credit card commitment or software to download. If you want help setting up your account, we have a dedicated team from Google ready to help.

Learn more
Step 2

Set up your apps

Our quick start guides make it easy to set up your business with Gmail, Drive, Calendar and Meet. See how to import your mail and contacts, create free addresses like, set up online storage and much more.

See the quick start guides
Step 3

Transition your team

Moving from Microsoft Exchange or IBM Notes? We have technical and change management guides to help plan your migration and transition your team smoothly. You'll also find communication templates, Google logos and pointers to user training.

Visit our deployment centre
A consultant speaking to a Google Workspace customer about services provided.

Work with a partner

Find an experienced IT consultant to help you evaluate, purchase, configure and get the most out of Google Workspace for your business.

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A row of icons displaying Google Workspace products.

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